Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
I like ESEs from a distance. I don't think I want to marry one. I'd like a partner who can interest me, and ESEs just don't usually do that for me.

Re. semi-duality, I could see myself with an EIE. I've never been in a relationship with one before, but I've known and been friends with a few, and my experience is that I tend to either really like them or really dislike them, and the ones I like I don't have any real problems with -- I don't relate to the "getting burned" description. Maybe it would be different in a relationship.

Or maybe I've got my type wrong. The most common other typing for me is EII, but if either description in the OP is right, that's one type I could rule out: I'm not at all attracted to LIEs; they don't interest me at all, and as for LSEs, I tend to get along with them well: I often like them, and they often seem to like me, but I don't think there's any sort of love-hate dynamic.
You seem to value Fi. Your descriptions of ESE makes sense for Mirage in my opinion, but I'm not 100% sure because I don't know you well enough.