Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
Cuz mechanically speaking they are strong where ur weak but also don't "naturally" cover up ur weak points so its awkward/weird to be close to them.

If you both are aware of socionics and use it as a tool to improve human relationships rather than the more narcissistic 'this is just who I am. If nobody likes it, sucks to be them' identity thing.. You can then sort of bypass this more natural state and still try to get along although I think it would be fair to say you are both faking it in an effort to keep the peace.

There is 16 base types but every person is unique and u just like them regardless of socionics. Also sub-types. I get along much better with the Si subtype LSE then the Te one lol.
Antagonistic duals can be bad yeah and exactly for the reason you said. They have all your weaknesses as their greatest strengths. They can help you very easily or they can make life hard for you lol.

There was a story arc on an old show called Dexter where he faced off against a serial killer who was his dual. It was probably the most dangerous position he was ever in, and he lost the most as a result of trying to get rid of him. It was what caused his first girlfriend to get killed. Who coincidentally enough was also his dual.

Another example: LII Maxwell Sheffield to ESE Fran Fine: "I can beat anything, anything, but you're like kryptonite." She can't really beat him either though because she's gotten used to the lifestyle he's given her and doesn't want to lose that.