Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
Even though many can be door-mats, more than a few ESIs are selfish in that they want things on their schedule and on their terms. Some use marriage as a mechanism to further their own objectives but then live separate and apart (mentally) from their spouses. Many self-sufficient ESIs prefer to have partners who are on-call rather than live-in.

a.k.a. I/O
My friend believes my mom is ESI, and it definitely is "her way or the highway." She is extremely stubborn. My dad also always wants to help her with different things, and she won't have it. She does real-estate, and she is super busy. He constantly offers to help, but she refuses to let him, and seems annoyed even by the gesture. Then again, my dad is extremely chatty and she may not want him to say the wrong thing or screw something up. I'm not sure what my dads type is, but he's a great salesman and is very personable.