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Thread: ESIs who think marriage is gay, stupid, and should be abolished

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  1. #20
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I thought it was a bit silly personally how gay activists pushed the gay marriage issue because I never cared for it. It seemed like most gay activism was about the right to be a boring and conservative str8 person (the right to join the military openly, the right to be married, the right to be an asshole masculine conservative douche but still like dick etc) rather than true queer liberation. But I guess somebody tried to explain to me that it was about the principal of the matter and that all other issues somehow magically stemmed from the gay marriage thing. I still never really got it but whatever. It's legal now right so who cares.

    Gay or straight tho I just watched something on the boring Te-valuing Delta news about how most marriages are down by like 38% or something? (I forgot the exact number okay but it was pretty big) That didn't really surprise me or anything, I mean- getting married DOES leave you open to being backstabbed financially by a bitter spouse if it doesn't work out. Why risk that? 'lol you pissed me off in the Fi way now out of revenge I'm going to get my lawyer and take half of what you own!' Whereas... if they never got married in the first place the single person could still keep all their stuff right. (as long as they weren't stupid or naive enough to get other joint account crap)

    There are also benefits sure but I think the downsides have outweighed the good. Why would anybody want to put up with the heartless business Te crap of marriage if it wasn't part of their normal job lol. Even when Te is not ur polr it seems wise to just avoid it. Most of today's society pays more attention to the negative than positive anyway. I think something has to be REALLY good to even be 'good' or that some ppl want to get involved in because, it's too easy nowadays to just look at the dark of everything.

    (btw I didn't mean to imply a Fi valuer would file for divorce more than a Fe valuer would sorry, I just think it's kind of a Fi-ish thing to me)
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 07-01-2020 at 05:08 AM.

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