Bolded means I relate:

Category One: Sensitivity About Oneself

1. Often has difficulty letting go of negative thoughts and emotions

2. Frequently feels physical symptoms (i.e. stress or headache) when something unpleasant happens during the day

3. Often has bad days that affect eating and/or sleeping habits in an unhealthy way, such as eating or sleeping too much or too little

4. Often experiences tension or anxiety

5. Tends to “beat oneself up” when falling short of own expectations

6. Is afraid of rejection, even in relatively minor situations

7. Compares self with others often (in physical, relational, social, work, financial, or other scenarios), and experiences unhappy feelings from negative social comparison

8. Often feels anger or resentment about situations in life or in society which seem unjust, aggravating, or simply annoying

Category Two: Sensitivity About Others

9. Often thinks/worries about what others are thinking

10. Tends to take things personally

11. Finds it difficult, when triggered by relatively small unpleasantness with people, to just “let it go”

12. Feels hurt easily

13. Often hides negative feelings, believing they are too strong, turbulent, embarrassing or vulnerable to share; keeps a lot of negative emotions inside

14. Alternatively, often discusses negative emotions with others because there’s a lot of “drama” in one’s life

15. Has a hard time accepting critical feedback, even when it's given reasonably and constructively

16. Often feels like people are judgmental, even when there’s no strong evidence

17. Often overreacts to real or perceived slights and provocations

18. Often feels awkward in group situations and feels unable to be oneself

19. Feels self-conscious in romantically intimate situations; excessively worries about partner’s approval; is unreasonably afraid of being judged or rejected by partner

Category Three: Sensitivity About One’s Environment

20. Feels uncomfortable in large public crowds, in a room full of people talking, or when too many things are occurring simultaneously

21. Feels uncomfortable when exposed to bright lights, loud sounds, or certain strong scents

22. Startles easily at sudden noises, fast traffic, or other unpleasant surprises

23. Often feels upset when watching or reading negative news in the media. Dislikes “shock” entertainment (i.e. intensely scary or violent shows)

24. Often feels unhappy when following people’s posts on social media