Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
MY OCD... omg plz plz just make one big post...why do you have to multipost!? q_q.. thats so ugly you know.. not using the forum as it was intended to be used
That's the effective portion of your request, right there, Shot. It would work as you intended. You then choose to devolve your method into shaming:
Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
.. dafuq is your malfunction?
you get to that last phrase, and you accuse me of being fundamentally flawed because . . . wait for it....I post differently than you do on an internet forum. lol. You totally had me, honestly. I woulda seen it as something worth complying with. I'm not sure what sense of casting off the rude, weird, cruel powerhungry assaults of others you go on to stimulate in me with your crap choice at the end, but you hit one. Now the (Scottish accent) "ye can encourage me t'ard prettier posting, but ye shall not take m' FREEEEEDOMMM" protocol is activated.

Your sloppy method is as irritating to my ocd as mine was to yours.

Seriously. Just ask ppl. It works more often than not.

Shaming us is really counterproductive.