Quote Originally Posted by Pyre View Post
I'm just asking what you meant by it or to clarify is all. Why is it so foreign to you if a person can't explain "why they do something"? That could be any number of things.
I suppose I just expect that everyone has an inner monologue that gives them a reason for their behavior.

For example, this person at work seemed bothered by me the last time I tried to start a friendly convo with them, so I think I'll ignore them.

Or it's annoying that my mom constantly calls my phone so much. I think she needs to pick up new hobbies to do with her time, so I'll block her number so she can't keep bothering me.

Or I'm really trying to eat more protein to bulk up with my workout routine, so I think I'll buy these protein bites to snack on.

Or I threw my phone in frustrating because I needed to take out some anger to get it out of my system. I shouldn't of thrown my phone, but I did so because I needed to release my tension in some way.

Or I'm really bad at time management. If I allow myself 30 minutes to get ready for the day, I'll take 30 minutes. If I give myself 3 hours, I'll take 3 hours. I do so because I need an immediate deadline to get motivated. If not, I'll loose myself scrolling through social media or even just getting hung up on little details & not being able to switch from one task to another easily, therefore I'll set 15 minute time reminders for myself.

These might be silly examples, but I hope you get my point. For example, someone wouldn't hate the taste of coffee but randomly decide to order an iced latte. It wouldn't make logical sense.

I guess I expect most people to be able to logically explain their thought processes for doing anything they do throughout the day, if someone would ask them about it.