Quote Originally Posted by Pyre View Post
Yeah true. Don't you know race issues are all about who gets killed more, and not the attitudes people have towards another. It's competitive and like a petty game in that way. "More of my people were killed this year, so my people have it worse than yours. Check your privilege, SCUM!"
I never said my race has it worse. Was just stating STATISTIC FACTS. If that bothers you than that's your issue. I don't give a fuck about "privilege". People just like to patriot the media & sound "cool" by saying that bs every sentence. I don't really care about my race or the race of other people enough to sit & deeply contemplate my "feelings" on it. If you want more money? Get a job & make more. You want better education? Take out loans & study & do well in the classes. Care about reform in any type of way? Get involved in local politics & make it happen.

Call me all the names in the book. Don't matter to me hunny bunny. Lol