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Thread: Systemic racism does not exist, BLM is stupid

  1. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    are you asking me? Is it a joke with the punchline "he's speaking?"

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    The original post looks like an emoji felating a huge wiener emote.

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    in US if systemic racism didn't exist the average black household would be on par income-wise with the average white household. the proof sits around us, and people can be like "but you insist upon equality of outcome!" but, really, are we honestly that different? the average white person job that pays well doesn't require you be anything but someone who fits in. who doesn't fit in? i know this because i'm an outcast. so i don't have the profound revelation that white ppl who fit in have, because i never fit in, and i know it's a stupid popularity game based on a set of norms. it always has been. we're primates for god's sake. watch how our closest relatives behave in nature and then look at ourselves. it's obvious.

    granted i didn't start obsessing over every animal nature everything due to thinking about society. it was a question of how are we different, and now i feel like i see. i can see animal nature and because of that i can see human nature. we are animals despite our self-aggrandizing lies to the contrary.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    in US if systemic racism didn't exist the average black household would be on par income-wise with the average white household. the proof sits around us, and people can be like "but you insist upon equality of outcome!" but, really, are we honestly that different? the average white person job that pays well doesn't require you be anything but someone who fits in. who doesn't fit in? i know this because i'm an outcast. so i don't have the profound revelation that white ppl who fit in have, because i never fit in, and i know it's a stupid popularity game based on a set of norms. it always has been. we're primates for god's sake. watch how our closest relatives behave in nature and then look at ourselves. it's obvious.

    granted i didn't start obsessing over every animal nature everything due to thinking about society. it was a question of how are we different, and now i feel like i see. i can see animal nature and because of that i can see human nature. we are animals despite our self-aggrandizing lies to the contrary.
    That conclusion doesn't follow from your logic. It really could just be the case that black people are all dumb or lazy, or the Universe could just be random and white people as a group could be doing better than black people due to randomness. Honestly, I kind of think black people actually are lazy more than white people are, though obviously not all of them. I mean, black people keep asking for rights, but natural rights aren't owned by white people. It's the same with women's righ: natural rights aren't owned by men, so you don't have to ask men for them, just act like you have rights because you do and beat up (metaphorically or literally) anyone who tries to take them from you. As long as you think your rights are owned by some unknown daddy figure you have to ask for rights instead of part of your own nature, you're going to see some mystical indomitable White Male Cis Hetero Patriarch in the Sky oppressing you.

    That being said, I don't even think black people are behind white people. Have some black individuals attained the highest heights people can attain? Yes, they have. Who cares about the masses, white, black, or any other kind of group? Masses suck. Don't show me what kind of "progress" the masses have made, show me what the great have done. In every age the masses suffer, and the masses deserve to suffer, because that's what masses are.

    It doesn't matter that racism exists. Racism doesn't hold back people like Obama and Oprah, and average white people's lives aren't any better just because they don't experience systemic racism.

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    I mean, black people keep asking for rights, but natural rights aren't owned by white people.
    if society is dominant white, how are they not? like it's true police treat black ppl in dehumanizing ways. i once devoted an entire week to watching video after video example and i was rather astounded. the police treat you worse if you are poor (i already knew enough to try to disguise my class origins), but they treat you like you're not even a person if you are black. it's not like all of them do, it's that it happens far more often though. and i do know the police eventually dehumanize poor messed up white ppl too, but it takes more for them to do that. all of it reflects the power imbalances in society.

    I gave up on continuing bc i feel this may have made my pts.
    Last edited by marooned; 07-28-2020 at 01:31 PM.

  6. #206
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    There have been studies which showed that when some employers are presented with two IDENTICAL resumes, one which has a "white" name attached to it and the other which has a "black" name attached to it, most employers will choose the resume with the "white" name.

    Having said that, there is also a small bias TOWARDS minorities when the person doing the evaluating is a liberal. Not many business owners are liberals, though.

    So, is racism so deeply engrained that most people can't even see it? Of course.

    The races will have equal opportunities when as many white people want to be black as black people want to be white.

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    Yeah. When some black ppl say they've had an impossible time of things I believe them. I'd be one of those liberals probably, but I know society isn't fair. I try to be fair, but I'm a flawed human being. I hope if we all try our best it will get better...

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    I will never believe someone saying society isn't classist, and from there, from my experiences, it wasn't difficult to see it is racist as well. If you know what oppression feels like in one realm it helps you see it in others.
    "Classism" is the same thing as social class existing. If everyone from different income brackets were treated the same, there wouldn't be social classes, just people with different amounts of money. If you don't like social class, the only other option is communism. That's not a valid parallel to racism. Racism is an ideology about the different characteristics of people from different races. Racism is kind of true because people make it true. White people are superior in a real sense because they objectively have most of the higher-ranking positions in society, and different groups like black, white, and Asian exist because people act like they exist. There are barely any genetic differences between races, what differences there are are literally skin deep, and we could obliterate races immediately if we as humanity wanted to, but as humanity, we don't want to, which seems kind of sad. Alas, you have to count on most people to suck in life.

    if society is dominant white, how are they not? like it's true police treat black ppl in dehumanizing ways.

    Maybe black people could become police, and if too many black people have marijuana charges or something else dumb, they could change the law, or revolt? The whole philosophy of reason is old-fashioned but that's a big part of it. Natural rights are part of Nature. They're not something anyone can give or take away from you. If someone wants to obstruct your natural rights, you fight to keep them. It's like being alive. Being alive is part of who you are, and if someone tries to take that away, you fight for it. That's why the first natural right is always listed as "life" whether the other natural rights are listed as property, happiness, or something else. If black people are tired of encountering so many white racist police, they need to do something about it. I know Black Lives Matter wants to defund the police but I think that's a terrible idea. Unlike natural rights, police being a bunch of racist white people is not part of nature. There are societies that aren't white and they have police too, and I also believe it's possible for police not to be racist since there was a time in history when racism didn't exist and the idea of races literally meant elves and dwarves rather than humans with more or less melanin. Races is a very modern and very metaphysical idea, and it's not "subconscious bias" leading to racism but the fact that you literally have to fill out your race on forms etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    There have been studies which showed that when some employers are presented with two IDENTICAL resumes, one which has a "white" name attached to it and the other which has a "black" name attached to it, most employers will choose the resume with the "white" name.

    Having said that, there is also a small bias TOWARDS minorities when the person doing the evaluating is a liberal. Not many business owners are liberals, though.

    So, is racism so deeply engrained that most people can't even see it? Of course.

    The races will have equal opportunities when as many white people want to be black as black people want to be white.
    Yes, that number should be zero. "Black" and "white" are modern inventions. Icelandic sagas refer to Icelanders being black and white and though Vikings definitely knew people who weren't "white" by modern standards, everyone on the specific island of Iceland had light skin and was "white." A lot of the ideas of "black" people as well as all "primitive" people are based on Celts too (like druids and shamans and witch doctors,) and frankly most Celts actually have lighter skin than most Germanic people. The original reaction of British people to meeting American Indians was "oh, these Indians are like Celts living in the forest, hunting with bows, doing magic, and painting themselves." They also recognized American Indian nobles as nobility and viewed them as higher than commoners who would be considered "white" now. Honestly I tend to think a lot of racism in America is a reaction to not having nobility: you can't discriminate against peasants in America, so you have to discriminate against blacks and Indians. That doesn't mean handing out titles is the solution though, mostly because I only think racism is a problem among people who suck anyways. Poor lazy "whites" gamble their money away, "Indians" get addicted to alcohol, and "blacks" get killed by the police. Equal rights for the best people and equal wrongs for the worst.

    That number should be zero. Races aren't real. People who live in different climates adapt to different climates so if you live in the desert maybe you could want to have darker skin so you don't get a sunburn, and if you live in the Arctic you could want to have lighter skin so you produce more vitamin D. The fact that basically everyone is realist towards races, or a "race realist" (euphemism for racist) even if they think they should be "equal" is the hidden source of racism, not some sort of "subconscious bias." Think about the word "racist." It comes from the word race, and the suffix -ism. Racism is simply an -ism of races. Also, the origin of racism is in religion, because races are a metaphysical idea. The original racists were all trying to figure out who was descended from Cain and crap like that and basically thought all non-whites were dark because their souls were dark and they were damned. Now we know it's bloody melanin. If you get a tan, you're not damned, and being "black" is just an extreme version of a tan.

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    The whole idea of asking for rights is quite horrible. They're not rights if you have to ask for them. For example, let's say you're a teenager who wants to drive your parents' car. You have to ask for it. It's not your car if you have to ask. Likewise, if "black" people have to ask for rights (which is a contradiction if you're truly using natural rights philosophy) then "black" people still aren't equal to white people, it's just "white" people using power paternally instead of antagonistically. Anyone who believes that is a racist. I'm going to continue putting "black" and "white" in quotes because those are completely fictitious groups that were created to facilitate imperialism. It's better to refer to nationalities, tribes, and other types of groups people naturally organize themselves along.

    If you want to get rid of racism, try to get "what race are you?" taken off forms, try to get doctors, police, and other professionals to stop treating people differently based on their "race," stop associating with people based on "race," stop referring to people based on "race" at all even if it feels weird to not call people with dark skin and afros or dreadlocks "the black one," and in general stop maintaining the existence of "race." Race is a real physical thing, but it's also completely artificial, kind of like the roads you drive on, and it wouldn't be maintained without people's maintaining it. People say "socially constructed" meaning "imaginary" and as far as I can tell "socially constructed" does mean imaginary so I'm not going to contest that race is physically real and not socially constructed, but it's also only physically real because people have decided what different races look like and then associate with each other and breed in ways that reinforce those differences.

    Stupid idiots not learning their metaphysics. Metaphysics has never been cool though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    Yeah. When some black ppl say they've had an impossible time of things I believe them. I'd be one of those liberals probably, but I know society isn't fair. I try to be fair, but I'm a flawed human being. I hope if we all try our best it will get better...
    Life is fair. If life weren't fair love would be evil, because to love, you must love something, and if things aren't fair, not everyone would have the opportunity to have something to love. By love I mean anyone, any thing, any idea. You can have romantic love, platonic love, familial love, love of country, love of duty, love of nature, love of knowledge, love of animals, love of basically anything. If life weren't fair, all of that would be unfair. I believe life is fair, and that's made me conservative as I've interacted with people, because "liberals" seem to believe that evil is something to be endured and challenges are something to succumb to because being a victim is some kind of virtue at worst, and that victory is something the great unwashed masses should have over "oppressive" individuals and small groups at best. Conservatives can be idiots when they're xenophobic, but the average "liberal" is just as xenophobic. If I had dark skin and African ancestry the last thing I would want is a white savior. "Saviors" want to be Uebermenschen and they want simple-minded slaves to grovel in thankfulness as a result of their "daring" efforts. At least the people who won slaves through conquest had virtues instead of being cowards. Thankfully, cowardly savior-ness is less effective than oppressive conquest.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    There have been studies which showed that when some employers are presented with two IDENTICAL resumes, one which has a "white" name attached to it and the other which has a "black" name attached to it, most employers will choose the resume with the "white" name.
    The "black" names they use are always uneducated names. They should be comparing Jamal to Billy Bub, not Jamal to Stephen. I bet people would be just as unlikely to hire Jamal and Billy Bub. Another study using people with names like Stephen Washington (a historically "black" name) found people were just as likely to hire them as people named Stephen Smith.

  11. #211
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    Stupid parents make stupid kids and give them stupid names.

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    I'm black, grew up in the hood. I don't see it today.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    I'm black, grew up in the hood. I don't see it today.
    @Lord Pixel, do you mean, you don't see systematic racism today?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @Lord Pixel, do you mean, you don't see systematic racism today?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Interesting. I'm pretty sure it exists.

    Not everyone is racist in destructive ways. I made the transition from seeing people first as being of a particular race to seeing them primarily as a particular sociotype, and I think that there are many, possibly most, people today who are not toxically racist. But a lot of people still are, and I'd say that not all of them are old farts left over from the civil war.

    I also think that systematic racism lingers in the US culture in many subtle and non-subtle ways. Housing, for one thing, still seems to be heavily segregated by race. Things are getting better, but race is not yet not a factor in many areas. Levels of wealth are very different between racial categories. That can be accounted for by historical discrimination. Today, there is the potential for everyone to do better, but some people are starting from way behind, and it's very hard to play catch-up. For example, the richest areas in the US are the ones that have been settled the longest. Wealth just tends to accumulate, once you get some.

    I'd say that most of the opportunities in the US are close to being equal across racial categories, but there has been an historical imbalance that was so great that it still lingers in many areas today.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Interesting. I'm pretty sure it exists.

    Not everyone is racist in destructive ways. I made the transition from seeing people first as being of a particular race to seeing them primarily as a particular sociotype, and I think that there are many, possibly most, people today who are not toxically racist. But a lot of people still are, and I'd say that not all of them are old farts left over from the civil war.

    I also think that systematic racism lingers in the US culture in many subtle and non-subtle ways. Housing, for one thing, still seems to be heavily segregated by race. Things are getting better, but race is not yet not a factor in many areas. Levels of wealth are very different between racial categories. That can be accounted for by historical discrimination. Today, there is the potential for everyone to do better, but some people are starting from way behind, and it's very hard to play catch-up. For example, the richest areas in the US are the ones that have been settled the longest. Wealth just tends to accumulate, once you get some.

    I'd say that most of the opportunities in the US are close to being equal across racial categories, but there has been an historical imbalance that was so great that it still lingers in many areas today.
    Racist people exist yea (in every race) but I don't see how that's Systemic Racism, and I don't see how past discrimination is Systemic Racism today, we don't have actual Jim Crow laws, like they did back then, anymore. People have financial privilege because wealth has been passed down so they have more housing opportunities, but that's financial privilege not systemic racism, a black millionaire can live wherever a white millionaire can live. But I don't see systems in place that say this race or that is less than/can't have the same opportunities that this race has. And is housing segregated by systems or preference? Are people just choosing to live by people that look like them? And if that's the case, what exactly is wrong with that?

    You have black people that come here from other countries and get higher education than most Americans and good jobs and make more than the average household, if the system was Racist it would apply to them too. And personally I have not seen these "systems" or their affect on my life, being black and the historical imbalance did not stop my family from moving up from low class and getting the same life as anybody else, and this assumes that the aren't white people who start off life poor. I've never seen the systems in place that are designed to stop me from opportunities because I'm black, if they exist, they failed to do the job, let alone hold any weight in my life whatsoever.
    Last edited by Lord Pixel; 08-02-2020 at 04:07 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    I'm not going to dig through an article, so taking the numbers you shared at face value, let's see.

    For every 1 black person in the US there are over 4 white people. But for every 1 black person shot by police in the US, there are about 2 white people shot by police.

    Black people are 13.5% of the US population, 25% of the armed people who are shot by police, and 50% of the unarmed people shot by police.

    I'm bad at math, and I encourage double checking, but this is what I see in the numbers here.
    51.15% of the people arrested for homicide in 2015 were black. That's why. The stereotypes dont come from nowhere. Blacks represent an overwhelming amount of the crime done in america. Then of course they are going to duck it out with the police more.

    Is there gonna be the occasional racist cop acting out? Sure, but the stats dont lie.
    Maybe if blacks committed less crimes the police would be less afraid of them and will be less likely to shoot them.
    It's a 2 way street. Cops often have to make split second decisions based on life or death, and if you're black you're 4 more times likely to kill someone, that obviously weighs in on these decisions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    51.15% of the people arrested for homicide in 2015 were black. That's why. The stereotypes dont come from nowhere. Blacks represent an overwhelming amount of the crime done in america. Then of course they are going to duck it out with the police more.

    Is there gonna be the occasional racist cop acting out? Sure, but the stats dont lie.
    Maybe if blacks committed less crimes the police would be less afraid of them and will be less likely to shoot them.
    It's a 2 way street. Cops often have to make split second decisions based on life or death, and if you're black you're 4 more times likely to kill someone, that obviously weighs in on these decisions.

    The only thing I don't agree with here is this:

    Maybe if blacks committed less crimes the police would be less afraid of them and will be less likely to shoot them.

    if you're black you're 4 more times likely to kill someone, that obviously weighs in on these decisions.
    Because this is actual racism. It's like saying watch out for the middle eastern person on a plane.

    The only thing I get is that when you are a cop and you get called to a crime scene you're gonna assume whoever you're dealing with is a potential threat, or you wouldn't have gotten called in the first place. To treat black people as more of a threat would be racist.

    But you got 13.% of the population committing 50% of crimes and are surprised that out of all cop shootings black people rank high? Black people in general just have more run in with police. Before it was "We need more cops in our neighborhoods because we need to crack down on crime."
    And the running joke "In white neighborhoods cops show up in 5mins when you call, but in black neighborhoods it takes cops 30mins to an hour to get there."
    Now it's "Our neighborhoods are over policed, that's a form of systemic racism." What?
    High crime neighborhoods get more cops. Racism exists, but I don't see it's system.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    The only thing I don't agree with here is this:

    Because this is actual racism. It's like saying watch out for the middle eastern person on a plane.

    The only thing I get is that when you are a cop and you get called to a crime scene you're gonna assume whoever you're dealing with is a potential threat, or you wouldn't have gotten called in the first place. To treat black people as more of a threat would be racist.

    But you got 13.% of the population committing 50% of crimes and are surprised that out of all cop shootings black people rank high? Black people in general just have more run in with police. Before it was "We need more cops in our neighborhoods because we need to crack down on crime."
    And the running joke "In white neighborhoods cops show up in 5mins when you call, but in black neighborhoods it takes cops 30mins to an hour to get there."
    Now it's "Our neighborhoods are over policed, that's a form of systemic racism." What?
    High crime neighborhoods get more cops. Racism exists, but I don't see it's system.
    yeah racism or not, this is whats gonna happen. end of story. aint nobody got no time to be politically correct when your life depends on it

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    yeah racism or not, this is whats gonna happen. end of story. aint nobody got no time to be politically correct when your life depends on it
    That's like saying be suspicious of any white male in school since they are more likely to do a mass shooting.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown5145 View Post
    "Black Lives Matter"
    "White Lives Matter"
    "All Lives Matter"

    How about "No Lives Matter"? Why nobody talks about this? I've gotten sick and tired of these kinds of things from day one. Society worries and cares about people way too much. Is human life really that important? Do we actually really exist? Think about these questions first.
    Looks like we have another nihilist on here.

    Have you even left your room in the past six months? Why would you not exist? Do you not value your own life, at least?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown5145 View Post
    I did leave my room at one point, even though there isn't really a reason for me to do so. Why should I value life if it doesn't objectively matter? People will never understand why they believe ther life is important. Nobody would exist because we don't have an objective perspective and view of actual reality. Humanity is just a completely brainwashed, indoctrinated, and delusional species to begin with.
    If humanity is completely brainwashed, indoctrinated, and delusional as a species, why would your belief that humanity is completely brainwashed, indoctrinated, and delusional, be anything other than the result of complete brainwashing, indoctrination, and delusion?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown5145 View Post
    Because I don't follow what society tells me to do, nor do I want to do that.
    If you wear clothes when going out of your house, then you are doing what society tells you to do.

    I find it's best to not follow society blindly, I'm not a fan of conformity either. But the key word is "blindly". Blind rebellion or opposition is just as stupid and sheepish as blind following.

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    I wrote this out awhile ago & posted it on another forum I'm on, but I decided to also post it here

    1. Police brutality does happen but it can & does happen to people of all races. I HAD A COP PUT ME IN A CHOKEHOLD.
    2. Cops accused of misconduct should be fired from ever being an officer anywhere ever again.
    3. Unconcious bias is not real. How can I have racist thoughts that I don't even know I'm having? I know my own thoughts & they are conscious. I in no way ever act racist towards other people. I do not subscribe to being a mind reader of anyone else, & actions matter more than thoughts that people do not act on anyway.
    4. If white privilege is something like being followed in a store, how do you quantify that? Is there data on it? Or is it anecdotal?
    5. I am not responsible for anyone's actions that are not my own, & neither are you. I'm not responsible for things in the past before I was born, I'm not responsible for others behaviors right now, & I'm not responsible for anyone else's behavior in the future.
    6. Too many people are locked up for nonviolent crimes, & laws in the criminal justice system need to be changed. Sentencing needs fixed too.
    7. The statement black lives matter is true. Of course their lives matter. Who's really arguing that they don't? The fact that someone's life matters should just be self explanatory.
    8. If I saw someone being choked in front of me by a cop, or by anyone for that matter, I would try my hardest to pull that person off of them. I don't care if I would get shot or tackled or whatever, I would do whatever I could to help another person from being hurt even at the cost of my safety or risking jail time.
    9. White people do not on average target harming black people. The statistics just don't support it. White people are MORE likely to get shot by police. Last year 9 unarmed black people were killed by the police & 19 unarmed white people were killed.
    10. Statistically most people are killed by people of their own race by a huge margin & more white people are killed by black people than the other way around.
    11. If you care about black lives then you also need to shed light on the high homicide rate of black people in inner cities. You need to care about better public education too.
    12. Jewish people are statistically the MOST likely to be affected by hate crimes, but why is that not discussed?
    13. People need to stop telling others or themselves that they're not going to make something of themselves in life. The biggest person that holds anyone from achieving something in their life is THEMSELF.
    14. Racism is wrong & should be called out! All these cops in the George Floyd case SHOULD BE CHARGED WITH MURDER. But that doesn't mean most people in America as a whole are racists. That guy should of long been off the police force. All those police officers are vile people.
    15. We do not need to be divided. We need to come together to make logical change. Most of us are caring people.
    16. Destroying people's small businesses does not help anyone. Destroying property in already poor communities makes it harder for them to get ahead in life & takes a long time to rebuild.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyre View Post
    Yeah true. Don't you know race issues are all about who gets killed more, and not the attitudes people have towards another. It's competitive and like a petty game in that way. "More of my people were killed this year, so my people have it worse than yours. Check your privilege, SCUM!"
    I never said my race has it worse. Was just stating STATISTIC FACTS. If that bothers you than that's your issue. I don't give a fuck about "privilege". People just like to patriot the media & sound "cool" by saying that bs every sentence. I don't really care about my race or the race of other people enough to sit & deeply contemplate my "feelings" on it. If you want more money? Get a job & make more. You want better education? Take out loans & study & do well in the classes. Care about reform in any type of way? Get involved in local politics & make it happen.

    Call me all the names in the book. Don't matter to me hunny bunny. Lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    I'm black, grew up in the hood. I don't see it today.
    Thank u for your testimony - I'm not black so my opinion doesn't matter apparently even though I'm spitting out pretty much what u say.

    FYI this one police officer was a DICK, he framed me into going to the hospital, but at the same time, some cops protected me and saved my life.

    Racist people do exist though, some on this forum (and even one mod member, after observin' them talkin about "twinks") are racist.
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 09-01-2020 at 01:33 AM.

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    lmao. stick to the topic at least weirdos

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyre View Post
    I'm not the one who started flipping out and going mental over a shit post, yeah?
    count to 10
    deep breaths deep breaths its gonna be ookkkkayyy

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    Quote Originally Posted by LMFAO View Post
    @onfireee who's responses sounded more emotionally driven to you? Since apparently now I'm "crazy". Lol
    i think u guys should shake hands and makeup

    this aint jerry springer

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    Quote Originally Posted by LMFAO View Post
    3. Unconcious bias is not real. How can I have racist thoughts that I don't even know I'm having? I know my own thoughts & they are conscious. I in no way ever act racist towards other people.
    This is odd to me irrespective of this issue. Do you not believe that unconscious thinking or parts of the mind exist at all?

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    Quote Originally Posted by LMFAO View Post
    I usually think of unconcious thinking as being what your brain does when you dream at night while sleeping.

    I still don't think entire groups of people could all have the same unconcious thoughts. People's thinking, I believe, is way more subjective then to have collect unconcious thoughts like that imo. Although, I'm sure there's a small percentage that do have those thoughts, but not on the wide scale some people make it out to be.
    Do you think the idea of the unconscious mind that socionics and Jung talk about (for example our unconscious super-id and id) are invalid then?

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    Quote Originally Posted by LMFAO View Post
    I guess it's not really that I don't believe we have unconcious thoughts. More that I don't think people share collective unconcious thoughts, for the most part. People make it sounds as if groups that share a characteristic all share the same unconcious thoughts.

    I personally tend to analyze my own behavior & the behavior of others to death sometimes, so I would think that if someone else does the same they would still consciously then know their unconcious thoughts (& fix them or change their behavior accordingly, if they so chose so).

    For example, when it comes to like mental health, I have some what's called body focused repetitive behaviors that I've done (hair pulling, nail biting, skin picking, etc.), & I'll analyze why I do these. Is it a manifestation of OCD? ADHD & tied to hyperfocus from being under stimulated?

    I guess I just expect most people to ask themselves why they do things to dig deeper & understand fully their minds, but I suppose that they don't a lot of times.
    I believe you are better at it than average if you say that, but yeah you’re definitely above average IME.

    People can even exhibit physical behaviors and then be unaware of / in denial of them afterwards, and they can certainly be the same way with thoughts, opinions and attitudes, weird as it may seem.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LMFAO View Post
    I guess it's not really that I don't believe we have unconcious thoughts. More that I don't think people share collective unconcious thoughts, for the most part. People make it sounds as if groups that share a characteristic all share the same unconcious thoughts.
    Yoooooo you ready to be blown by wacky wee woo bullshit

    In many circles of philosophy and occultism it is believed an unconscious collective exists, more commonly termed as "memetics", "archetypes", "collective symbolism" but my favorite more fancy term is the concept of an "egregore."

    Egregore (also spelled egregor; from French égrégore, from Ancient Greek egrḗgoros, meaning 'wakeful') is an occult concept representing a distinct non-physical entity that arises from a collective group of people.

    According to author Gaeten Delaforgem, this psychic, astral and autonomous entity (egregore) will continue as long as thought energy feeds it but it does not have to be the same people feeding energy for the entity to continue and eventually become independent. Egregores can be kept alive when new generations add their thought energy to the entity. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Spirit of Christmas are all egregores, as are the Devil and the Grim Reaper.

    By channeling this unconscious energy, such as through a charismatic cult leader, pretty amazing things can happen! Usually it's a free reign and unpredictable process (think of Kek wildly appearing and growing in prevalence in 2016, especially on imageboards, influencing American election), wild, also termed as chaos magick. It requires human propagation to stay alive, and the energy can wane or wax depending.

    The egregore connects the people who created it to the psychic energy which created it. It influences others as well. Adolf ****** used the hatred and anger in the minds of the German people after their defeat in World War I to create an egregore, focusing that energy. A fad in popular culture is a temporary and very potent egregore.

    Capitalism is an egregore.

    Jung daddy himself thought of IE elements as unconscious societal archetypes that people individualize by adding their own meaning and experiences later on.

    It's a pretty fascinating concept when you think about it! ヽ( ・∀・)ノ I'm too stupid to explain it more in depth but it's undeniable humanity runs on a virtual circuit of some kind that affects every level of society, behaviour, and psyche.
    Last edited by Tzuyu; 09-02-2020 at 11:02 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyre View Post
    What does the bolded mean to you?

    The second paragraph could apply to a different point of view. I could see my IEE 3w4 so/sx friend who is incredibly pro-BLM saying something along the lines of "People need to go out and meet others from different walks of life". It's beneficial in general to shaping a world view when people choose to apply what they see and learn from others. It's a part of Socionics afaik.
    What do you mean by what it means to me? I don't exactly understand the question.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyre View Post
    I'm just asking what you meant by it or to clarify is all. Why is it so foreign to you if a person can't explain "why they do something"? That could be any number of things.
    I suppose I just expect that everyone has an inner monologue that gives them a reason for their behavior.

    For example, this person at work seemed bothered by me the last time I tried to start a friendly convo with them, so I think I'll ignore them.

    Or it's annoying that my mom constantly calls my phone so much. I think she needs to pick up new hobbies to do with her time, so I'll block her number so she can't keep bothering me.

    Or I'm really trying to eat more protein to bulk up with my workout routine, so I think I'll buy these protein bites to snack on.

    Or I threw my phone in frustrating because I needed to take out some anger to get it out of my system. I shouldn't of thrown my phone, but I did so because I needed to release my tension in some way.

    Or I'm really bad at time management. If I allow myself 30 minutes to get ready for the day, I'll take 30 minutes. If I give myself 3 hours, I'll take 3 hours. I do so because I need an immediate deadline to get motivated. If not, I'll loose myself scrolling through social media or even just getting hung up on little details & not being able to switch from one task to another easily, therefore I'll set 15 minute time reminders for myself.

    These might be silly examples, but I hope you get my point. For example, someone wouldn't hate the taste of coffee but randomly decide to order an iced latte. It wouldn't make logical sense.

    I guess I expect most people to be able to logically explain their thought processes for doing anything they do throughout the day, if someone would ask them about it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LMFAO View Post
    I suppose I just expect that everyone has an inner monologue that gives them a reason for their behavior.
    Why do you expect this? I expect the exact opposite, that most people are on autopilot most of the time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Panda View Post
    Why do you expect this? I expect the exact opposite, that most people are on autopilot most of the time.
    I guess I shouldn't, but I suppose I just think of people's minds as being mostly running monologues that should be capable of analysis of behavior. I guess I just like to know why people do the things they do & assume others would wonder about those things too. I probably have more interest in it than most people, I guess. Just doing things without the running commentary of my own voice in my head would seem strange. Lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    Personally, I'm more likely to have an 'empty head' (nirvana-like, heh) than a monologue at any given moment. And even if I have some words in my head, those are usually not monologues of myself analyzing something, but playing with scenarios/situations/imaginations. My analyses happen to be mostly unconscious and very automatic in a way. They just are.
    That's interesting. People's thought processes definitely widely vary (which also adds to my point in this thread that it's hard to blanket statement apply or attribute something to everyone & their brain/thoughts). Personally, I'm very aware of my analysis of any or everything.

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    My thing is how are you supposed to hold people accountable for any unconscious bias. If it ain't conscious what are they supposed to do about it? Racist thoughts can't hurt people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by onfireee View Post
    Thank u for your testimony - I'm not black so my opinion doesn't matter apparently even though I'm spitting out pretty much what u say.

    FYI this one police officer was a DICK, he framed me into going to the hospital, but at the same time, some cops protected me and saved my life.

    Racist people do exist though, some on this forum (and even one mod member, after observin' them talkin about "twinks") are racist.
    I'm just saying, I look around and don't see my "oppression", even though I was in the conditions where it's supposed to be right in front of my face.

    Yea, life is nuanced, but nuance is messy so it doesn't give people one liners to spout.
    Last edited by Lord Pixel; 09-04-2020 at 02:54 AM.

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