Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
Yeah. When some black ppl say they've had an impossible time of things I believe them. I'd be one of those liberals probably, but I know society isn't fair. I try to be fair, but I'm a flawed human being. I hope if we all try our best it will get better...
Life is fair. If life weren't fair love would be evil, because to love, you must love something, and if things aren't fair, not everyone would have the opportunity to have something to love. By love I mean anyone, any thing, any idea. You can have romantic love, platonic love, familial love, love of country, love of duty, love of nature, love of knowledge, love of animals, love of basically anything. If life weren't fair, all of that would be unfair. I believe life is fair, and that's made me conservative as I've interacted with people, because "liberals" seem to believe that evil is something to be endured and challenges are something to succumb to because being a victim is some kind of virtue at worst, and that victory is something the great unwashed masses should have over "oppressive" individuals and small groups at best. Conservatives can be idiots when they're xenophobic, but the average "liberal" is just as xenophobic. If I had dark skin and African ancestry the last thing I would want is a white savior. "Saviors" want to be Uebermenschen and they want simple-minded slaves to grovel in thankfulness as a result of their "daring" efforts. At least the people who won slaves through conquest had virtues instead of being cowards. Thankfully, cowardly savior-ness is less effective than oppressive conquest.

Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
There have been studies which showed that when some employers are presented with two IDENTICAL resumes, one which has a "white" name attached to it and the other which has a "black" name attached to it, most employers will choose the resume with the "white" name.
The "black" names they use are always uneducated names. They should be comparing Jamal to Billy Bub, not Jamal to Stephen. I bet people would be just as unlikely to hire Jamal and Billy Bub. Another study using people with names like Stephen Washington (a historically "black" name) found people were just as likely to hire them as people named Stephen Smith.