Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
I will never believe someone saying society isn't classist, and from there, from my experiences, it wasn't difficult to see it is racist as well. If you know what oppression feels like in one realm it helps you see it in others.
"Classism" is the same thing as social class existing. If everyone from different income brackets were treated the same, there wouldn't be social classes, just people with different amounts of money. If you don't like social class, the only other option is communism. That's not a valid parallel to racism. Racism is an ideology about the different characteristics of people from different races. Racism is kind of true because people make it true. White people are superior in a real sense because they objectively have most of the higher-ranking positions in society, and different groups like black, white, and Asian exist because people act like they exist. There are barely any genetic differences between races, what differences there are are literally skin deep, and we could obliterate races immediately if we as humanity wanted to, but as humanity, we don't want to, which seems kind of sad. Alas, you have to count on most people to suck in life.

if society is dominant white, how are they not? like it's true police treat black ppl in dehumanizing ways.

Maybe black people could become police, and if too many black people have marijuana charges or something else dumb, they could change the law, or revolt? The whole philosophy of reason is old-fashioned but that's a big part of it. Natural rights are part of Nature. They're not something anyone can give or take away from you. If someone wants to obstruct your natural rights, you fight to keep them. It's like being alive. Being alive is part of who you are, and if someone tries to take that away, you fight for it. That's why the first natural right is always listed as "life" whether the other natural rights are listed as property, happiness, or something else. If black people are tired of encountering so many white racist police, they need to do something about it. I know Black Lives Matter wants to defund the police but I think that's a terrible idea. Unlike natural rights, police being a bunch of racist white people is not part of nature. There are societies that aren't white and they have police too, and I also believe it's possible for police not to be racist since there was a time in history when racism didn't exist and the idea of races literally meant elves and dwarves rather than humans with more or less melanin. Races is a very modern and very metaphysical idea, and it's not "subconscious bias" leading to racism but the fact that you literally have to fill out your race on forms etc.

Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
There have been studies which showed that when some employers are presented with two IDENTICAL resumes, one which has a "white" name attached to it and the other which has a "black" name attached to it, most employers will choose the resume with the "white" name.

Having said that, there is also a small bias TOWARDS minorities when the person doing the evaluating is a liberal. Not many business owners are liberals, though.

So, is racism so deeply engrained that most people can't even see it? Of course.

The races will have equal opportunities when as many white people want to be black as black people want to be white.
Yes, that number should be zero. "Black" and "white" are modern inventions. Icelandic sagas refer to Icelanders being black and white and though Vikings definitely knew people who weren't "white" by modern standards, everyone on the specific island of Iceland had light skin and was "white." A lot of the ideas of "black" people as well as all "primitive" people are based on Celts too (like druids and shamans and witch doctors,) and frankly most Celts actually have lighter skin than most Germanic people. The original reaction of British people to meeting American Indians was "oh, these Indians are like Celts living in the forest, hunting with bows, doing magic, and painting themselves." They also recognized American Indian nobles as nobility and viewed them as higher than commoners who would be considered "white" now. Honestly I tend to think a lot of racism in America is a reaction to not having nobility: you can't discriminate against peasants in America, so you have to discriminate against blacks and Indians. That doesn't mean handing out titles is the solution though, mostly because I only think racism is a problem among people who suck anyways. Poor lazy "whites" gamble their money away, "Indians" get addicted to alcohol, and "blacks" get killed by the police. Equal rights for the best people and equal wrongs for the worst.

That number should be zero. Races aren't real. People who live in different climates adapt to different climates so if you live in the desert maybe you could want to have darker skin so you don't get a sunburn, and if you live in the Arctic you could want to have lighter skin so you produce more vitamin D. The fact that basically everyone is realist towards races, or a "race realist" (euphemism for racist) even if they think they should be "equal" is the hidden source of racism, not some sort of "subconscious bias." Think about the word "racist." It comes from the word race, and the suffix -ism. Racism is simply an -ism of races. Also, the origin of racism is in religion, because races are a metaphysical idea. The original racists were all trying to figure out who was descended from Cain and crap like that and basically thought all non-whites were dark because their souls were dark and they were damned. Now we know it's bloody melanin. If you get a tan, you're not damned, and being "black" is just an extreme version of a tan.