Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
in US if systemic racism didn't exist the average black household would be on par income-wise with the average white household. the proof sits around us, and people can be like "but you insist upon equality of outcome!" but, really, are we honestly that different? the average white person job that pays well doesn't require you be anything but someone who fits in. who doesn't fit in? i know this because i'm an outcast. so i don't have the profound revelation that white ppl who fit in have, because i never fit in, and i know it's a stupid popularity game based on a set of norms. it always has been. we're primates for god's sake. watch how our closest relatives behave in nature and then look at ourselves. it's obvious.

granted i didn't start obsessing over every animal nature everything due to thinking about society. it was a question of how are we different, and now i feel like i see. i can see animal nature and because of that i can see human nature. we are animals despite our self-aggrandizing lies to the contrary.
That conclusion doesn't follow from your logic. It really could just be the case that black people are all dumb or lazy, or the Universe could just be random and white people as a group could be doing better than black people due to randomness. Honestly, I kind of think black people actually are lazy more than white people are, though obviously not all of them. I mean, black people keep asking for rights, but natural rights aren't owned by white people. It's the same with women's righ: natural rights aren't owned by men, so you don't have to ask men for them, just act like you have rights because you do and beat up (metaphorically or literally) anyone who tries to take them from you. As long as you think your rights are owned by some unknown daddy figure you have to ask for rights instead of part of your own nature, you're going to see some mystical indomitable White Male Cis Hetero Patriarch in the Sky oppressing you.

That being said, I don't even think black people are behind white people. Have some black individuals attained the highest heights people can attain? Yes, they have. Who cares about the masses, white, black, or any other kind of group? Masses suck. Don't show me what kind of "progress" the masses have made, show me what the great have done. In every age the masses suffer, and the masses deserve to suffer, because that's what masses are.

It doesn't matter that racism exists. Racism doesn't hold back people like Obama and Oprah, and average white people's lives aren't any better just because they don't experience systemic racism.