Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
My perception of the stats is that they justify blm activities and a characterisation of reality as currently unfair wrt black people and police, but perception is paramount in that statement. I think everything is so frequently simplified with an underestimating of the importance of qualia, like the facts are the only thing that matter. Of course they're not since we live in a real world, but ignoring that is a sign of intelligence or something, lol.

That said, I impulsively hit like and reread it and just noticed the howling ape thing that I'm not going to jump up and down about because I don't know your intentions with it and my thoughts are 1 blm and monkey comparisons make for bad press 2 I've thought about the riots as animalistic in the sense that if you keep hurting a mammal it will eventually bite you regardless of species or race, lol, so I could read it from that angle. Moving along.
We are all a species of great ape, but I see your political correct point. I'll keep the original and just add a side note that it wasn't meant to be an insult towards a group of people in particular who have had to handle the analogy in the past.

I admit I never even really considered it when I wrote it, but in retrospect, ... awkward.

I guess I can't even draw the conclusion because of culturally inherited sense of separate ness from what we really all are, a bunch of animals with personalities and idealouges living through us. Power to the people.... Good on them.

I know I would never go out into a crowd with airborne HIV floating around.