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Thread: Systemic racism does not exist, BLM is stupid

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    inaLim's Avatar
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    You seem to be either misguided about what the stats are saying, or outright wrong on all points, so lets do what we can to salvage this thread.

    Lets hear your analysis of this

    Investigation of The Baltimore City Police Department - U.S. Department of Justice 2016


    We find reasonable cause to believe that BPD engages in a pattern or practice of discriminatory policing against African Americans. Statistical evidence shows that the Department intrudes disproportionately upon the lives of African Americans at every stage of its enforcement activities. BPD officers disproportionately stop African Americans; search them more frequently during these stops; and arrest them at rates that significantly exceed relevant benchmarks for criminal activity. African Americans are likewise subjected more often to false arrests. Indeed, for each misdemeanor street offense that we examined, local prosecutors and booking officials dismissed a higher proportion of African-American arrests upon initial review compared to arrests of people from other racial backgrounds. BPD officers also disproportionately use force—including constitutionally excessive force—against African-American subjects. Nearly 90 percent of the excessive force incidents identified by the Justice Department review involve force used against African Americans.

    1. BPD’s Enforcement Act​ivities Disproportionately Impact African Americans

    There is overwhelming statistical evidence of racial disparities in BPD’s stops, searches, and arrests. ... We also found troubling trends in the sample of use of force reports we reviewed, suggesting that force may be used disproportionately against African Americans

    a. Racial Disparities in Stops and Searches
    b. Racial Disparities in Arrests
    c. Use of Force

    ...In sum, we find large racial disparities in BPD’s pedestrian stops, vehicle stops, searches, and arrests. We further identified troubling indications that BPD officers disproportionately use force during encounters with African Americans on Baltimore streets.

    BPD also arrests non-African Americans for drug possession offenses at somewhat higher rates than the national average and the comparison cities. As explained above, however, the proportion of BPD drug arrests of African Americans is far higher than would be expected based on drug usage data and population statistics. The comparison to law enforcement agencies in similar cities demonstrates that these disparities are not driven by legitimate responses to socioeconomic conditions. Rather, BPD’s discriminatory drug enforcement renders it a significant outlier

    2. Racial Disparities in BPD’s Enforcement, Along with Evidence Suggesting Intentional Discrimination Against African Americans, Exacerbates Community Distrust

    a. BPD’s Enforcement Activities Disproportionately Impact African Americans
    b. BPD’s “Zero Tolerance” Strategy Focused on African-American Neighborhoods
    c. Statements Exhibiting Bias Against African Americans
    d. BPD Misclassifies Complaints of Racial Bias and Fails to Investigate Racial Bias Allegations

    BPD fails to record complaints of racial bias or affirmatively misclassifies complaints to mask their racial components. BPD also fails to investigate allegations of biased enforcement. ...

    i. BPD’s defective procedures for recording and classifying complaints of racial bias

    BPD’s internal affairs database reflects only five complaints from 2010–2016 that BPD supervisors classified as alleging use of a racial slur or other racial bias.75 The absence of such records stems from at least two procedural deficiencies. As discussed above, BPD erects significant obstacles to filing complaints. And even when community members succeed in filing a complaint of racial bias according to BPD’s requirements, supervisory officers almost universally misclassify those complaints to mask their racial elements. As a result, BPD does not investigate the frequent allegations of race-related misconduct made against its officers and has no mechanism to track such allegations to correct discriminatory policing where it occurs.

    Most notably, BPD supervisors affirmatively misclassify complaints of racial bias, precluding the Department from investigating or tracking bias allegations. A commander at BPD’s Internal Investigation Division told us BPD requires all complaints claiming officers used a racial epithet to be categorized as “racial slur” complaints, and BPD’s disciplinary matrix makes clear that “conduct relating to a person’s race” is a serious offense that may result in termination. Yet in nearly every case in which an officer allegedly used a racial slur, BPD officials categorized the allegation merely as “discourtesy” or using “inappropriate language.” For the complaints in which our manual review found that BPD recorded allegations that officers used the word n****r, supervisors failed to classify the complaint as a racial slur or other allegation of racial bias 98 percent of the time.

    ii. BPD fails to investigate racial bias allegations

    BPD further impedes accountability for discriminatory policing by departing from its procedures for investigating biased conduct. BPD supervisors repeatedly fail to seek evidence that could corroborate bias allegations and result in officer discipline.

    The stats are in the PDF. What conclusions do you draw?
    Last edited by inaLim; 06-13-2020 at 01:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inaLim View Post
    You seem to be either misguided about what the stats are saying, or outright wrong on all points, so lets do what we can to salvage this thread.

    Lets hear your analysis of this

    Investigation of The Baltimore City Police Department - U.S. Department of Justice 2016

    The stats are in the PDF. What conclusions do you draw?
    what are they arguing? did YOU read it? lol

    Quote Originally Posted by inaLim View Post
    Where are you OP @onfireee I thought you like facts. Or are you trolling for an emotional response.
    sup bro im here

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    Quote Originally Posted by onfireee View Post
    what are they arguing? did YOU read it? lol

    The title of your thread is "Systemic racism does not exist, BLM is stupid"

    Then you open with
    Isolated cases of racism certainly exist (including racism against blacks and racist cops)

    Systemic racism, however, does NOT exist"

    Police aren't going out of their way to kill and lynch black people.

    And then I link you to a Federal Investigation of The Baltimore City Police Department by the U.S. Department of Justice saying systemic racism does, in fact exist.

    Where between

    A -> "Systemic racism does not exist"


    B -> Statistical evidence shows that the Department intrudes disproportionately upon the lives of African Americans at every stage of its enforcement activities

    did you get lost on what they are arguing @onfireee?

    - The statistics show it isn't isolated cases
    - The statistics show it is systemic in the department
    - The statistics show the police in that department are going out of their way to target blacks

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    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inaLim View Post
    The title of your thread is "Systemic racism does not exist, BLM is stupid"

    Then you open with

    And then I link you to a Federal Investigation of The Baltimore City Police Department by the U.S. Department of Justice saying systemic racism does, in fact exist.

    Where between

    A -> "Systemic racism does not exist"


    B -> Statistical evidence shows that the Department intrudes disproportionately upon the lives of African Americans at every stage of its enforcement activities

    did you get lost on what they are arguing @onfireee?

    - The statistics show it isn't isolated cases
    - The statistics show it is systemic in the department
    - The statistics show the police in that department are going out of their way to target blacks

    This is a report on the baltimore city department in 2016, not the whole police in the US


    Anything else?

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    Quote Originally Posted by onfireee View Post

    This is a report on the baltimore city department in 2016, not the whole police in the US


    Anything else?

    The study of thousands of use-of-force episodes from police departments across the nation has concluded what many people have long thought, but which could not be proved because of a lack of data: African-Americans are far more likely than whites and other groups to be the victims of use of force by the police, even when racial disparities in crime are taken into account.


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    this study measured "USE OF FORCE":

    did not seek to determine whether the employment of force in any particular instance was justified, but the center’s researchers found that the disparity in which African-Americans were subjected to police force remained consistent across what law enforcement officers call the use-of-force continuum
    whether it was JUSTIFIED was NOT determined in these studies.


    btw, i posted stats on DEATH as a result of POLICE SHOOTINGS

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    Or we can do this the long way if you want @onfireee


    Chicago Police Dept. Plagued by Systemic Racism, Task Force Finds

    “C.P.D.’s own data gives validity to the widely held belief the police have no regard for the sanctity of life when it comes to people of color,” the task force wrote. “Stopped without justification, verbally and physically abused, and in some instances arrested, and then detained without counsel — that is what we heard about over and over again.”

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