Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
I'm definitely convinced systemic racism exists. I've read enough on the topic. I don't believe you can have the sorts of inequities we have in this society without it being structural. I think the people who are least interested in acknowledging this tend to be the elites on the right. They try to pretend it isn't real because if it were real it would mean they'd have to change their worldview and their stories justifying their wealth and power to themselves. Elites on the left tend to pay it lip service often, but may now be persuaded to do a little more like throw some money at things and change some public symbols, but I think they know deep down that their class (elites) perpetuate inequity in the world more than any other, that their class has disproportionate sway upon the lives of billions of people (and it's not right). That truth is one they don't want the discussion to get too close to.
I'm wondering if this also applies to wealthy black athletes and artists (NBA, NFL, celebrities, etc). Are the organizations systemically racist against non-blacks?

What would you tell rappers like little wayne that think its bullshit?