Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
Eh, missing the point a bit. What you had to say would label you as an opponent in their eyes. You did, after all, deny a central tenet of their dogma. You seem to believe, rightfully so if you are a rational being, that "sins" must have an avenue through which they can be forgiven.

Ah my poor sorry optimist, I call them a "death cult" for damn good reason. They have a doctrine of "original sin" yet offer no real way to redeem anyone guilty of it from it's pernicious effects. Thus, they/we must all die nice and slow. Bonus: they have no limiting principle. Thus, even if all the most vile "X" (whatever they define that as) die there's always the next rung down the "stack".

Eventually, they will label "living" to be an unjust and vile "privilege" and thus the only way sentient life can "atone" is to commit suicide. Though I am quite sure the "elite" will insist that everyone else accept the "honor" of dying first.
You are mixing up different groups. Not being very clear about who “they” and “their” are btw. It’s almost like you’re using a non-binary pronoun lol.

I’m not sure what you’re labeling as sin or atonement here either, relative to what I said.