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Thread: Systemic racism does not exist, BLM is stupid

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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    Alot of the "facts" the online right peddles nowadays are often just regurgitations from Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, and others. And they usually leave out facts that don't enter into their narrative, quite ironic really from a group that spends their time accusing "the left" of doing exactly that.

    There is alot of research that shows that IQ can be raised over generations, that the IQ of certain populations in certain parts of the world is easily raised through better nutrition and better standards of living overall. So while it is true that the IQ of certain populations may, on average, be lower than that of other populations, it's fairly irrelevant to emphasize. Also, the differences between men and women are not that relevant either, to most issues, but the online right tends to think it is a grand theory of everything, which to me is less of a "fact" in and by itself than a good reminder of how stupid and herd-minded some people can get.
    The (d)rug salesman and the small-hat hypocrite. a lot of right wingers listen to them lmao..
    I wouldn't let the Chinese or the fuckin EU take over my country even if they had average 120 IQ, I don't give a shit. This is our shithole <_<.. t. Beta ST collectivist.

    The problem right now is that all sides in the west have rejected absolute truth and we think in terms of relative truth. IF there is no absolute truth, that means my relative truth compared to others only matters if I can assert and impose it through force.. e_e and that is today's postmodern reality.. on the right and the left.

    They will bicker and fight until everything is ruins and ashes.. just like be4. In such an arrangement discourse and understanding, let alone coming together to fix things is impossible.. because what one says is irrelevant as truth & morality have become relative.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    The problem right now is that all sides in the west have rejected absolute truth and we think in terms of relative truth. IF there is no absolute truth, that means my relative truth compared to others only matters if I can assert and impose it through force.. e_e and that is today's postmodern reality.. on the right and the left.
    Yeah, I agree with this. Facts are a buffer between my willpower and yours. Also, certain things are absolute, for example you run someone over with a tractor, that's a person's life that's not coming back. That's an absolute.

    The problem with alot of people nowadays, as I see it, is an unwillingness to revise facts though. Scientists don't debate facts that are well-established, like evolution, for example. They debate facts for which there is less evidence. And ideally, they should debate without a desire to arrive at a specific conclusion.

    My problem with people pointing out the differences between men and women is not so much this in itself but that's its usually used to push an agenda of returning to traditional gender roles. Or the race and IQ thing, though that has often been used more as an explanation as to why blacks in America succeed less well, for example Charles Murray's theories on the bell curve. Murray's work has often bastardized as a "should" rather than "is" statement. It becomes clear to me there is ideology involved when someone sticks to the facts they "know" without taking into account new information.

    The problem is often not ignorance of facts, but acknowledging facts that only support a narrative and downplaying the rest.
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    Quote Originally Posted by falk View Post
    What's up with racists and the insistence on the "facts"?
    Realism is a euphemism for cynicism.

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    I'll admit I'm not as knowledgeable as I'd like on these kinds of matters. I'll admit I used the phrase "social construct" without fully understanding what it means.

    I've come what I set out to do: alleviate boredom and to test my knowledge and understanding of these political matters. I'll be back.

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    There’s nothing “logical” when it comes to personal preferences. Personal preferences are not rooted in logic but emotions, Fi. A person may not like one variant of something but could like another. Example: not liking carrots but carrot cake.

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    Actually. There is systematic racism but it works in favor of black people. It’s called affirmative action. It’s another example of failed ethics that got codified.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    Actually. There is systematic racism but it works in favor of black people. It’s called affirmative action. It’s another example of failed ethics that got codified.

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    Now that I'll agree with. You shouldn't get or not get something based on a factor like race that you can't change or control about yourself. It should be based on qualification, talent, how equipped you are to handle the task at hand, &/or if it best fits your ability. That's simply all that needs to be taken into account with school, work, etc.

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    When I grew up, racism was a lot more overt than it is today. There were no African-Americans on TV, other than Sammy Davis Jr. and a few other entertainers. I went to a high school with two-and-a-half thousand white kids and two black kids. The blacks all went to Jefferson High, across town.

    At some point, the Supreme Court decided to follow scientific studies by sociologists which said that if you associate with a person, you will come to like them better. This was the rationale behind busing students across town to reacquaint everyone with other members of our tribe.

    This legally enforced mixing extended to job quotas, and the military and the government agencies were among the first to implement the policies.

    I assumed, because the black guys whom I'd met in city-wide sports events were superb athletes and poor readers, that everyone coming out of the educational system at that time would be at a similar level. Hence, when I saw a picture of some NASA scientists, standing around and seeming to avoid eye contact with the one black guy that was in the picture, I assumed that the attitudes of all the white guys in the clean room towards the single black guy was one of "What's this guy doing here? The fucker can't read."

    I've remembered that picture all my life. I stored it as an example of what happens when you mandate that a workforce should have quotas unrelated to the skills needed for the job. At the time, though, I rationalized the loss of performance with the greater gains that society could make when everyone has a chance at the top slot.

    Today, I read that one Dr. George Carruthers, the inventor of the UV spectrograph that Apollo astronauts took to the moon, had died after a long and distinguished career. I'm interested in space optics, so I looked up Dr. Carruthers, and found this:

    He's the black guy in the NASA picture, standing behind the spectrograph that he invented. He was the Principal Investigator of the Lunar Surface Ultraviolet Camera program.

    Am I guilty of systematic racism? I'd say so, yes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Am I guilty of systematic racism? I'd say so, yes.
    nah, you are just an idiot. I honestly don't know how ppl even stand reading your garbage. I wish this forum had a dislike button.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    nah, you are just an idiot. I honestly don't know how ppl even stand reading your garbage. I wish this forum had a dislike button.
    It's funny that you would talk about posting garbage. You are a clown on top of being a racist. If there were such a button you would get the most dislikes out of everybody.

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    Quote Originally Posted by YXPR View Post
    It's funny that you would talk about posting garbage. You are a clown on top of being a racist. If there were such a button you would get the most dislikes out of everybody.
    "Muh raycist, muh moralzz.. bla bla bla Fi/Fe garbage" .. muh obay or be labeled and shunned. Get fucked, I don't give a shit.
    Last edited by SGF; 01-26-2021 at 01:35 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    nah, you are just an idiot. I honestly don't know how ppl even stand reading your garbage. I wish this forum had a dislike button.
    I'd dislike anything you post, no matter what it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Loaded Piss Gun View Post
    I'd dislike anything you post, no matter what it is.
    ok, and ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    ok, and ?
    That. That was what I wanted to say.

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    Social science isn't science, so all theories of racial superiority/inferiority are without any standing or are based on a very faulty understanding of knowledge/proof and epistemology in general.

    African Americans have an odd understanding/use of the word "systemic" when talking about racism, in their eyes unintended norms in an organisation which lead to an unfair advantage towards African Americans counts as systemic racism. So for example the excessive power of police unions would be evidence of systemic racism in their eyes, just because they exist and hurt black people.

    My understanding of systemic racisim would need to include an explicit rule or law with the intention to hurt... but that's just semantics and the inability of humanities students to think about systems.

    Generally I consider it moronic and immoral to split hears on definitions when there are complaints of suffering.

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    Contemporary black culture and the vicious cycle of intergenerational poverty is the real problem. We can strive to achieve a reasonable degree of equity by addressing the problem at its root without the infantilizing mental gymnastics and shitting on other races
    Last edited by Averroes; 05-23-2021 at 02:46 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Averroes View Post
    Contemporary black culture and the vicious cycle of intergenerational poverty is the real problem. We can strive to achieve a reasonable degree of equity by addressing the problem at its root without actively shitting on other races and blaming everything on past transgressions that every chauvinistic powerful nation up until the 20th century has been guilty of
    Every mixed culture on Earth has a group at the bottom of society. In Nazi Germany, it was Jews. In the States, it's black Americans.

    This "assignment of lesser quality" to a group can be difficult to overcome if that group sets itself apart, intentionally or not, from the main group, by dress, habits, skin color, height, or anything else that is recognizable in 40 milliseconds.

    Remedies include having legally required, positive representations of the out-group, so the members of the group, if they want to assimilate, have positive role models. That has happened in the States to a great extent in my lifetime, but we're still not at the point where people don't "see" color. Positive images of blacks doing normal things for normal reasons helps to sweep away bad stereotypes, and the US military, in focusing on outcomes rather than exclusions, has led the way here. Capitalism, in searching to fill every market niche, has eagerly followed.

    Another remedy is intermarriage, but this takes longer to fully homogenize if not legally dictated.

    There are many out-groups which choose to be out-groups, like orthodox Jews and the Amish, but they want to be different.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Every mixed culture on Earth has a group at the bottom of society. In Nazi Germany, it was Jews. In the States, it's black Americans.

    This "assignment of lesser quality" to a group can be difficult to overcome if that group sets itself apart, intentionally or not, from the main group, by dress, habits, skin color, height, or anything else that is recognizable in 40 milliseconds.

    Remedies include having legally required, positive representations of the out-group, so the members of the group, if they want to assimilate, have positive role models. That has happened in the States to a great extent in my lifetime, but we're still not at the point where people don't "see" color. Positive images of blacks doing normal things for normal reasons helps to sweep away bad stereotypes, and the US military, in focusing on outcomes rather than exclusions, has led the way here. Capitalism, in searching to fill every market niche, has eagerly followed.

    Another remedy is intermarriage, but this takes longer to fully homogenize if not legally dictated.

    There are many out-groups which choose to be out-groups, like orthodox Jews and the Amish, but they want to be different.
    i have no problem with any of this. I just think we’re doing ourselves a disservice by pinning all of our problems in 2021 on white people and buying into false media narratives instead of trying to reform our blatantly dysfunctional culture.

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    Systematic racism does exist. The system in America is highly racist towards the white race in favor of all others though especially blacks. The hierarchy is blacks, hispanics, all other brown races, east asians, with whites at the bottom. The more competent a certain race or class is, the more discrimination and attack it will receive in our backwards society. The more self destructive and suicidal the group, the more praise and artificially elevated it will receive.

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    White people are still at the top socially. They're relatively well-off in spite of affirmative action quotas and command the most respect out of any of those groups in most social situations, but that's to some extent a natural consequence of their being the majority group in the country.

    A lot of people either hate black people more now or at best see us as entertaining court jesters or special needs children that they need to walk on egg shells around
    Last edited by Averroes; 05-24-2021 at 10:24 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Averroes View Post
    White people are still at the top socially. They're relatively well-off in spite of affirmative action quotas and command the most respect out of any of those groups in most social situations, but that's to some extent a natural consequence of their being the majority group in the country.

    A lot of people either hate black people more now or at best see us as entertaining court jesters or special needs children that they need to walk on egg shells around

    I actually believe that fewer people have bad feelings towards blacks now than in the past. I used to live in the past and I know what I’m talking about.
    This change has come about almost entirely through greater exposure of blacks to whites, mainly due to affirmative action in the workplace and through advertising images. It’s easier to hate someone you don’t know well, but if you actually know some people personally, you see them as people first and caricatures last.

    Racism, like ignorance, runs on a spectrum. Some part of the population is 100% racist and some part is 0% racist, but the percentage of people with strongly racist feelings is declining with education.

    100 years ago, it was illegal for whites to marry blacks. Fifty years ago, it was illegal for a woman to have her own bank account. Little by little, we progress.

    However, as greater equality between groups has threatened the privileged position of otherwise undeserving whites, some whites have reacted vehemently to the potential loss of their status. What is different about race relations now is that these losers have a voice in Fox News.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 05-24-2021 at 01:27 PM.

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    To determine who is on top in a society, just ask yourself if you would want to live the rest of your life as a member of that group.

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    Globalism will test racism.

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    @Adam Strange is right about Black people being hated less. People today listen to Rap, Jazz, watch Dave Chapelle and The Boondocks, and try to imitate Black culture.

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    Systematic racism does exist within the police force, as well as with most minorities. Lots of people become police officers because they want the authority (or moral validation- similar thing) and right to push around 'those people' that they never liked. Of course not every cop is like this or anything- but it is part of where the 'good cop/bad cop' dichotomy comes from.

    Before the Stonewall riots, cops used to love harrassing fags and giving us a hard time- they also of course did it with the Jews in the 40s etc. Women weren't given full legal rights in the law enforcement system until 1972 according to my research - which isn't really that long ago in the grand scheme of things.

    By and large- the police force has been a system of safety for white conservative heterosexual Karens and Darrens to feel protected from those mean ol fags, dykes and blacks and other weirdos that are making society a mess. White conservative nosy Karens tend to like to call the cops and appeal to authority over misunderstandings, because the people in their have historically withheld their same bigoted beliefs about people. You can't really deny this, it's a part of history. Right-wing people stereotypically are for lots of authority for this reason- they don't see or care how the system has been so unfair/harsher to minorities.

    But what about the gay people who really are pedos after your kids? The black person that really is violent and thieving and unnecessarily aggressive. The Jew that really does I don't know- want to steal all your money & then run away while cackling? Yes, these people of course exists- and that is just what fuels the system to be even.. systemier. It gives them more reasoning that they are doing the right thing etc. When you're a minority- you are for better or worse- put under more pressure to be a 'good person' because one bad person from the group is going to hurt you more than it would the majority that has more privileges and power.

    BLM is stupid though because it's a Te institution- and if left unchecked, it will lead to thought policing and terrible Marxist ideals. It doesn't mean it's wrong to care about protecting black people or other minorities though- you should do that, because it's the right thing to do, not because of a hashtag or internet popularity - and you should always stand up to a Nurse Ratched type that is being unnecessarily cruel or Draconian to somebody just because they are X. Of course it doesn't mean you don't properly punish/reform/correct a person that happens to be bad from group X either. Seriously people, read the X-Men comics for crying out loud- it explains all this crap better than I could lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    BLM is stupid though because...if left unchecked, it will lead to... terrible Marxist ideals.
    I wish.

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    Superhero Derail Time.

    They made Spiderman Black. They made Captain America Black. They made Batman black. Batwoman is a lesbian, but that comes off as the most authentic. (her actually being a dyke, not the way they're going about it on the show, which is too PC and lackluster) They made Loki bi, which will be a stupid virtue signaling thing unless he actually does something homoerotic on screen with another fella - which they might end up doing, but it will probably feel forced and awkward I'm afraid.

    Now they are making Little Mermaid black - and Buffy the Vampire Slayer will be a black woman if the reboot ever goes through I heard. They already made the Charmed Women black. They gave the Connors a black family members out of nowhere because SLE Roseanne made a non PC joke against a state official. She really does look like a Planet of the Apes character, get over it- to think she meant 'black people are monkeys' from that is just virtue signaling BS. You power and control Illuminati Reptile Demon using your race as justification to unnecessarily police people. You want to feel offended in order to feel superior, and then use that superiority as a way to get power and control over others. Creepy leftists do their 'appealing to authority' thing as much as righties do- especially in 'Murica where liberals are never actually trying to liberate you from anything.

    There's Black-Ish, and Mixed-Ish-and Grown-Ish and This Is Getting Really Old And Virtue Signaling-Ish - all for white spoiled Hollywood liberals to feel good about themselves properly.

    The new Black Batman - from what I hear is crappy though because he doesn't have the pain and loss of the other one that made him such a compelling figure. Yeah Bruce Wayne might have been a spoiled white privileged asshole- but he wasn't just that, he also was an innocent victim that lost his parents to crime. I mean nowadays we just lose all complication and complexity of a story in order to be PC or woke and it's not good.

    Old Batman was queer from the start though- which is one thing I think they did right, he was always like a 'daddy' to Robin lol. He liked dating women but also liked f#vking younger men as well. If they made a gay male batman- it would be ruined cuz the original one was always just gay enough and could appeal to both orientations. Because he slept with Robin on the DL but also was cool, dark and bad-ass enough for the straight boys. I mean- is there a better superhero really? Tell me what you think Gotham!

    I don't know why there couldn't just be new black or new minority superheroes- and the Elite would take responsibility that they fucked up before and made comic books only for rich white straight kids. You gave a bunch of white spoiled straight men super powers - just admit it. You can't take it back now- like what they said back on the BETTER Charmed show "There's no putting the Genie back in the bottle, Dave!" so just roll with it the best you can. You already destroyed the hopes and dreams of so many 'Others' out there- the only thing you can do now to make it right , is to stick with your decision in the first place. By having the balls to stick with your choice- even if it was biased, shows guts to me. I don't need to be Superman- when I'm already Superfag. I don't think you really are condoning prejudices- more like confronting your own and people shouldn't really have the right to virtue signal about something just because it's 'In' - especially because the whole point of comic books were supposed to be for kids who felt like they didn't quite fit in.
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 07-04-2021 at 04:59 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Scalding Gayser View Post
    Superhero Derail Time.

    They made Spiderman Black. They made Captain America Black. They made Batman black. Batwoman is a lesbian, but that comes off as the most authentic. (her actually being a dyke, not the way they're going about it on the show, which is too PC and lackluster) They made Loki bi, which will be a stupid virtue signaling thing unless he actually does something homoerotic on screen with another fella - which they might end up doing, but it will probably feel forced and awkward I'm afraid.

    Now they are making Little Mermaid black - and Buffy the Vampire Slayer will be a black woman if the reboot ever goes through I heard. They already made the Charmed Women black. They gave the Connors a black family members out of nowhere because SLE Roseanne made a non PC joke against a state official. She really does look like a Planet of the Apes character, get over it- to think she meant 'black people are monkeys' from that is just virtue signaling BS. You power and control Illuminati Reptile Demon using your race as justification to unnecessarily police people. You want to feel offended in order to feel superior, and then use that superiority as a way to get power and control over others. Creepy leftists do their 'appealing to authority' thing as much as righties do- especially in 'Murica where liberals are never actually trying to liberate you from anything.

    There's Black-Ish, and Mixed-Ish-and Grown-Ish and This Is Getting Really Old And Virtue Signaling-Ish - all for white spoiled Hollywood liberals to feel good about themselves properly.

    The new Black Batman - from what I hear is crappy though because he doesn't have the pain and loss of the other one that made him such a compelling figure. Yeah Bruce Wayne might have been a spoiled white privileged asshole- but he wasn't just that, he also was an innocent victim that lost his parents to crime. I mean nowadays we just lose all complication and complexity of a story in order to be PC or woke and it's not good.

    Old Batman was queer from the start though- which is one thing I think they did right, he was always like a 'daddy' to Robin lol. He liked dating women but also liked f#vking younger men as well. If they made a gay male batman- it would be ruined cuz the original one was always just gay enough and could appeal to both orientations. Because he slept with Robin on the DL but also was cool, dark and bad-ass enough for the straight boys. I mean- is there a better superhero really? Tell me what you think Gotham!

    I don't know why there couldn't just be new black or new minority superheroes- and the Elite would take responsibility that they fucked up before and made comic books only for rich white straight kids. You gave a bunch of white spoiled straight men super powers - just admit it. You can't take it back now- like what they said back on the BETTER Charmed show "There's no putting the Genie back in the bottle, Dave!" so just roll with it the best you can. You already destroyed the hopes and dreams of so many 'Others' out there- the only thing you can do now to make it right , is to stick with your decision in the first place. By having the balls to stick with your choice- even if it was biased, shows guts to me. I don't need to be Superman- when I'm already Superfag. I don't think you really are condoning prejudices- more like confronting your own and people shouldn't really have the right to virtue signal about something just because it's 'In' - especially because the whole point of comic books were supposed to be for kids who felt like they didn't quite fit in.
    paulie, why do you still talk like a gay retard after all these years. like I detect some incongruence between your "IRL" persona and whatever you're trying to portray through these homo persona(s) (god knows how many you have on this site, who cares though). do your stream audience know that you write posts online about stabbing people along with all the gay erotica on this website (god knows how many you've written over the years) ???

    Last edited by Michelle Obama; 10-23-2023 at 04:34 PM.

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    Breaking: Derek Chauvin did not murder George Floyd

    Last edited by Michelle Obama; 10-23-2023 at 03:50 PM.

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    @DogOfDanger, would you disclose what kind of agenda (if any) with regards to the treatment of these issues you espouse?

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    Implicit biases that permeate power structures and generational trauma/after-effects from racist policies exist. There’s something empowering about coming to a country voluntarily with a clean slate and having a home base somewhere else vs. being born and coming up in a country where your grandparents were never given a fair shot and were taught to be distrustful of institutions. Positive momentum is important

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    That’s why I don’t knock affirmative action policies in principle and giving people that extra push to break the cycle if they need it. Giving the slightly under qualified person that bullshit consulting job that you can learn as you go could change the trajectory of his family. The superstar whose spot he took will probably still land somewhere decent. A lot of these elite, sacred “meritocratic” institutions and company are boys clubs for people with connections and charm. It gets trickier if you’re talking about pilots and surgeons
    Last edited by Averroes; 10-24-2023 at 03:55 PM.

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    This thread was good read but I was expecting at least one meth-enhanced black power rant from the resident BLM revolutionary lil' Alonzo....heh I am putting an APB out on his ass... anybody see this man report him immediately to the!

  36. #36
    Jesus is the cruel sausage consentingadult's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by suicideistheanswertolife6 View Post
    What's concerning is the alarming acceptance of Beta ST on Beta ST anal rape, and other unfortunate situations perpetuated by the forum's inherent Socionicism.

    Just because you are the same type as someone else does not mean you can get away with hurting them any more than another type can.
    You are talking about American prisons, aren't you? Everyone knows all Beta ST males are latent homosexuals, the ones that populate outlaw biker gangs, and other 'brotherhoods' such as the Nazi Sturm Abteilung. Except those that already had their coming out, of course.

    What am I saying? I'm so fucking biased in my generalizations. Fortunately, so are outlaw bikers. Why else would anyone without an official function wear a uniform? To signal their preference for anal sex, of course!
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    You are talking about American prisons, aren't you? Everyone knows all Beta ST males are latent homosexuals, the ones that populate outlaw biker gangs, and other 'brotherhoods' such as the Nazi Sturm Abteilung. Except those that already had their coming out, of course.

    What am I saying? I'm so fucking biased in my generalizations. Fortunately, so are outlaw bikers. Why else would anyone without an official function wear a uniform? To signal their preference for anal sex, of course!
    Not just any kind of anal sex. Anal rape!

    Prison can be such a terrible place.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 06-13-2020 at 07:07 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by suicideistheanswertolife6 View Post
    What's concerning is the alarming acceptance of Beta ST on Beta ST anal rape, and other unfortunate situations perpetuated by the forum's inherent Socionicism.

    Just because you are the same type as someone else does not mean you can get away with hurting them any more than another type can.
    Who are you and what is your business here?

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pirouette View Post
    Why you delete your post Fire... Where did I say you were mean Also lol at bf/gf shouting match or whatever you wrote, made me laugh.

    Anyways, since you like infographics. Here's a infographic shared with me by a black friend uwu

    nah u seem like like a genuinely cool person, i just don't want to derail too much thats all...

    im gonna ignore any:

    1. bf/gf shouting matches
    2. anything related to sipping starbucks/browsing facebook (I use neither btw)
    3. why im mean
    4. my font size

    I hope u understand

  40. #40
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown5145 View Post
    "Black Lives Matter"
    "White Lives Matter"
    "All Lives Matter"

    How about "No Lives Matter"? Why nobody talks about this? I've gotten sick and tired of these kinds of things from day one. Society worries and cares about people way too much. Is human life really that important? Do we actually really exist? Think about these questions first.
    Looks like we have another nihilist on here.

    Have you even left your room in the past six months? Why would you not exist? Do you not value your own life, at least?
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