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Thread: Systemic racism does not exist, BLM is stupid

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    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Default Systemic racism does not exist, BLM is stupid

    Isolated cases of racism certainly exist (including racism against blacks and racist cops)

    Systemic racism WITHIN THE POLICE FORCE, however, does NOT exist

    Police aren’t going out of their way to kill and lynch black people.

    Don’t believe me? Eat these facts:

    --about twice as many white people than black people are killed by police
    --in about 70% of police shootings, the person shot….Is not black

    Keep in mind:

    --60% of America is white
    --18% of America is hispanic and
    --13.5% of America is African-American

    the majority of police shootings happen in high-crime areas, therefore you have to factor in the racial demographics in high-crime areas


    --Detroit is 79% black, 14.5% white

    Therefore, in shootings in Detroit, its expected to have more black people than white people shot.


    In 2017,

    --223 black people were shot to death by police.
    --457 white people were shot to death by police.

    In 2018,

    --209 black people
    --399 white people

    In 2019,

    --235 black people
    --370 white people

    So far in 2020,

    --31 black people
    --42 white people

    And finally,

    Armed people 75% of fatal police shootings involve a non-black person, with this ratio holding steady since 2015

    Unarmed people non-black people twice as likely to be fatally shot by police

    And a cherry on top,

    (Under Obama)
    2015- 38 unarmed blacks killed, 32 unarmed whites killed

    (Under Trump)
    2020- 9 unarmed blacks killed, 19 unarmed whites killed

    I will end by saying

    BLM (as an ORGANIZATION) is stupid.


    Because they don’t actually care about black people, such as David Dorn, a 77-year old black cop/Captain (father and grandfather) who was gunned down during the protests while trying to protect a friend’s pawn shop.

    George Floyd’s death was horrible… but why doesn’t BLM care about cases like this?

    So that leaves us with,

    How to decrease racial tension in this country?

    Look. At. The. Facts.



    I know it’s the FEELING/PERCEPTION. It's the MEDIA blowing certain things up and SILENCING others thing. Don't let it fool you. I know what it’s like “to feel” like something is true. But there is a time and place to feel, and a time and place to look at things objectively.

    if i was black i'd sound like this dude 100%

    quote from a former civil rights movement activist:

    Reynolds argues that while “the civil rights movement valued all human lives, even those of people who worked against us,” BLM focuses too narrowly on “black pain and suffering,” shouting down “those who dare to utter ‘all lives matter.’” She argued that in order to “win broader appeal [the BLM Movement] must work harder to acknowledge the humanity in the lives of others.”

    hey look, neo-nazi black rappers:

    racist black women exist too

    Last edited by Computer Loser; 01-28-2021 at 03:25 AM.

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