I feel like this topic is not safe to talk about. If one wants to discuss it philosophically, it can easily be misconstrued as wanting to fight against the rights of transgender people. Being concerned about some of the changes to society that are going through for human rights reasons to include/not discriminate against transgender people, can also be seen as fighting against the rights of transgender people. I really don't know what I think about what JK Rowling said because I'm too confused. If she is misgendering people and advocating against creating inclusive restrooms that is "bad" in that it is fighting against things that are needed. I've watched enough videos on this to see that being misgendered really hurts transgender people and I've read that bathrooms are not safe for transgender people because it's a place in which their identity can be questioned, and by people who hate them for not being cis-gendered and want to harm them. How we structure our bathrooms really doesn't need to be sacred. And honestly for cis-women worried about being raped in the bathroom, one can be raped anywhere--at home, in a dark alley, at a party, or even in the women's restroom (just as the way it is)... Rapists haven't generally been lying in wait for their access to the women's restroom lol.

In general I am worried about the SJW movement as well because it tends to break everything into a binary. It is one side, or it is the other. One side is evil, the other side is good. If you disagree with or question anything on the good side (while largely agreeing with the good side overall), then you are not on the good side, therefore you are evil. And if you are evil, the consequences are devastating. It's a sort of psychological imprisonment, to find a way to not say the things that would mark you as potentially "evil." But even saying what I just did leads to this absolute of "Oh, so you disagree with SJWs and the entirety of their movements then DON'T YOU?! Ah ha! Evil verified! Exterminate. EXTERMINATE!"