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Thread: JK Rowling's Thoughts on Some Trans Activism

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  1. #11
    Hacking your soul since the beginning of time Hitta's Avatar
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    The whole debate is skewed by vocabulary and terminology. Feminists and trans-folks will argue about it for eternity. I mean the phrase "people that menstruate" is probably quite an annoying for most female readers. Is there a term for having a penis or a vagina? Biologically speaking it is male or female. Then you can get into arguments about genetics and shit XX v.s. XY.... which is another biological argument. Then you end up with a guy that feels like a woman, but has a penis, you've just shitted on the very definitions that were created. Now I believe that there are definitive genetic patterns even with a Y chromosome that can make a male feel like a woman. There can be environmental issues as well(and epigenetic trends). Trans people can be like... well that's why I'm a woman, because my body makes me feel like a woman. Then the feminists can come back and say that they don't have a vagina or an XX chromosome pair. It's an impossible futile argument. Both sides want to be called a woman, but that's impossible because the word woman can only mean one thing. I mean turning the word woman into a multi-definition term creates a major issue especially when it comes to policy and maintaining some sort of equality between groups. It's impossible to reconcile without one side being willing to adopt a new language. That's not going to happen though and I expect the two groups to be at war for a while. It won't just be the "radical terf" feminists before long.
    Last edited by Hitta; 06-13-2020 at 04:36 AM.
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