I was just kinda skimming through her initial article when I decided to unclench and come to the forum instead, and saw this, lol.

A list of disparate and not fully formed thoughts that I'm going to toss out before taking a bath instead-

-"biology of sex" bullshit isn't important to me personally, but for a very long time it has mattered to people who inflict sexual violence or create (subordinate) gender roles etc and is that relevant? Does that mean "biology of sex" should matter? This is something I need to think about more, and maybe it doesn't. But if biology will continue to be a reason for those things, I feel like maybe it does? Even if I don't personally feel like.. Penis=male hehe ScIeNcE lol. In simple terms, if penises were routinely chopped off, you wouldn't find it irrelevant that you had one, lol, and you might resent being told it didn't matter if you do or not. So then it just comes down to whether you think sexism against people who are recognized by misogynists as female (generally cuz they have vaginas) is a thing and THAT'S something we all agree on (lol)

-I don't know the trans activist stance at large about sexuality as it relates to genitals? But I've seen a fair amount of material about how lesbians should question themselves about why they're reluctant to suck dick because of the transphobic reasons they might have for their preferences and it makes me feel wary about transactivicts and I'd like to #Not All them??? Can I do that?

-The risk of a cis man giving enough shits to pretend to be a trans woman so that he can go in a female bathroom seems ridiculously low. I believe I've been in a bathroom with a penis a dozen times and not known it. Whatever. If a man wants to grab a pussy he'll just do it. Word up.

- This looks to center around trans women but I want to hear from the trans men since they get both ends of the stick. (I'm not comparing their severity. I most definitely like being identified as female by misogynists more than I would like being identified as trans, at all. Maybe that needs emphasis.)

- I feel like there needs to be a way for "your genitals are relevant if they're a reason you're a target" and "people shouldn't be placed in certain slots because of physical characteristics they were born with" to coexist happily as ideas but that would require (at the least) people to compromise with those who find their existence inconvenient. Not a lot of faith that will happen.


This list of thoughts became stupidly long and I keep editing it. Bah