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Thread: Type 7 bias

  1. #1
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Default Type 7 bias

    It seems that most of the psychology world has a bias to type 7 and is way up that type's ass.

    I remember growing up and seeing psychologists numerous times and it's like none of them wanted me to be there. No matter what they said or any facade they tried to put up deep down beyond all veils I could sense the 'Go away now' energy. Before I am accused of 'playing victim' I don't take it personally nor did I ever really care, I just figured that's how they treated all their clients.

    And it seemed they had this obsession with type 7 and turning most of their clients into type 7. They kinda worshipped/were in awe of vapid and superficial people that just lived their lives a lot and moved around a lot without embarking on psychology. The way average 7s are, ya know. Because those psychologists weren't even all that insightful, they more or less just wanted to be. But they couldn't be that way themselves. Instead they were trapped in a unhealthy dynamic of bullying unhealthy or average 4s. And 6s and 9s but mostly 4s.

    The 4s weren't entirely innocent in this dynamic either of course, as my nana used to say 'it takes two to tango' and if you keep going to the therapy appointments you are subconsciously looking to get abused by weirdo cult people who want you to be a 7 but you're really a 4 or 9.

    I mean a healthy 4 would never go to an abusive therapist and instead create a work of art about how they suck. If it's good enough they would get Te money over it and shit is my view and they would both fit in and be self-renewal all whilst remaining aristic and unique - the hallmark of healthy 4s. Not sure how principled it would be but pretty principled I mean , they would gain money teaching others not to waste money on something they don't need which is exploitative 3-ish in and of itself but the point of enneagram is that the healthiest version of your type becomes a little bit of all the other types anyway, right. So that healthy 4 would also be a bit more bossy and assertive too and less Carrie White-ish. Or the shy nerdy bullied girl in the Pink video lol.

    But they would still be Carrie in a more loving way because you don't fully ascend ur type u just transcend and absorb it perfectly at the highest level of exaltation or some shit. So healthy 4s would be "Everybody is an artist and I compassionately respect that. I am not different or injured from anybody else. However, I still am the best artist around." And they have earned that badge of honor via the ascension & trials they had to go thru. Unless they regress again and start thinking they need therapy.

    And no I'm not a 4 (I'm a 9) lol I just sorta ran with it. Yes, the entire system seems to me kinda trapped in worshipping 7s, hating 4s- and stating the obvious with 3s. They both like and hate 3s so much that the energy became neutralized.

  2. #2
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    They only like 4 if the 4 goes away forever. If it's so 'self-renewing' that it reincarnates into their house plant instead of a person.

    Also why did they say type 1s usually clash with authority figures? It seems like that's backwards, that 1s would be attracted to positions of authority because they are 1.

  3. #3
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    -_- my post disappeared. I dont understand your argument, how exactly is the psychology world biased toward type 7? Therapists work toward making their clients live a happier life but simply being happy has nothing to do with type 7 or any type. 7s chase excitement and stimulation in order to avoid feeling their negative emotions, which in turn makes the negative feelings grow larger. I dont know of any therapist that promotes this in their clients. Who are "they"? Im really confused.

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    It might be something that goes on in some cases, this OP Type 7 thing. But, I keep seeing sevens in counselling or in support groups and an emphasis on meditation, detachment, observing impulsive urges insteada acting on them, non-avoidance, etc

  5. #5
    * I’m special * flames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pirouette View Post
    Yes, this exactly. There's a lot of issues that can be had with unhealthy 7s, and they were one of the most common types among patients that I've personally seen at mental health clinics.
    I just want to add to this that I’m most likely an enneatype 7 and I have been to a mental hospital 5 times. I also take 4 medications some of which are twice daily. My psychiatrist observed that I seemed happy each time I was at the hospital and suggested I “live in a group home”. ;? paradoxical in the fact that you are confined in walls with no connection to the outside world other than a shitty corded phone on the wall with designated calling hours... so you are not “free” as the type 7 wants to be.... butttt you are free of all your outside world problems like dysfunctional family, deadend slave jobs, drug addiction, loneliness... etc. And you find easy rock solid connections inside those places with likeminded people who you later do ridiculous amounts of drugs with. Freeedoommm

    Response to OP: I feel that the bias you speak of is a double edged sword. I’ve seen many psychologists/therapists/whatever and they all saw me as an edgy shit stirring mass of unbridled hedonistic instant gratification that shoos problems away with outrageous drug fueled adventures and grand humorous tales and more things related to poor impulse control and yearning for “more”. The only way I got in touch with my inner feelings was through my long string of brief romantic relationships but these often/always ended badly and ended up emotionally scarring me.

    And this is what they were trying so hard to kill. They would at first entertain my doings and my extravagant sparkly personality only to pull the rug out from under me by suddenly cutting off that ego feeding and instead criticizing me and nudging me into the feeling the feelings I don’t want to feel... They would make me feel power less as I can’t complete the goals they set out for me because I’m busy indulging myself which makes my self esteem plummet and I will be criticizing myself as well; normally I have a decent amount of power over people and can easily convince people to do things for me and suddenly there is someone who I can’t manipulate sizing me up as if seeing my player stats in a video game like I normally do to everyone else I encounter and throwing it back in my face.


    Ichazo enneagram 7 description:

    Becoming fixated in the Domain of Position and Authority, there is a swing to the dichotomies of that domain. This can manifest in a positive sense as Self-Respect on one side, or Modesty at the other side. It can manifest in a negative sense as Superiority at one extreme or Inferiority at the other extreme. These dichotomies are represented by two characters: the Pretentious character at one end, the Loser at the other. Rivalries invade the consciousness in this domain. The stress of being fixated and imbalanced in this domain can lead to Gluttony as a compensatory mechanism. The poison of this domain is Confusion of thought.”

    ^^my response: In this sense, a 7 in therapy is trapped in that very described fixation on themselves swinging from feeling like hot shit to feeling like a loser being fed to by the therapist directly. Getting stuck in this cycle breaks a 7.

    So, the grand conclusion: there is a bias to the 7 mindset of marching past negative feelings and replacing them with positive activities, they like that... but there is a backlash to all the “sloppy” traits of being a 7 (quick fix, easy profit, self masturbatory, impulsive, unprepared characteristics...) that reinforces the existing feeling of being a Loser and thus increases the 7’s desire to mask said feelings by being super fun and super cool and desirable (Pretentious, much?). Being trapped in this cycle forces the 7 to finally change their behavior to wiggle out of it or makes them retreat into low average to unhealthy 7 patterns that could last for years.

    I would say therapy/psychology is very anti 4 indeed but that doesn’t make 7, being the “opposite” type, very glorified in psychology. I would say therapy is really more biased to a mixture of 9 and 3 stuff; being tranquil, at peace, level headed, & calm mixed with being productive, put together and goal achieving... or in other words doing shit like deep breathing and meditation or working 9-5 at your job with a productive smile. These are basically more positive ways of dealing with negative emotions compared to a 7’s excess.

    Ok, I think I’ll leave this post with that, hopefully I wasn’t hard to understand throughout this.
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    ya you're a 7w6

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    The ahem bias I feel I've noticed in my antiwisdom wrt Type 7 is in jobs. That spazzy person at work who talks a lot and interrupts their own train of thought several times with the other trains (not enough tracks for all these trains, only one mouth to speak with), chronically is late to everything, can't keep track of their schedule, is constantly starting things but not finishing them, is absent-minded and behaves neurotically but it's "cute," distracts themselves from every aspect of their work with another aspect of their work, and talks optimistic visions of the future... This personality is always liked, and it's okay when they're late or when they don't finish things, and they draw lots of sympathy in their expression of fear of the mundane, unpleasant, inconvenient, etc. so one is more likely to empathize with their pain while at the same time there are dutiful people doing much more work and it's much more painful for them, but they are always on time and they finish what they start. It's all about personality and how some of the 7s can manage their way into this cute 7 style persona in which they manage to get out of having to do things. But perhaps this is a hidden opportunity because the childlike nature of these 7s only brings to light the way in which we are all like innocent child victims of our workplaces, those bestowers of pain and suffering.

    Regarding mental health professionals, my experience is they seem to really love insight, and when the insight is flowing they seem to feel it's all going quite well, as though insight will touch practical problems. So I find that we had insightful conversations in which I hid at least half of myself, but I said things that were true also to the parts of myself I'm hiding from view. Meanwhile nothing really changes after the therapy. I can't seem to fully enter the therapeutic realm and the insight conversations are a way to avoid having to really get to the depths of my pain and problems which I think are far too ugly to expose to anyone. I don't feel this is their bias but my own special problem in which I'm actually not willing to even sit at the table despite the fact that I arranged the therapy. The only block to this is emotional volatility which I display off and on and which has shocked mental health professionals before, leading one psychiatrist to wonder about a completely different medication pathway, as when the insights aren't changing things, then we go to drugs. That's how people really transform in life.

    I actually might agree that we are all ideally supposed to be the positive image of a healthy 9, but I feel the healthy 9 is a lie, that the world is too screwed up to produce all that many healthy 9s. One can only go so far on pretending everything is okay.

    Ooh I forgot the other thing a lot of mental health professionals seem to like is trauma and screwed up pasts of emotional pain, which is why the past needs to be talked about a lot. In this sense I would think they would like 4s a lot, as that is the type which is very fixated on its suffering when unhealthy. And if you start crying, it means something "real" is happening.
    Last edited by marooned; 06-25-2020 at 07:46 PM.

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