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Thread: Si role

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    persimmonism's Avatar
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    Default Si role

    For those of you who have it, how does it manifest in yourself? How does it "feel" like?

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    Vex's Avatar
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    I would like to hear experiences as well. I'm quite curious ~
    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

    I can't click “like” on peoples posts due to the poor functionality of the site on my end. Just know that if you quoted me and were nice to me that I’m psychically sending you a like from my heart.

    Model G: IEI-CN
    Model A: Most likely ISFx
    Enneagram: 9w8 5w6 2w1 sp/so
    AP: VELF 4231
    PY: FEVL

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    It's somewhat necessary for survival since IEI is one of the most metaphysical types. It's one of the few tethers to physical reality we have since Se is inferior and Te is PoLR.

    There's definitely a superego "should" feeling to it, like low-level anxiety. "I should take care of this health need, I should get to bed on time, I should be able to recall this past thing in great detail or focus on the minutiae of this project."

    I can enjoy the fruits of Si to some degree, but the doing of it (usually) feels burdensome and a diversion away from what I really want to be doing. There's not a great deal of intrinsic pleasure in tending to Si things or recalling a detailed log of past experiences.

    If I've had a very Si-heavy day (doctor appointments, exercise, nutrition, cleaning) I'll feel good in a "wow, I was a responsible adult" sense, but pretty unfulfilled and almost like it was a wasted day since I didn't do anything creative or relational. If I have many days like that in a row I start feeling depressed and like I'm just living out Groundhog Day. Just surviving without any special goal or real progress.

    I also have stretches of not paying much attention to it (less so as I've gotten older, you just can't keep doing that unfortunately) but then get periodically anxious/obsessive if things are stacking up. Then I can get on weird kicks where I obsess over details and try to stick to eating/sleeping at the same time, but it's not sustainable.

    TLDR: I'm capable of Si to a degree, but not with a strong degree of elegance or personal fulfillment. It makes me feel like a hamster on a wheel, spinning and not getting anywhere meaningful. I want to move forward in life, not be slogged down by routine maintenance. My best description of 2D functions would be "workable but fairly crude." It's not as bad as a broken leg, but not the strongest muscle.

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I was meeting an acquaintance one time and I kind of awkwardly and two dimensionally asked him if he would like a glass of water or anything. If I was an ESE I'd probably just force him to drink it or ask him in a more cheery way or something? lol

    I was just trying to be nice and see if he was comfortable, but if you were particularly sensitive or perceptive it probably also would be easy to see that I didn't really give a shit or not that he drank anything or if he was properly hydrated. (other types really DO care and it's creepy!) I was just so indifferent to it. Yet I can do it pretty easily where I can probably fool people that I really do care, just like LIE's Fe role when they are trying to sell something they can fool people that they really are just being good-natured and gay or something, (which allows them to be an even better salesman shark lol)

    2D Functions are easy for people to follow I think, because when you do- it feels like you are 'going somewhere' and on a path of direction. It's not a strength or a weakness, it's just a road. Do you think about the pavement everytime you walk? Probably not. But it's there, doing things for you.

    I think some socionists underrate the 2d functions way too much and treat them like 1 dimensional functions. 2D functions are incredibly important. You're not really all that weak in them, at all. You are average and kinda awkward at them, and that's actually good enough- and more than good enough in many cases, because being average at something means even better that you can use it to manipulate to your own advantage.
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 06-07-2020 at 04:43 AM.

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    Contrasting myself with my EIE friend: I notice sooner when I'm running out of energy and don't over-extend myself the way she does. There's a sense of annoyance about this limitation, like "I shouldn't have a body, stupid body getting in the way again," but I will still pay attention to it and let myself rest or whatever.

  6. #6
    fypm ropan's Avatar
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    i’m larping as ili so i’ll go ahead and offer my findings. role function is weak and unvalued, but unlike polr, the user wont try to overcompensate for it. to answer op, i think si role would be the inability to conceptualize sensation in a cause-effect way. like drinking something high in caffeine and not noticing the always accompanying crash/or wakefulness. si dom would be able to rationalize: “in order for me to get a restful sleep, i need to have my soft thousand count thread comforter and total darkness/total quiet. oh and my silk pillow because that’s been helping with my acne flareups”. for me, it’s the whole not being aware of that “craving” sensation but always glad to have went with gut instinct.

    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    Contrasting myself with my EIE friend: I notice sooner when I'm running out of energy and don't over-extend myself the way she does. There's a sense of annoyance about this limitation, like "I shouldn't have a body, stupid body getting in the way again," but I will still pay attention to it and let myself rest or whatever.
    yeah, exactly. si polr would be the type to make a psyllium husk concoction with chlorophyll drops because they heard it would be help with their webmd-diagnosed illness.

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    compared to other N, they should pay more attention to look nice and cute on public: makeup, clothes

    taking the practice, I doubt there is this significant difference
    concrete function's specifics is not core theory, so it may be incorrect or partly incorrect, or lesser expressed. the look's related difference between S and N types, ego Si and Se - that has more sense in the theory and can be noticed in my experience

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    compared to other N, they should pay more attention to look nice and cute on public: makeup, clothes
    Are these external evaluations in line with Se valuing types? Ignoring that almost all of society places value on fashionable and aesthetically pleasing appearances, do Se types, on average, value this aspect of ''sensing'' more? I would think that this aspect would also be related to F elements - being aware of societal rights and wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by para View Post
    Are these external evaluations in line with Se valuing types?
    As practically significant factors in types for good look I'd say only those 2 above.

    > Ignoring that almost all of society places value on fashionable and aesthetically pleasing appearances, do Se types, on average, value this aspect of ''sensing'' more?

    If a region is strong and a human thinks there is a use for him to be good there - he'll be on socially good level. Also Se ego types have own motivation to look good - it expresses their Se value of good income, besides aesthetic factor.

    If a region is weak - even if you have it valued and want to be good - you'll do regular fails which will be noticed by those who have this region as strong. You may train and be good in particular things and limited situations, but with a step aside, in details, in higher stress - you'll do noticable seriouse fails. It's from average view, as the general level of weak regions may be different and be changed.

    > I would think that this aspect would also be related to F elements - being aware of societal rights and wrong.

    Same as with valuing. F types may have higher wish to give good look impression - as people like it and they care more to be liked. But having region as weak is the principle obstacle. For example, they may look on public good today, but tomorrow or same day later much worse.

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    Quote Originally Posted by altayr View Post
    yeah, exactly. si polr would be the type to make a psyllium husk concoction with chlorophyll drops because they heard it would be help with their webmd-diagnosed illness.
    Lol, this was poetry.

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