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Thread: Jealousy

  1. #1
    persimmonism's Avatar
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    Default Jealousy

    I know you can't really categorize types like this too much, but which would you say are the types most prone to jealousy?
    I've heard a lot about the SLE-IEI duality being a very jealous one, is it true? And what else?

    (ps: for the other thread i'm not ignoring you all i just haven't gotten to replying yet!)

  2. #2
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    seems it was somewhere already

    weak N, and especially nonvalued weak Ne, makes more suspicious to what people really are and hence what they really do and may do
    also Se predisposes to material control - they have higher feeling "it's mine". hence are harder to lose that, what inspires higher need to control it, following to jealousy feelings

    With better love feelings people have lesser doubts in each other to feel jealousy.

  3. #3
    Vex's Avatar
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    Jealousy is my kink
    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

    I can't click “like” on peoples posts due to the poor functionality of the site on my end. Just know that if you quoted me and were nice to me that I’m psychically sending you a like from my heart.

    Model G: IEI-CN
    Model A: Most likely ISFx
    Enneagram: 9w8 5w6 2w1 sp/so
    AP: VELF 4231
    PY: FEVL

  4. #4
    Park's Avatar
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    Jealousy is generally a good thing as it makes you want to become better, i.e., raise yourself to someone else's level. Envy, on the other hand, is almost always a bad thing as it makes you bitter and destructive, i.e., wanting to bring people down to your level.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  5. #5
    Rebelondeck's Avatar
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    Jealousy seems more animalistic than cognitive so should be common across the types. I've never been jealous but I know LIIs who are. Now, I've met a few SLE and IEI (not together) who seemed to be overly covetous and desiring the easy life but I'm sure some of all other types can be guilty of that; it's just that these were rather obvious.

    a.k.a. I/O

  6. #6
    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    I’ve kind of liked it when a few IEI guys became jealous over me, especially when it was the one out of them that I actually liked.

    I would say I am maybe territorial if that counts, like wondering “who is that bitch” in various pictures they’ve been in together lol. But I don’t really like to be intentionally made to be jealous by the guy himself, as I am insecure and sensitive about my relationships enough already.

    I tend to believe that it’s fair and justified in terms of who gets what, and I don’t really see the point in trying to sway other people’s decisions. It’s hard to say though because I’ve never really been in a man-stealing kind of situation. I’m of the mind that stealing, jealous or envious behavior comes from a position of vulnerability and lacking. I avoid getting to such a state; generally I make sure to get my own in all aspects of my life, therefore it’s almost never that I experience jealousy.

  7. #7
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I don't get jealous very often, I mean I'm not really impressed by ultra successful people that much or anything because it seems like this fake veil that's easy to 'prick' anyway. Although it doesn't look like it externally- I probably bother them more than they bother me. But when I do get jealous of something or someone (usually an internal state of being I wish I had, like an internal state that comes so easily for the other person but for me I have to climb 15,000 mountains to get half as far... I mean I hate that shit.)

    I'm so embarrassed to even admit this, but I do remember when I was jealous of this (probably SLE) gay male. I don't know- I guess at the time I had very low self-esteem and thought he was a 'better person' than me and I got a huge crush on him. He also liked me... but I would like start wearing the clothes he liked to wear and things like that. I was sorta in love with him, but mostly I was just jealous. I didn't really like 'him' as much as I wanted to be more like the person he was myself. I hated the feeling. I feel so cringey and ashamed I sacrificed myself so much, just to try and impress him. I'm glad I am over him now lol. And now I hate the condescending and belittling way he would talk to me but I know I brought it on myself by lack of confidence.

    I was really jelly of how easily he talked to ppl irl, where as me I'm still so shy and loser-like. (in Ni writing I can own anybody though but in person a 5 year old girl owns me)

    I also was jealous of Miley Cyrus' pool back in the day but that is more petty/fluffy/lighthearted lol.

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