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Thread: what does socionics type me as?

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    fypm ropan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    Your answers were unobstrusive and non-coarse, it could be because you don't value Se or you value Fi or you have high Fi. So my conlusion is SEI or IEE. From my point of view, your answers or behavior don't indicate Se/Ni valuing or a rational type. If you think you might be a rational type or you might value Se/Ni, could you elaborate your reasons or upload another video?
    i would say i am more inclined to having conscious Se/Ni in my stacking rather than Si/Ne. let me go as far as saying, im certain i have Ni in my ego block. i can get kinda muddled when someone offers an alternative typing(esp when just reading general description of how types come across), and who knows maybe thats type related and can point to some other favored stacking...

    but i must maintain that ni feels the most certain for me. ive always been in these mind loops where im ruminating of the past. ive done well when it comes to math classes in my formative years simply bc i was able to see some pattern and i could work backwards to arrive at a correct answer. beyond that, i was a total flop when it comes to math and much preferred other subjects like English, where my abstractness helped me write A papers.

    beyond just education though, at the cost of sounding lame, it's easy for me to make analogies and metaphors and that's normally how im able to explain myself. like ill see parallels, where seemingly there is none, and friends would agree. something ive noticed about myself, and this could or could not be Ni, but when it comes to human nature, i can usually make some profound observation and ill find out later, that it's a very real thing that exists and has a philosophical/sychological term. on that note, i am also prone to paranoia and superstition, like second guessing someone intentions and arriving at ridiculous (seemingly) conclusions. most of the time, unfair, but im almost always proven right. i really enjoy, when learning something, those aha moments. like there's this mobile game ive been playing since quarantine, and theres so many overwhelming and complex game plays im always learning something new, and those moments where it just it.

    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post

    Is there a certain type of people or certain characteristics or behaviors that you dislike? Could you give an example of instances where you act based on your emotions?
    competitive people, tactlessness, people who act self-righteously. 'deepness'.

    does crying when someone else cries, count? lool. i think its hard to get me roused. it usually depends on who it is, but i tend to react. like, when me and my sister were arguing once, ive sprayed her with the water bottle i was drinking out of(knowing full well she'd beat my ass lmao).

    it's hard putting into words what im like but hmm there you have it for now lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Well, please bear in mind that I'm wrong most of the time. Anyone here can tell you that. Still......if you are IEE, then your Erotic Attitude is Infantile and your best match is an SLI. A Caregiver who will take care of you and will pretty much put you on a budget and will never, ever tell you how much money they have, because IEE's are kind of irresponsible with cash sometimes. Like little kids.
    My father, ex-wife, and son are all SLI. I have a sister-in-law and a bookkeeper who are IEE-Ne and IEE-Fi, respectively, so I'm fairly familiar with these types.

    I could see how someone might type you as IEE. I'd say you have some ghosts of the looks of an IEE, but I still think you are a much closer match to ESI-Se. Not so much from your looks, but rather from your responses.

    Still, again, I'm usually wrong. You have to decide for yourself.

    For what it's worth, you can read Stratiyevskaya's description of ISFj's. I find that the ESI-Fi and ESI-Se subtypes differ quite a bit. For example,

    Here is a random and mischievous IEE:
    Here is an ESI-Fi e4:
    And here is an ESI-Se e6:

    Take a close look at the way the last woman is dressed. An ESI is an Artist, and her artwork is herself.
    yeah, im mostly fascinated at how ive never really considered either types, iee/esi. i mostly related to the description of cognitive type had for NeFi as a child. i put a lot thought/effort into how ill be perceived by others, and that can translate into my fashion sense, but it's not something i am too hungover. i do dabble in digital art though, but that's probably not exclusive to esi.

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    Quote Originally Posted by indo View Post
    i would say i am more inclined to having conscious Se/Ni in my stacking rather than Si/Ne. let me go as far as saying, im certain i have Ni in my ego block. i can get kinda muddled when someone offers an alternative typing(esp when just reading general description of how types come across), and who knows maybe thats type related and can point to some other favored stacking...

    but i must maintain that ni feels the most certain for me. ive always been in these mind loops where im ruminating of the past. ive done well when it comes to math classes in my formative years simply bc i was able to see some pattern and i could work backwards to arrive at a correct answer. beyond that, i was a total flop when it comes to math and much preferred other subjects like English, where my abstractness helped me write A papers.

    beyond just education though, at the cost of sounding lame, it's easy for me to make analogies and metaphors and that's normally how im able to explain myself. like ill see parallels, where seemingly there is none, and friends would agree. something ive noticed about myself, and this could or could not be Ni, but when it comes to human nature, i can usually make some profound observation and ill find out later, that it's a very real thing that exists and has a philosophical/sychological term. on that note, i am also prone to paranoia and superstition, like second guessing someone intentions and arriving at ridiculous (seemingly) conclusions. most of the time, unfair, but im almost always proven right. i really enjoy, when learning something, those aha moments. like there's this mobile game ive been playing since quarantine, and theres so many overwhelming and complex game plays im always learning something new, and those moments where it just it.

    competitive people, tactlessness, people who act self-righteously. 'deepness'.

    does crying when someone else cries, count? lool. i think its hard to get me roused. it usually depends on who it is, but i tend to react. like, when me and my sister were arguing once, ive sprayed her with the water bottle i was drinking out of(knowing full well she'd beat my ass lmao).

    it's hard putting into words what im like but hmm there you have it for now lol

    yeah, im mostly fascinated at how ive never really considered either types, iee/esi. i mostly related to the description of cognitive type had for NeFi as a child. i put a lot thought/effort into how ill be perceived by others, and that can translate into my fashion sense, but it's not something i am too hungover. i do dabble in digital art though, but that's probably not exclusive to esi.
    ESI-Se's produce art that is fairly distinctive, in my opinion. This distinction extends to the clothes they wear. It is distinctive in regard to colors (not saturated, but bold pastels) and there is a periodicity to the patterns that they like, which are typically hand- or head-sized.

    I'd say your avatar is that of an Artist who considers herself unique (e4). It has clear, simple, bold lines. Not a lot of tiny detail, not some complex scene, but rather something simple and direct.

  3. #3
    fypm ropan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    ESI-Se's produce art that is fairly distinctive, in my opinion. This distinction extends to the clothes they wear. It is distinctive in regard to colors (not saturated, but bold pastels) and there is a periodicity to the patterns that they like, which are typically hand- or head-sized.

    I'd say your avatar is that of an Artist who considers herself unique (e4). It has clear, simple, bold lines. Not a lot of tiny detail, not some complex scene, but rather something simple and direct.
    ahh interesting, you are prolly right. i generally gravitate to art that is sort of purposely rough/sketchy and has a originality. i do admire artists who can do high concept art, and for traditional art i love sumi-e and ink wash paintings(the creative problem solving the limitations demand and the work produced are amazing)

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