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  1. #241
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    This was interesting:
    I can see immediate resemblance to the Zhukov. Not so much to the Maxim.

    When it comes to expressiveness, I'm starting to be convinced on the DCNH Subtype explaining the "IJ" vibe. In Gulenko's model, energy metabolism and information metabolism are separated. In information metabolism, SLE is a better fit than LSI. In energy metabolism, N is a good fit.

    Many people have said I'm "IJ" temperament-wise, this corresponds to N in DCNH, while D = "EJ", C = "EP", and H = "IP". Incidentally, the SLE-N subtype description also fits best out of all the 64 descriptions in Gulenko's book.

    I've always felt like SLE fits my cognition best, but couldn't before reconcile the stereotypic EP temperament to my more IJ-like temperament.

  2. #242
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    Omg I’m not even credited gtfo

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Omg I’m not even credited gtfo
    THANKS TO SBBDS FOR SHARING THE LINK IN THE CHATBOX (I actually thought about crediting but forgot)

  4. #244
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    @Northstar if you’d like to contrast yourself with some users on here who basically nobody has disputed as being LSI, you could look at
    don't do that he's just going to roleplay.

  6. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy View Post
    don't do that he's just going to roleplay.

    The real LSI users I listed are all pretty random and expressive actually IMO, ironically.

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy View Post
    don't do that he's just going to roleplay.
    Lol. Even the e4w5 IEI roleplaying LSI here didn't think I was roleplaying! Don't you misconstrue my statements, woman.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Cool stuff, these old machines seem to live forever. They were built to last. I've seen some old ones still running Commodore 64. And why not, they do the job. You don't need to twitter with them.

    Yeah, Fi PoLR does make sense to me, issues with Fi is the reason I got into socionics. I have a hard time figuring out how someone feels about me unless they put on a very clear display.
    I've never had a best friend or even very close friends, interactions with friends remain limited to doing stuff together and never getting into any personal conversations. I tend to simply forget about people when I'm no longer in constant contact with them. I do have sx in my instinct stacking though, so this is very different with women I'm attracted to. With them I can be very intimate if they're acting in a compatible and non-judgemental way, otherwise not. But even if the relationship goes south, I don't have any lingering bad feelings.

    The same disinterest goes with enemies, I can get angry at someone momentarily but it doesn't take long for me to forget them altogether. I don't hold grudges because I pretty quickly forget the people even exist. Being called a bad person or ethically judged makes me angry or arrogantly dismissive depending on how it's done, but it definitely doesn't make me change my ways, more like the opposite. I'll try to continue being "good" if I'm already seen as being so.
    I hope you don't mind this tangental note, but what makes you choose 8w9 over 9w8?

  9. #249
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    I hope you don't mind this tangental note, but what makes you choose 8w9 over 9w8?
    Okay, enneagram stuff.

    My core fears, desires and motivations align with 8, not 9.

    I have an extreme need of being in control, there's nothing worse than not being in control of your own destiny and situation. I'm not averse to conflict (which should be obvious by now). I don't go actively looking for it like a 8w7 might, but when it comes my way I embrace it.
    Anyone who knows me intimately would say that force of will and focus are my main defining positive features, I simply do not give up when faced with difficulties. I have always been independent and never allowed anyone to push me around. Complying with rules and listening to authority figures has never been something for me.
    As far as making peace goes, I'm typically not the one making the first move but I can accept offers of peace if they seem genuine and it wouldn't make me seem weak to accept it. It's not my core way of working, though. I'm not a harmonizing influence.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Okay, enneagram stuff.

    My core fears, desires and motivations align with 8, not 9.

    I have an extreme need of being in control, there's nothing worse than not being in control of your own destiny and situation. I'm not averse to conflict (which should be obvious by now). I don't go actively looking for it like a 8w7 might, but when it comes my way I embrace it.
    Anyone who knows me intimately would say that force of will and focus are my main defining positive features, I simply do not give up when faced with difficulties. I have always been independent and never allowed anyone to push me around. Complying with rules and listening to authority figures has never been something for me.
    As far as making peace goes, I'm typically not the one making the first move but I can accept offers of peace if they seem genuine and it wouldn't make me seem weak to accept it. It's not my core way of working, though. I'm not a harmonizing influence.
    Okay yes, if you don't mind conflict then you're not a 9 (I've known a lot of 9s for some reason, but not many 8s very well). But it would make sense if you have the 9 wing that you don't go looking to pick a fight or stir things up unnecessarily.

    I think my sister might be 8w7 and you don't remind me of her which is why I asked about being type 9. She would actively push buttons when younger.

  11. #251
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    Okay yes, if you don't mind conflict then you're not a 9 (I've known a lot of 9s for some reason, but not many 8s very well). But it would make sense if you have the 9 wing that you don't go looking to pick a fight or stir things up unnecessarily.

    I think my sister might be 8w7 and you don't remind me of her which is why I asked about being type 9. She would actively push buttons when younger.
    Yeah, I do the button pushing mostly with family members. When it's about strangers, I provoke them only if they already annoy me. I don't see the point in picking fights without a reason, the line needs to be crossed first. That's probably the 9 wing.
    I do seem to provoke people into conflict sometimes without thinking about it, not because I'm actively seeking to do it but I just don't think about them or their feelings.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    This was interesting:
    I can see immediate resemblance to the Zhukov. Not so much to the Maxim.

    When it comes to expressiveness, I'm starting to be convinced on the DCNH Subtype explaining the "IJ" vibe. In Gulenko's model, energy metabolism and information metabolism are separated. In information metabolism, SLE is a better fit than LSI. In energy metabolism, N is a good fit.

    Many people have said I'm "IJ" temperament-wise, this corresponds to N in DCNH, while D = "EJ", C = "EP", and H = "IP". Incidentally, the SLE-N subtype description also fits best out of all the 64 descriptions in Gulenko's book.

    I've always felt like SLE fits my cognition best, but couldn't before reconcile the stereotypic EP temperament to my more IJ-like temperament.

    Hm from that link.


    4. Frozen "sleeping". Facial expression
    5. Weak control of emotions
    6. Inexpressive facial expressions
    7. Restrained manner of communication
    11. Pronounces words distinctly
    13. Severe phlegmatic
    14. Direct posture

    ---> Fits your videos and style in chat (without Fe)

    Seems to me your *primary* mode.


    3. Active facial expressions
    4. Aggressive expression of emotions
    5. Direct rude manner of communication
    6. Grabbing gestures
    7. Active phlegmatic
    14. The manner of “simplifying” difficult questions, solving problems by force
    15. The most power type

    ---> Doesn't seem to fit you (unless maybe the emotional parts if Fe is around)
    (Your directness isn't what I think of with SLE)

    Seems like your *secondary* mode.

    All in all you still look a LOOOT like Bottas (F1) to me, who's typed LSI-Se.

    I'll add a bit more. You made a task out of the video typing with the strong focus on the task that pretty much killed 1D Fe. Like no emotion, there is just the task. You could only talk about logical / work / other unemotional things in your video so yeah that again shows low Fe low af when there is no one else to give you Fe. 99% of the time you only have Fe when you have Fe people around. If that's not Fe suggestive then nothing is. I also noticed you pick up Fe things from other people automatically and then later reuse them.

    If you're SLE then we both are the most logical-Ti-ever SLEs.

    Then I emphasise Se like you do it too, .... e.g. you mentioned buying good cars, yeah well I relate with how I buy expensive clothing and related items, trust me it easily gets as costly as cars if you buy the expensive enough stuff. I also like to regularly invest into real estate so I typed at SLE-N for that reason lol jk

    But yeah, actually my SLE typing is just there because you typed as that too bc of the "Fi PoLR" which I also seem to have ....

    You said,

    "Yeah, Fi PoLR does make sense to me, issues with Fi is the reason I got into socionics. I have a hard time figuring out how someone feels about me unless they put on a very clear display.
    I've never had a best friend or even very close friends, interactions with friends remain limited to doing stuff together and never getting into any personal conversations. I tend to simply forget about people when I'm no longer in constant contact with them. I do have sx in my instinct stacking though, so this is very different with women I'm attracted to. With them I can be very intimate if they're acting in a compatible and non-judgemental way, otherwise not. But even if the relationship goes south, I don't have any lingering bad feelings.

    The same disinterest goes with enemies, I can get angry at someone momentarily but it doesn't take long for me to forget them altogether. I don't hold grudges because I pretty quickly forget the people even exist. Being called a bad person or ethically judged makes me angry or arrogantly dismissive depending on how it's done, but it definitely doesn't make me change my ways, more like the opposite. I'll try to continue being "good" if I'm already seen as being so."

    I was all this, word by word (minus sexual relations with women lol), until I got to experience more "Fe emotional connection". I still relate to a lot of this though. So the fact that it (slightly) changed from this by increasing Fe would mean that all this is just low Fe rather than low Fi. Anyway to be really serious, I think most of what you wrote about here is just being a Logical type. A lot of it Te egos would relate to, too.

    For the bolded: try involving the Ni vision too

    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    However, some obvious differences arise when comparing myself to a long-time friend who is certainly SLI. They are most of the time laid-back and calm, while LSI-Se (including me and another good friend I've known a long time) are more tense and on the edge at all times. This becomes very obvious when working. All three of us work on cars as a hobby but the SLI always seems to enjoy the process despite problems or setbacks. If something starts going wrong, he'll just demobilize, take a smoke break, think about it and then return to the issue with patient calm. I'm seldom able to do this, almost always working quickly at a feverish pace even when there actually isn't any hurry. The job itself isn't a reward, it's the result when it's done. During the job I'm often pissed off if it isn't going perfectly, relaxing and becoming happy when it's successfully completed.
    Same lol VERY LSI to me bc of the Ne PoLR/Ni HA getting frustrated. (In MBTI too, ISTJ has this issue. ISTP does not have this problem, they love to tinker like the SLI.) SLE do have a low frustration threshold too though but they are like more chaotic than LSI when getting angry lul and they get in their own way more than LSI. Lower Ni.

    When something starts going wrong, I just increase the effort expended while getting progressively more aggressive and volatile. There's a kind of internal rage that quickly comes out when things stop going smoothly. Taking it out on something physically feels good then, such smashing the seized parts even harder with a hammer, cursing loudly, throwing tools etc. There is a choleric temper under the surface, my fuse is so much shorter compared to my SLI friend that often likes to laugh about the times we were working together and I once again lost my temper, throwing parts around in rage and scaring off onlookers.
    That's me too except my rage isn't THIS strong by default. It got this strong only when I had other emotional issues going on. Otherwise I do relate. But yeah, emotional issues, look into that imo. Also, this is probably astronics bullshit, but this type of angry acting out is supposed to be the Fe evaluations coming out through Se creative, lol.

    To me the sensing subtype implies boosting of both Se and Si which makes it easy to see why the demo Si would be visible. In practice it also seems to make me much more accepting of Ne as compared to LSI-Ti, but less tolerant of Fi, I know all subtype theories might not agree with this but they're not very solid stuff anyway with lots of different versions floating around. I'm making my own here: Irrational subtype boosts Se/Si/Ne/Ni and rational subtype boosts Ti/Te/Fe/Fi.
    Ti lead expecting consistency, I'm the same way :shrug

    It was an example for C-D thinking style in Gulenko's article actually.

    Anyhow, I can also make my version: extraverted subtype increases extraverted functs and introverted subtype the introverted ones. As simple as that.

    That's what fits me, as for me the increased ones next to my LSI-Ti friend are:

    Se Fe Te Ne

    NOT Ni or Si. Those are higher for him. Along with Fi and Ti.

    It took me a while to see how Ne is also boosted next to him but then I realised that was true.

    I don't see the point in picking fights without a reason, the line needs to be crossed first. That's probably the 9 wing.
    I do seem to provoke people into conflict sometimes without thinking about it, not because I'm actively seeking to do it but I just don't think about them or their feelings.
    I think that's LSI's Se creative needing the Ti reason first, not 9 wing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    So you're just exploring options, that doesn't seem very convincing at all.
    Rational Ti's expectation.

    I have no qualms fucking with a system that I don't respect much at all, that's a common theme allright. This forum is a role-playing game, not a serious discussion board. Just look at all the people that don't even post pics and videos, where are yours? I'd like to contrast to a self-typed LSI.

    Yeah, one of the reasons I'm leaning to Ti-creative rather than Ti-lead is that I'm more interested in poking holes in universal theories to see if they hold water than creating or promoting them myself.
    The biggest issue with Te types is that I just can't stand the Fi, including the sappy Fi-seeking of Te egos. Instead I enjoy receiving Fe, especially the brand that EIE and IEI keep putting out. I can't really do that myself but I definitely value it. Trolling, provocation and drama are fun, not distressing.
    LII friend told me he hates Fi too, ... I also do if it's forced too much on me. It would make me too sensitive and less tough. Sappy Fi, I like that phrasing actually for it, uh. I seem to be most okay with it with ESIs, bc of the shared Se. But I've felt very distressed over certain Fi inputs before ... I'll add that Fe seeking is definitely obvious in you, I don't know how it is not obvious to everyone. I relate only partially there, as personally I see little point in trolling, but provocation and drama are fun, yeah.

    As for your approach to systems: your needing respect sounds more serious Ti (LxI), and I'm not sure what this is for me either, but poking holes into theories, I do that too alot ... I apparently like throwing a wrench into everything and LxI-Ti's feel that I create too much chaos.

    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Okay, enneagram stuff.

    My core fears, desires and motivations align with 8, not 9.

    I have an extreme need of being in control, there's nothing worse than not being in control of your own destiny and situation. I'm not averse to conflict (which should be obvious by now). I don't go actively looking for it like a 8w7 might, but when it comes my way I embrace it.
    Anyone who knows me intimately would say that force of will and focus are my main defining positive features, I simply do not give up when faced with difficulties. I have always been independent and never allowed anyone to push me around. Complying with rules and listening to authority figures has never been something for me.
    As far as making peace goes, I'm typically not the one making the first move but I can accept offers of peace if they seem genuine and it wouldn't make me seem weak to accept it. It's not my core way of working, though. I'm not a harmonizing influence.
    I relate alot here. Except dealing with authority is a bit more nuanced for me, like I will comply in behaviour if I think there is something in it for me or if I'm just realistic and I know it's just being enforced and there is no other option. ... but I internally will still resist and enjoy it in a strange way (e.g. with law enforcement).

    Important question: How do you think SLE has focus like that?

    For me too I always get told I'm forceful. But I'm more focused than Se leads. And I see you the same way tbh. And yeah, "control" is a key word for me too.

    PS: Also alot of what you called Ti+Se for yourself also apparently is described for SLI too, lol:

    Nice astrology
    Last edited by grumpyvic81; 06-06-2020 at 01:25 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inaLim View Post
    For tangible comparisons - From the way he talks on text, I was expecting Frank Miller / Eminem / Michael Jordan, so I was surprised when on video he is more like Bill Belichek / Warren Buffet / Mike Ehrmantraut / Eyeore. But VI is not definitive for me unless it can be shown someone is a physical AND cognitive doppelganger. (see: Trump and Rob Liefeld, KSI and Eddie Hall, etc)
    Well OP just emphasises Se creative when talking about himself and with doing some other stuff. I know how that goes, I'm like that myself, so I wasn't surprised about the videos, I pretty much expected something like that, based on what I've seen in the chat.

    His video presence is what I would have assumed is like a stereotype of SLI (maybe I am biased from exposure to MBTI), but everything else fits Beta ST. Which is why I don't put much stock in typing by appearances. I'm going with LSI for now.
    If you mean SLI = ISTJ then no wonder you would think that.

    For the sake of being pedantic, yes deltas are often boring, but I wouldn't say they are that much more boring than anyone else. And they're definitely not "low key" emotionally. More like constipated and ready to blow. see: dude alluding to his violent temper and hanging people by their guts or whatever for moral transgressions.
    LSI is described that way just fine a lot.

    LSI is the "boring type" stereotypically.

    Same for low key emotionally, 1d Fe ..... when an Fe ego isn't around for that Fe dual seeking it can look like nonexistent.

    And LSI isn't aggro in the face because Se creative needs a reason to get aggressive or get moving etc. Otherwise Se creative can be turned off or is at least restricted and channelled into rationality by default.

    See above. He is phlegmatic and motionless. SLE that look pseudo-phlegmatic tend to actually be sanguine/choleric. Se doms should be expected to be on the edge of being mobilized at all times. Not because of "force" or "impulsiveness," or "pent-up chaos," or whatever other bullshit people buy into, but because lead extroverted sensing means constantly testing the environment. That has a different look to it than an internal state of refining logic, immersion in patterns, conserving internal equilibrium etc.

    Not to mention what he's said about his memory. If you can point me to some motionless, phlegmatic SLEs who can recall technical manuals verbatim, I'm open to revising my impression.
    lol uh, motionless phlegmatic Ti of LSI recalling technical manuals verbatim yeah

    It's very ISTJ too (mbti)

    So anyhow, I have a question too. I also look phlegmatic or pseudo-phlegmatic at first but I've actually got a load of choleric. Also sanguine in the right mood. (I used to type myself sanguine in my teenage years and didn't relate at all to phlegmatic then.) How does your observation apply to LSI-Se?

    And OP is frequently triggered by that Aaron guy who is either SEE, IEE, or ILE, which fits LSI conflict / supervisee / supervisor. He gets sucked right into it.
    I almost had that dynamics with Aaron. He's definitely archetypal IEE guy (of a certain subtype). Actually some observations/patterns noted in astronics articles is what has helped me not get sucked into it. But yeah I know what you mean when you mention this type of dynamic.

    With ILEs btw as an LSI I don't get "triggered" like that. I can have an intellectual discussion with some of them alright. (Or call me SLE for this? lol)

  14. #254
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    Now that was a wall of text and it's too much trouble to quote everything, so I'll just pick some things that catch my eye. I thought the pics on that russian page were funny since the SLE guy vibed so similarly to me. I asked a few other people to just look at the pics and say which one looks like me and got the same answer.

    About the strangely specific lists of features, let's just do a rundown of all of them.

    1. Beveled, swollen upper eyelids -> No
    2. Protruding cheekbones -> No
    3. "Prickly" incredulous look -> No
    4. Frozen "sleeping". Facial expression -> Maybe, let's count that as a yes
    5. Weak control of emotions -> No, this would imply that I can't control what shows or not
    6. Inexpressive facial expressions -> Yes (on the typing videos)
    7. Restrained manner of communication -> Yes (on typing videos, not in real life though, I shock people with bluntness regularly. I'm not super animated though)
    8. Women seem masculine -> Not applicable
    9. “Crying Fury” - anger with hysteria -> No
    10. A quiet but harsh voice -> No
    11. Pronounces words distinctly -> Maybe, but I wouldn't say this is something that stands out. I pronounce "normally".
    12. Clear, jerky gestures -> No
    13. Severe phlegmatic -> Maybe. I wouldn't say I seem severe though
    14. Direct posture -> Yes
    15. Lush, neat mustache -> No
    16. Strict clothing style, craving for military paraphernalia -> No
    17. The behavior "according to the schedule" -> No
    18. The most stringent type -> No

    Giving the benefit of doubt to "Maybe" answers, let's say 6 yes out of 17 applicable

    1. The hanging nose bridge -> Maybe, yes if I understood this correctly
    2. The manner of surprisingly round eyes -> Yes
    3. Active facial expressions -> Not on typing videos
    4. Aggressive expression of emotions -> Yes, aggressively expressing negative emotion. Frustration gets me enraged, cursing, shouting and hitting things in an instant. Slamming the desk with a fist happens at work almost daily, lol.
    5. Direct rude manner of communication -> Yes
    6. Grabbing gestures -> Not on typing videos, saw it on a candid work related video though
    7. Active phlegmatic -> Yes, I'm active in the world as in doing stuff constantly instead of relaxing. I work every day, even weekends (side business). And write stupid shit here.
    8. Broad or "cutlet" beard -> Yes, like the example pic
    9. Dense constitution, pronounced completeness -> Yes
    10. Men often cut their hair -> Yes, I have always cut it short with a trimmer myself
    11. Women seem masculine -> Not applicable
    12. Simple clothing style -> Yes, typically sweatpants and hoodie.
    13. Craving for military, rocker, biker and pirate paraphernalia -> Lol, not exactly but I don't have anything against them either
    14. The manner of “simplifying” difficult questions, solving problems by force -> Yes, force is typically the first answer when solving something, causing me to break a lot of stuff in frustration
    15. The most power type -> Maybe, I do aim to gain power rather than money

    So giving the benefit of doubt reversed here and only taking clear Yes-answers: 9 out of 14 applicable

    That angle seems clear cut to me.

    Yeah, I do look kinda like Valtteri Bottas too, but he's a finnish guy like me and actually originally from a small town that is neighboring the town where my grandfather was born. So, maybe type related, or maybe actually distantly related genetically. His facial features are somewhat more straight-edged than mine, though.

    I've never tested ISTJ in MBTI and I don't identify at all with MBTI J-types. I always tested ISTP in various MBTI tests.

    Cog-style H-P over C-D is crystal clear to me from the various Gulenko descriptions. ITR-wise, I don't know personally any ESI but the descriptions make them sound like people I wouldn't get along with. I can't stand judgemental people.

    When it comes to authority, it's definitely something I don't respect at all. I just read onfiree's post in the politics thread this morning and couldn't relate at all. I have zero religiousness and no respect for authority, lawful or not. Breaking laws and rules doesn't bother me if I can get away with it. I'm not a dogmatic truth-seeker, I'm in it for myself and my goals. Logic is a tool that can be twisted to serve my agenda.

    I didn't actually recite any technical manual that even exists, it was describing the stuff I work with. It's a prototype system built during the last 2 years by a team I lead so it's things I deal with daily.

    I only now noticed that Aaron thing, that's got to be a mix-up with someone else as I haven't had any fights with Aaron Something. He's even on my friends list here, lol. When it comes to Ne leads I like ILE a lot, I don't feel like being supervised by them. With IEE, super-ego fits a lot better than conflict. I don't think I could've had a conflict relationship for years, super-ego is possible as it was a love/hate type of thing. Fi-leads, well, I just don't get them at all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Lol. Even the e4w5 IEI roleplaying LSI here didn't think I was roleplaying! Don't you misconstrue my statements, woman.

  16. #256
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    I didn't actually recite any technical manual that even exists, it was describing the stuff I work with. It's a prototype system built during the last 2 years by a team I lead so it's things I deal with daily.
    I thought this was a really good point. Northstar didn’t recite any technical manuals, but for some reason multiple people on here were saying that he was (you too @inaLim).

    Sorry, but get the facts and reality straight before typing somebody with those thoughts.

    I also thought the very last point was a good point. I’ve only ever heard North say bad things about Fi leads and Fi, and basically only good things about Ne, even saying that he likes Ne to some (or even a “good/great” iirc) degree. That’s more distaste than I have for Fi.
    Last edited by sbbds; 06-06-2020 at 11:23 AM.

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    I did have a question - How do you think SLE has focus like that?

    When it comes to authority, it's definitely something I don't respect at all. I just read onfiree's post in the politics thread this morning and couldn't relate at all. I have zero religiousness and no respect for authority, lawful or not. Breaking laws and rules doesn't bother me if I can get away with it. I'm not a dogmatic truth-seeker, I'm in it for myself and my goals. Logic is a tool that can be twisted to serve my agenda.
    Yeah, LSI does that too just fine. At least I'm like this too. I already discussed in my prev post how I don't ever internally submit to authority. And yeah - Goals > logical analysis. My analysis serves my goals.

    I didn't actually recite any technical manual that even exists, it was describing the stuff I work with. It's a prototype system built during the last 2 years by a team I lead so it's things I deal with daily.
    Ah OK I was going by what the other guy in the thread said.

    I would say though that you did sound like very logical rather than Se-whatever.

    I only now noticed that Aaron thing, that's got to be a mix-up with someone else as I haven't had any fights with Aaron Something. He's even on my friends list here, lol.
    That was someone else saying it, too, lol.

  18. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    I did have a question - How do you think SLE has focus like that?
    Se is focused. It's the opposite of Ne that paints with a broad brush, getting the big picture and glossing over details, hopping from interest to interest and from association to another.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Se is focused. It's the opposite of Ne that paints with a broad brush, getting the big picture and glossing over details, hopping from interest to interest and from association to another.
    The thing is the SLE stereotype on here is not really all that purposeful and focused - that's LSI. SLE is more all over the place even if not like Ne.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    The thing is the SLE stereotype on here is not really all that purposeful and focused - that's LSI. SLE is more all over the place even if not like Ne.
    Ridiculous stereotypes aside, you can't achieve your goals if you don't focus purposefully. It's again the need of separating energy metabolism from information metabolism. DCNH handles the energy metabolism. Terminating subtypes (D and N) tend to finish what they start, resembling the temperaments of EJ and IJ.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Ridiculous stereotypes aside, you can't achieve your goals if you don't focus purposefully.
    That's how I think about it too but I always saw that associated with Ni HA of LSI

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    Btw this is where Ni was called zany and goofy

    Also says:

    tough, serious, decisive, tough-minded, disciplined, controlling, firm, resolute; mistrustful; stand their ground
    forceful; demanding of others; go-getters; not easily intimidated; ready for confrontation

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    That's how I think about it too but I always saw that associated with Ni HA of LSI
    It's the concrete goal-orientedness of Se combined with Ti, no matter in which order they are in the ego block.

    HA is something you actively try and fail to get, DS is what you need the most but don't even realize it. With enough Socionics knowledge the line becomes somewhat blurred because you are aware of both the DS and the HA.

    LSI with Ni HA could believe that they can predict consequences, avoid mistakes and be visionary but actually suck pretty badly at it. Ni DS of SLE means that in the single-minded pushing through obstacles to reach a goal there isn't even a thought given to considering the consequences.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    It's the concrete goal-orientedness of Se combined with Ti, no matter in which order they are in the ego block.

    HA is something you actively try and fail to get, DS is what you need the most but don't even realize it. With enough Socionics knowledge the line becomes somewhat blurred because you are aware of both the DS and the HA.

    LSI with Ni HA could believe that they can predict consequences, avoid mistakes and be visionary but actually suck pretty badly at it. Ni DS of SLE means that in the single-minded pushing through obstacles to reach a goal there isn't even a thought given to considering the consequences.
    I edited my above post, did you see it?

    OK so I have Ni DS according to this. I never thought I can be visionary lul. Where is this from?

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    Btw this is where Ni was called zany and goofy

    Also says:

    tough, serious, decisive, tough-minded, disciplined, controlling, firm, resolute; mistrustful; stand their ground
    forceful; demanding of others; go-getters; not easily intimidated; ready for confrontation
    That's pretty much a generic mash-up of Ti + Se. Most of them fit both. With disciplined being more LSI and go-getter being more SLE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    I edited my above post, did you see it?

    OK so I have Ni DS according to this. I never thought I can be visionary lul. Where is this from?
    It's not a verbatim quote from anywhere, it's just my own interpretation of DS and HA.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    It's not a verbatim quote from anywhere, it's just my own interpretation of DS and HA.
    gotcha, then in your new system I'm definitely SLE too

    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    That's pretty much a generic mash-up of Ti + Se. Most of them fit both. With disciplined being more LSI and go-getter being more SLE.
    Yeah I'm pretty much in the middle too there with those

    OK hm I got this for you: "What is the core of any force?"

    (Taken from a Socionics questionnaire)

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    gotcha, then in your new system I'm definitely SLE too

    Yeah I'm pretty much in the middle too there with those

    OK hm I got this for you: "What is the core of any force?"

    (Taken from a Socionics questionnaire)
    Lol, it's not a new system. It's just my interpretation of these Socionics concepts in my own words.

    I don't get it, is that supposed to be a riddle? The will to use it?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    It's the concrete goal-orientedness of Se combined with Ti, no matter in which order they are in the ego block.

    HA is something you actively try and fail to get, DS is what you need the most but don't even realize it. With enough Socionics knowledge the line becomes somewhat blurred because you are aware of both the DS and the HA.

    LSI with Ni HA could believe that they can predict consequences, avoid mistakes and be visionary but actually suck pretty badly at it. Ni DS of SLE means that in the single-minded pushing through obstacles to reach a goal there isn't even a thought given to considering the consequences.
    More on this again.

    Did you not view yourself as Ni HA originally based on this reasoning "HA is something you actively try and fail to get, DS is what you need the most but don't even realize it"?

    Also the bolded. Ni HA is described as that too... "Effective in achieving specific goals, but accomplish this by breaking straight though, stopping at nothing, ignoring the outside world and external opinions. Feel good when this is reinforced by their situation" (From here:

    SLE-Ti on the other hand "Before acting, checks all the variations of possible consequences, and only then enters into the game" blah blah (From here:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Lol, it's not a new system. It's just my interpretation of these Socionics concepts in my own words.

    I don't get it, is that supposed to be a riddle? The will to use it?
    You changed your typing so I assume you changed the system too for it. I.e. your understanding (that's what I mean by system)

    It's not a riddle, I'm just asking you to define what force is, using your own words. (Think of it in Se context yes)

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    More on this again.

    Did you not view yourself as Ni HA originally based on this reasoning "HA is something you actively try and fail to get, DS is what you need the most but don't even realize it"?

    Aslo the bolded. Ni HA is described as that too... "Effective in achieving specific goals, but accomplish this by breaking straight though, stopping at nothing, ignoring the outside world and external opinions. Feel good when this is reinforced by their situation" (From here:

    SLE-Ti on the other hand "Before acting, checks all the variations of possible consequences, and only then enters into the game" blah blah (From here:
    Yeah, HA and DS are confusing especially if you have learned enough of Socionics since both are now known to you. You'd have to think back how you were before knowing of their existence. In that sense, Ni DS makes more sense as needing it was a very vague feeling but being well-liked and respected (as in Fe HA) was more conscious. My original questionnaire was kind of fucked up by that since I had already learned of Ni and after reading about it I realized it was something I'd been missing all along.

    Some older Socionics texts seems to mix up the HA and DS at times too. But that Gulenko SLE-Ti text reads to me more like a rough Ne role usage along the lines of conjuring quick and dirty scenarios of "Ok, what things could go wrong here now" instead of some far-reaching future predictions, but I could be wrong about that. That piece doesn't exist anymore in his book as the subtypes are broken down in DCNH instead. It resembles most the SLE-H subtype (IP temperament, boosted Ni+Si) that is the most strategist one and likes playing waiting games.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    You changed your typing so I assume you changed the system too for it. I.e. your understanding (that's what I mean by system)

    It's not a riddle, I'm just asking you to define what force is, using your own words. (Think of it in Se context yes)
    My understanding is a collection of different viewpoints and angles, I don't attempt to create a single coherent monolithic system. It's bits and pieces from various sources that make sense to me, there doesn't need to a strict line of logic from one thing to another.

    Force starts, stops and controls the movement of things. It can mold the form or break up its object.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Yeah, HA and DS are confusing especially if you have learned enough of Socionics since both are now known to you. You'd have to think back how you were before knowing of their existence. In that sense, Ni DS makes more sense as needing it was a very vague feeling but being well-liked and respected (as in Fe HA) was more conscious. My original questionnaire was kind of fucked up by that since I had already learned of Ni and after reading about it I realized it was something I'd been missing all along.
    I see. Yeah I had a very vague feeling like that too. I think seeking Ni is how I got into all this typology stuff too actually. About being liked, I didn't think anyone would have trouble knowing what that phrasing means, lol. Seems like normal everyday stuff. So in that sense it is more conscious to me too. BTW being respected and treated well I link with Ti rather than Fe. To feel okay in a place with people, Fe HA wants others to have explicitly positively attitudes towards them and Fe dual seeking just needs to be well treated.

    Some older Socionics texts seems to mix up the HA and DS at times too. But that Gulenko SLE-Ti text reads to me more like a rough Ne role usage along the lines of conjuring quick and dirty scenarios of "Ok, what things could go wrong here now" instead of some far-reaching future predictions, but I could be wrong about that. That piece doesn't exist anymore in his book as the subtypes are broken down in DCNH instead. It resembles most the SLE-H subtype (IP temperament, boosted Ni+Si) that is the most strategist one and likes playing waiting games.
    That makes sense about the rough Ne role usage, if that's even Ne, bc I thought seeing those basic quick and dirty scenarios didn't really even need Ne, just common sense and previous experience in general. The text otoh worded it like "all the variations of possible consequences" which sounded like some really thorough considering/analysis of consequences to me.

    Lol I'm def not SLE-H btw playing waiting games eh

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    My understanding is a collection of different viewpoints and angles, I don't attempt to create a single coherent monolithic system. It's bits and pieces from various sources that make sense to me, there doesn't need to a strict line of logic from one thing to another.

    Force starts, stops and controls the movement of things. It can mold the form or break up its object.
    Yeah but your understanding shifted by changing some reasoning, I wasn't trying to imply that it's some strict line of logic, just that the reasoning changed. And my point was just that with those new reasonings I'm SLE too.

    Ah as for the answer on the force thing, you used the word "control". I read somewhere on the forum that Se base is not really about control but momentum instead.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    Ah as for the answer on the force thing, you used the word "control". I read somewhere on the forum that Se base is not really about control but momentum instead.
    This is getting too theoretical for me to read into singular word choices, but "control" is the one I added as an afterthought.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    This is getting too theoretical for me to read into singular word choices, but "control" is the one I added as an afterthought.
    OK. How do you think "Effective in achieving specific goals, but accomplish this by breaking straight though, stopping at nothing, ignoring the outside world and external opinions. Feel good when this is reinforced by their situation" is different from what you said with "single-minded pushing through obstacles to reach a goal there isn't even a thought given to considering the consequences"?

    To me it essentially says Ni HA gets tunnel visioned in a way Se base (with lower Ni) doesn't, supposedly. Like Se bases are willing to just notice a new option for "something better" and jump over to that one. Is what I meant by Se base being more all over the place.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    OK. How do you think "Effective in achieving specific goals, but accomplish this by breaking straight though, stopping at nothing, ignoring the outside world and external opinions. Feel good when this is reinforced by their situation" is different from what you said with "single-minded pushing through obstacles to reach a goal there isn't even a thought given to considering the consequences"?

    To me it essentially says Ni HA gets tunnel visioned in a way Se base doesn't, supposedly.
    Both are the use of Se, the key difference is "feel good when this is reinforced by their situation" -> following the Ni HA and/or being sanctioned by the Ti framework. The "not considering the consequences of the action" implies being ignorant of Ni, and Ti laws being subservient to Se.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Yesterday I was thinking about how different people might look on typing videos than in actual conversations, so I recorded a short clip of myself talking about some mundane boring shit.
    I can see how robotic I look when I talk to the camera. There is a big difference when talking to a person, especially a Fe lead. Their constantly shifting expressions make me mirror them and become much more animated myself. I don't notice this happening when talking to other unexpressive people. It is comfortable to watch Fe users talking about things on video since they are expressive and engaging even without being experienced presenters.

    And yes, I need a haircut.

    EDIT2: Added the blooper version of the longer one where I accidentally started talking about cm instead of mm (yes, it's mm, I was a bit nervous like in the other videos, lmao):

    EDIT: Added a longer video talking about work that is probably more natural here:

    You look like my pedophile uncle. Beta ST confirmed, nibba!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Both are the use of Se, the key difference is "feel good when this is reinforced by their situation" -> following the Ni HA and/or being sanctioned by the Ti framework. The "not considering the consequences of the action" implies being ignorant of Ni, and Ti laws being subservient to Se.
    I think goals are really about Ni>Se, as far as my understanding goes. Se makes them reality, sure, but the goal is Ni, inspiring Se with it. Unless we mean some completely immediate physical stuff because then the Ni aspect is negligible. So the idea for me with Ni HA is that the Ni is followed consistently and ignoring others about it when pushing through everything with Se. But yeah it's also kinda ignorant of Ni having simplified it too much so it will ignore some consequences too. Is how I interpret it. I will admit that I don't really pay attention to the justification either, not like it was described for Ni HA, I only fully relate to that pushing through single-mindedly. So I am SLE in your system yeah.

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    "I can see how robotic I look when I talk to the camera. There is a big difference when talking to a person, especially a Fe lead. Their constantly shifting expressions make me mirror them and become much more animated myself. I don't notice this happening when talking to other unexpressive people. It is comfortable to watch Fe users talking about things on video since they are expressive and engaging even without being experienced presenters."

    That still sounds Fe DS to me

    How do you reconcile it with Fe HA?

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