Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
Yes, I could see that fitting these videos. The shuffling feet against the floor is not me though, lol. I hate when people do that and want to tell them to lift their goddamn feet properly when walking. Otherwise it's not a bad description.
Where the -Ti subtype desc falls apart though is the "Character" description, it fits me poorly. One of my best friends is of that type though, and I can see the similarities but also major differences. I don't respect chains of command, hate regulations and am lazy about keeping records. I can't wait patiently for an outcome without constantly getting informed about the progress. He's also more comfortable with solitude than I am, I enjoy interacting with people much more.
From the start you didn't seem to me like a "lawful stupid" individual, I never got that vibe despite that being the LSI description. You seem zen by comparison. I work with someone, she is kinda very anal about rules, laws and regulations. Even she is more animated than you .. but damn man, people avoid her because they fear this woman. First time I saw grown men who do heavy lifting and work with steel cower before a petite woman. I think she is Ti-Se, but you guys are nothing alike.