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    Thanks for all the input and impressions, it's interesting how there's several LSI-Ti and SLE opinions. For me LSI-Se is something that falls nicely in between those two and captures well the introverted analyzing part of Ti and the impulsive and reactionary Se. I didn't have any conscious agenda for how I should look like in those videos, the point was more trying to illustrate how expressionless I seem when not in the presence of Fe. The videos would look very different if I was talking to someone that puts out a plenty of Fe, then I become much more expressive, bantering and joking. When alone, I tend to fall into the unexpressive Ti analysis state.

    A lot of my typing and analysis in general is some sort of combination of Ti+Ni/Se, usually I just arrive at an answer based on a gut feeling (integrated from Se impressions) which makes it hard to try to explain how I arrived at that conclusion. That makes me often uninterested in debating something in detail since there are no written references that I can point to, it's just imagery in my head that is hard to verbalize. I had a lot of issues with this when studying as well, since I'd just get an answer but it was difficult to write out in detail how I arrived at it. When writing my M.Sc. thesis I first wrote the whole background chapter from memory and then had to go hunting for matching references from books since it was required to do so. I found it boring and even distasteful to quote passages from books when I could've just written it from my own head using my own words.

    And yeah, I would agree that I have way more problems with Fi than with Ne (I don't identify with extreme Ne-PoLR which seems to me more in the domain of LSI-Ti), but both are weak. I actually like Ne (especially Ne+Ti), but have a pretty strong distaste for Fi. In terms of dual-seeking, though, I think I prefer receiving Fe over Ni since I'm not as keen on replacing my own Ni insights (that aren't at the level of a Ni ego) with someone else's.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Thanks for all the input and impressions, it's interesting how there's several LSI-Ti and SLE opinions. For me LSI-Se is something that falls nicely in between those two and captures well the introverted analyzing part of Ti and the impulsive and reactionary Se. I didn't have any conscious agenda for how I should look like in those videos, the point was more trying to illustrate how expressionless I seem when not in the presence of Fe. The videos would look very different if I was talking to someone that puts out a plenty of Fe, then I become much more expressive, bantering and joking. When alone, I tend to fall into the unexpressive Ti analysis state.

    A lot of my typing and analysis in general is some sort of combination of Ti+Ni/Se, usually I just arrive at an answer based on a gut feeling (integrated from Se impressions) which makes it hard to try to explain how I arrived at that conclusion. That makes me often uninterested in debating something in detail since there are no written references that I can point to, it's just imagery in my head that is hard to verbalize. I had a lot of issues with this when studying as well, since I'd just get an answer but it was difficult to write out in detail how I arrived at it. When writing my M.Sc. thesis I first wrote the whole background chapter from memory and then had to go hunting for matching references from books since it was required to do so. I found it boring and even distasteful to quote passages from books when I could've just written it from my own head using my own words.

    And yeah, I would agree that I have way more problems with Fi than with Ne (I don't identify with extreme Ne-PoLR which seems to me more in the domain of LSI-Ti), but both are weak. I actually like Ne (especially Ne+Ti), but have a pretty strong distaste for Fi. In terms of dual-seeking, though, I think I prefer receiving Fe over Ni since I'm not as keen on replacing my own Ni insights (that aren't at the level of a Ni ego) with someone else's.
    The problem is that that is not how socionics works. It’s not dichotomous like MBTI. There is no “in between”. You are one type or you are another, based on cognition and interactions that clue into cognitive patterns. You can’t simply say that you’re LSI-Se just because you’re in between SLE and LSI. You have to be able to understand the differences and choose one. Don’t be fooled by the subtype theory, which is a relatively newer one, into thinking you can just do that.

    The bolded is very strange for someone who would choose to type as LSI. Remember that PoLR is a facet of Model A, which is the basis of the Socionics theory actually. That and ITR.

    Preferring HA information over dual seeking is completely normal BTW.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Preferring HA information over dual seeking is completely normal BTW.
    This is actually not true and one of the reasons why activity partners get tired after a while of tickling their HAs.

    Anyway he seems to be the same type as @Viktor. Im just not sure which one it is but beta ST seems evident

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    This is actually not true and one of the reasons why activity partners get tired after a while of tickling their HAs.

    Anyway he seems to be the same type as @Viktor. Im just not sure which one it is but beta ST seems evident
    You are wrong. There are plenty of Ni leads, for instance, who think Se leads are overly aggressive for them. But plenty of IEIs like people who are smart. I would say that what you’re saying is true in the long term if it’s a lot of HA in lead function form. But you could pretty much take Fe creative endlessly from an xEI, and you probably prefer it over Ni. Just look at the threads on duality. Many people say it takes a dual to turn on their creative before duality is fully activated. Also just think about the name and concept of hidden agenda— it’s this thing you secretly want and need basically but you “hide it” almost. ( @Northstar )

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    This is actually not true and one of the reasons why activity partners get tired after a while of tickling their HAs.

    You are wrong. There are plenty of Ni leads, for instance, who think Se leads are overly aggressive for them. But plenty of IEIs like people who are smart. I would say that what you’re saying is true in the long term if it’s a lot of HA in lead function form. But you could pretty much take Fe creative endlessly from an xEI, and you probably prefer it over Ni. Just look at the threads on duality. Many people say it takes a dual to turn on their creative before duality is fully activated. Also just think about the name and concept of hidden agenda— it’s this thing you secretly want and need basically but you “hide it” almost.
    I get tired of Ni faster than Fe when it comes to taking/receiving input, esp if the Ni gets really vague or very unique insights so would take extra time to process and understand, and definitely I can take Fe creative endlessly from IEIs, while I was always more aware of Ni seeking than Fe seeking until I really got into getting to know myself and part of that was ofc typology too.

    I've seen several theories on how HA/DS plays out so ....... just two more such theories here conflicting with each other ofc.

    So much for these random little theories that never seem to line up with the dots properly connecting without contradictions lol. They only will if we take the strict adherence to Model A out of the picture.

    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    That is fair thinking, but then Model A is literally the core of the theory lol. I mean I can understand to an extent thinking that there may be a gradient between types (thus there being more types outside of the 16), but at the same time, if you find such issue with a tenet of the theory, how can you say that you are actually using/adhering to it?

    This would be like saying that you think the Bohr Model of atoms are correct and useful for your job, but you don’t think that electrons actually exist, for whatever reason. And so you go on to decide that a bunch of alternate universes and ways of forming substances are possible. But then you still keep using the “rest of the Model” for your job happily without a care.
    Yes, and that actually could very well be the more logically consistent way of thinking about things. Like I said above when addressing Northstar about this issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    It's always fun when people post videos of themselves. Way to open yourself up to endless speculation and critique

    I haven't thoroughly read everyone else's thoughts, but mine are that you seem like an SLE-Ti. I would be more certain if I saw you interacting with somebody you were comfortable with.

    It's just a gut feeling that you're more Fi/relations vulnerable than Ne/ideas vulnerable. It seems like you are being careful here in the video because you're not talking to anyone you're comfortable with, so come off more introverted and Ti-heavy than you normally do? I wonder if an LSI would put forth more Se in a situation like this....just a guess that people tend to put forth the creative when they're not totally comfortable. I know that I can come off very Fe-heavy in new situations before I switch into acting like myself, which is quieter (constant Fe feels like work after a while).

    Take it for what it's worth: an IEI's gut-feely impressions.
    I put Ti forth in such situations too.... and I type LSI-Se. Again just these little rabbithole theories

    You had one thought there tho, regardless of types, if I switch more to Se from the Ti I feel I'm acting more like myself, than if I'm just being Ti. Now you could explain that in a number of ways ...... one being that this way I can utilise my brain fully or something, so I utilise both Ti and Se at that point I would say.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post

    I get tired of Ni faster than Fe when it comes to taking/receiving input, esp if the Ni gets really vague or very unique insights so would take extra time to process and understand, and definitely I can take Fe creative endlessly from IEIs, while I was always more aware of Ni seeking than Fe seeking until I really got into getting to know myself and part of that was ofc typology too.

    I've seen several theories on how HA/DS plays out so ....... just two more such theories here conflicting with each other ofc.

    So much for these random little theories that never seem to line up with the dots properly connecting without contradictions lol. They only will if we take the strict adherence to Model A out of the picture.

    Yes, and that actually could very well be the more logically consistent way of thinking about things. Like I said above when addressing Northstar about this issue.

    I put Ti forth in such situations too.... and I type LSI-Se. Again just these little rabbithole theories
    Honestly I do not care about your subjective experiences. I’ve heard it all from you already. You’ve already said that you are negatively disposed to me, so please stop quoting me because all of your so-called logical replies are gonna be tainted by that. I don’t really care if you want to autistically comment on what I say for your own amusement, but at least remove my post tag so it doesn’t ping me, or I’m just gonna block you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Honestly I do not care about your subjective experiences. I’ve heard it all from you already. You’ve already said that you are negatively disposed to me, so please stop quoting me because all of your so-called logical replies are gonna be tainted by that. I don’t really care if you want to autistically comment on what I say for your own amusement, but at least remove my post tag so it doesn’t ping me, or I’m just gonna block you.
    What the fuck are you talking about? If you can't stay reasonable and keep your personal issues out of a plain logical argument, then sure feel free to block me. At least while you are menstruating. Tho' maybe you are menstruating permanently. I don't have time nor the interest to engage with that. See ya

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    This is actually not true and one of the reasons why activity partners get tired after a while of tickling their HAs.

    Anyway he seems to be the same type as @Viktor. Im just not sure which one it is but beta ST seems evident
    I read that statement in a different way: it is not uncommon for a person to act in such a way as to 'invite' information related to their HA, especially when they do not have the experience of dualization. That is because, when not dualized, a person typically does not know or suspect that a category of information related to the DS function even exists. E.g. undualized IEEs an ILEs do not typically know such a thing as Si exists, and because of that, the don't go looking for it. Because of that they are more likely to end up in situations where they use their HA.

    Also, from a distance, our duals can make the impression of being objectionable persons. Like already said before, IEIs can think of SLEs as too aggressive, or IEEs can think of SLIs as unwilling lazy asses. Sometimes our duals are also inclined to use their HA too much, so an IEI might think an SLE is acting out as a clown, or an IEE might think an SLI is way too candid with their opinions. The experience only starts to change at close psychological distance.
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    This is actually not true and one of the reasons why activity partners get tired after a while of tickling their HAs.
    This is how wrong you are:
    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    So I'm IEI, which means Ni base.
    So, Ti mobilizing Se dual-seeking.
    So wouldn't this make it that I prefer/crave Se more in people than Ti?

    Except, I noticed that in friendships/relationships the person being Ti/Fe but preferably Ti is the most important factor in whether I like them the most. I simply don't feel very (psychologically?) comfortable around Fi/Te the way I do with Ti/Fe. Although I get along with them just fine and even have some quite close friendships with Fi types (less so Te for obvious reasons), but I couldn't never feel as comfortable around them as with Ti/Fe types.
    If the person is Se/Ni it's a nice plus, but it seems to not be as big a factor in who i am most psychologically compatible with

    I would think that being I'm a Ni base, I would more markedly more inclined/higher preference (sry I can't english) for Ni/Se people (versus Ne/Si), but the judging functions/my creative slash mobilizing seem to be more important in what I subconsciously prefer in people.

    Please tell me if you have any thoughts, if you relate in some way..
    And multiple IEIs chimed in in agreement with him/her in this recent thread:

    If that is not enough for you, look at more comments on the subject here:

    It’s basically more normal than not to be more into your HA than your dual-seeking. This is also what causes people to misidentify themselves as being leading types of their own HA too.

    Maybe you’ll find this relevant too @Northstar .

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    The problem is that that is not how socionics works. It’s not dichotomous like MBTI. There is no “in between”. You are one type or you are another, based on cognition and interactions that clue into cognitive patterns. You can’t simply say that you’re LSI-Se just because you’re in between SLE and LSI. You have to be able to understand the differences and choose one. Don’t be fooled by the subtype theory, which is a relatively newer one, into thinking you can just do that.

    The bolded is very strange for someone who would choose to type as LSI. Remember that PoLR is a facet of Model A, which is the basis of the Socionics theory actually. That and ITR.

    Preferring HA information over dual seeking is completely normal BTW.
    Theoretically could be so, yes. I'm just not convinced that Socionics Model A is perfect enough to capture all intratype differences and nuances and this is why I like the subtype theory. I find it hard to believe that just 16 types is enough to pigeonhole everyone, there's bound to be a wide spectrum within each type, even cognitively. There's conflicting results from using different typing methodologies, like when it comes to ITR it's a mixed bag (I just seem to get better along with extroverts in general, EIE > IEI and IEE > EII). In cognitive style (I like H-P) I find SLE a good fit.

    Then again, when watching type example videos I see SLE much more outgoing, animated and "trying to sell you something", whereas the demeanor of LSI matches mine better, more introverted and reactive than proactive. I do admit that I often catch myself trying to "sell" my conclusions too by choosing to emphasize the evidence that better supports my goals, and de-emphasize the negative. In that sense I'm not so locked on to presenting a purely objective view, it's a bit more subjective to me and I see other's conclusions also being colored by their open or hidden agenda. I'm always thinking first of "what is this guy's motive for saying this, what's his angle here".

    Also I think cultural differences can affect how types come off as. He's italian, and even an introverted italian would probably be relatively animated and expressive since it's a big part of their culture. Whereas I'm originally from Finland, which is probably the most Fe PoLR country there is and completely opposite to Italy in this sense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Theoretically could be so, yes. I'm just not convinced that Socionics Model A is perfect enough to capture all intratype differences and nuances and this is why I like the subtype theory. I find it hard to believe that just 16 types is enough to pigeonhole everyone, there's bound to be a wide spectrum within each type, even cognitively. There's conflicting results from using different typing methodologies, like when it comes to ITR it's a mixed bag (I just seem to get better along with extroverts in general, EIE > IEI and IEE > EII). In cognitive style (I like H-P) I find SLE a good fit.

    Then again, when watching type example videos I see SLE much more outgoing, animated and "trying to sell you something", whereas the demeanor of LSI matches mine better, more introverted and reactive than proactive. I do admit that I often catch myself trying to "sell" my conclusions too by choosing to emphasize the evidence that better supports my goals, and de-emphasize the negative. In that sense I'm not so locked on to presenting a purely objective view, it's a bit more subjective to me and I see other's conclusions also being colored by their open or hidden agenda. I'm always thinking first of "what is this guy's motive for saying this, what's his angle here".

    Also I think cultural differences can affect how types come off as. He's italian, and even an introverted italian would probably be relatively animated and expressive since it's a big part of their culture. Whereas I'm originally from Finland, which is probably the most Fe PoLR country there is and completely opposite to Italy in this sense.
    So you’re saying you aren’t convinced by Model A. Well Socionics was built upon Model A lol. If you don’t adhere to Model A, you are no longer using Socionics. I don’t really know what else to say to you.

    If you’re not using Model A and just going based on behavior in a dichotomy sense, you’d be using something closer to MBTI. Not Socionics.

    Personally, I am much more similar to you than to how you describe the way you see SLEs. And I type as SLE anyway. Just so you know lol.

    Also, what I bolded is quite a Ti creative thing. Te egos do it too, but they’d rarely easily openly admit that they do it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    So you’re saying you aren’t convinced by Model A. Well Socionics was built upon Model A lol. If you don’t adhere to Model A, you are no longer using Socionics. I don’t really know what else to say to you.

    If you’re not using Model A and just going based on behavior in a dichotomy sense, you’d be using something closer to MBTI. Not Socionics.

    Personally, I am much more similar to you than to how you describe the way you see SLEs. And I type as SLE anyway. Just so you know lol.

    Also, what I bolded is quite a Ti creative thing. Te egos do it too, but they’d rarely easily openly admit that they do it.
    I'm seldom convinced that a theory, especially one like Socionics that isn't empirically falsifiable, is perfect and fully sound. The real world is always gnarlier and more nuanced. It doesn't mean that Socionics is useless or wrong.

    A lot of technical ideas work on paper, but not in the lab. If they work in the lab, they might not work in a field test. And if they work in a field test, they might not work in production. And even if they work in production, they might fail well before the theoretical lifetime due to unforeseen but mundane issues (like getting dirty in an unexpected way).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    I'm seldom convinced that a theory, especially one like Socionics that isn't empirically falsifiable, is perfect and fully sound. The real world is always gnarlier and more nuanced. It doesn't mean that Socionics is useless or wrong.

    A lot of technical ideas work on paper, but not in the lab. If they work in the lab, they might not work in a field test. And if they work in a field test, they might not work in production. And even if they work in production, they might fail well before the theoretical lifetime due to unforeseen but mundane issues (like getting dirty in an unexpected way).
    That is fair thinking, but then Model A is literally the core of the theory lol. I mean I can understand to an extent thinking that there may be a gradient between types (thus there being more types outside of the 16), but at the same time, if you find such issue with a tenet of the theory, how can you say that you are actually using/adhering to it?

    This would be like saying that you think the Bohr Model of atoms are correct and useful for your job, but you don’t think that electrons actually exist, for whatever reason. And so you go on to decide that a bunch of alternate universes and ways of forming substances are possible. But then you still keep using the “rest of the Model” for your job happily without a care.

    I guess for you the only thing is to test it then. I am the same way when I’m being stubborn about things. I hope you can understand my analogy, but I won’t say anything anymore.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    That is fair thinking, but then Model A is literally the core of the theory lol. I mean I can understand to an extent thinking that there may be a gradient between types (thus there being more types outside of the 16), but at the same time, if you find such issue with a tenet of the theory, how can you say that you are actually using/adhering to it?

    This would be like saying that you think the Bohr Model of atoms are correct and useful for your job, but you don’t think that electrons actually exist, for whatever reason. And so you go on to decide that a bunch of alternate universes and ways of forming substances are possible. But then you still keep using the “rest of the Model” for your job happily without a care.

    I guess for you the only thing is to test it then. I am the same way when I’m being stubborn about things. I hope you can understand my analogy, but I won’t say anything anymore.
    I'm not claiming I use Socionics or that I am a Socionist, such labels have no value to me. I just use my own "unnamed theory" that is based on bits and pieces from different sources. I pick that which makes sense or seems correct to me, I don't "swallow theories whole".

    It's fitting that you bring up the Bohr Atom Model, since it's known to be an inaccurate simplification, not a fully correct model. It can be useful, but it doesn't take into account quantum effects and has shortcomings. The electrons do not orbit at clearly defined paths, they exist as a probabilistic electron cloud that is subject to the uncertainty principle. It's a good analogue to Model A, it's basically roughly correct at large scale, but when you zoom in it starts falling apart because reality is more complex.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Also, as Tommy analyzed your emotional psyche above there, you more likely have Fi vulnerable. You clearly have some mismatch with how you think people affect you, and how they actually affect you. You seem to have a lot of difficulty with people’s attitudes towards you, wondering if they are being hostile or not. That’s exactly the stereotype of SLE and Fi polr.
    (Rhetorical questions) Then I'm Fi PoLR too. I have the exact same problems. So? Does this keep this type of argument valid? Should Fi role be that much better at it, really?


    I would say you come off like Ti lead in general here in this thread too with how you really are not engaging too deep in discussion, you present your already finished serious conclusions instead. You do not readily enter exchanges on the Ti stuff. Me either, I actually like arguing more than you I think, but the logic is kinda inert like yours. Or I mean, some people can jump at me now and say it's the Se that's inert pressure behind the logic blah blah (SLE>LSI). But I just see your style as LXI more than Ti creative. If you do any Ti creative-ish stuff - like twisting stuff more around instead of serious reasoning that stands on its own - at all it seems to be for really short periods - same for me actually.

    Ofc all this could also just be IQ instead or something.

    Anyway. This is where I would agree with you actually regarding the issue of how Model A is only a roughly "correct" draft of things so you don't draw conclusions directly based on Model A. Me either, nah. Exactly because you can't do deductions to get to conclusions with a "roughly correct thing" applied on the wrong abstraction level. So I would say you are keeping more logically consistent this way actually. And not falling into some bad rabbithole. Following Model A in the above way would lead to that only. If you value keeping logically consistent instead then you can end up in a place that's a new system that's no longer even Socionics but works better and also explains things better. This is trivial of course, I'm just fleshing this out for the thread in general.


    I also picked LSI-Se in a similar way to you. SLE-Ti of course also has both an introverted phlegmatic Ti thingy and the Se impulsiveness. But SLE-Ti is really just holding that Se animal back temporarily while LSI is just really actually serious and straightforward a lot of the time. And you come off as the latter one to me. I could be wrong, this is just how your stuff comes off.

    Also where you say: "if I was talking to someone that puts out a plenty of Fe, then I become much more expressive, bantering and joking. When alone, I tend to fall into the unexpressive Ti analysis state"

    Stereotypical Fe suggestive supposedly. The "serious structured Ti lead suddenly becomes all jovial, expressive, emotionally spontaneous" ... Tho being alone you are ofc not going to be expressive as there is no one around lol unless you are the type who likes to do drama plays by themselves or whatever.

    Out of curiosity, the imagery in your head, is it like static visual images/snapshots that can be analysed spatially or help with logic in such a fashion? And yeah, I never quoted stuff from books for university papers either.

    As for Ne PoLR. My understanding is that LSI-Ti is kind of better with intuition so I am not sure if their Ne is worse than LSI-Se's.

    LSI-Ti: "Lacks sufficient flexibility in dealing with people and is poor at taking their individual abilities into account."
    LSI-Se: "Applies the same requirements to everyone without taking individual abilities and circumstances into account."

    To me this comes off as, LSI-Ti tries to Ne sometimes, just really sucks at it while LSI-Se is kinda confident that they can deal with the situation doing their Se approach instead, lol. Frankly that's exactly how I am.

    I do like Ne+Ti too lol, I've known some ILEs and one of them is a pretty good friend, I like his stuff, I just can't uh, keep following ALL his tangents and ideas lol. But it's still fascinating enough. And with Fi I get sick of that stuff fast if I'm supposed to feel internal Fi feelz. It really is bad for the Ti. I've heard my LII (LII-0) friend rant about how he hates Fi. Yeah uh... And he's definitely not ILE either, lol.

    If you say you are OK with receiving Fe emotional expressions/drama/etc lol, and you don't feel that replaces your own emotional reactions too much then yeah I would say that is Fe suggestive where you do have more resistance to replacing your Ni.

    One more thing on Fe for LSI-Se vs SLE: going back to that article on LSI subtypes, it says "From time to time needs an emotional discharge to alleviate his inner tensions. In such cases does not hide his emotions and waits for reciprocal sincerity from his partner. Finds it difficult to attain inner balance". This can certainly be interpreted in the Fe HA-ish way. As SLE also needs their emotional release and until then it's just waiting to "break free" using your wording.

    Also indicative of Fe suggestive and jungian inferior Feeling is where you said you are not aware of your feelings on the spot. Hardest to access inferior function on the spot. Frankly that's another way I could see my Ni as being stronger than Fe even tho' the Ni isn't all that strong either.

    Then, the thing with utilising logic for some Se/Ni goals and being suspicious about some motives, that's the same for me too. I mean it'd be Se PoLR if you were unable to do that with utilising logic for the goals like that. Not being able to give up ideals for the real goals and "street smarts" or to be "biased" towards desires.

    As for cognitive styles, I think you got a load of C-D, not just really H-P... you are doing that type of deductive reasoning a looot. It's one of the things that tips me off to you being LSI over SLE actually.

    Being more reactive than proactive i.e. responsive to interaction rather than initiative-taking in the interaction, that would be introtim yes

    All in all, there is just not going to be a way to decide between SLE and LSI based on this or that snippet or little detail, but if you put all of them together and they just line up sensibly for LSI rather than for SLE and if the subtype makes it line up even more sensibly then I would think your self-typing is correct. That is how it's worked for me anyhow (deciding between LSI vs SLE). Tbh it feels very Ni in a way lol, perceiving the dots connecting like that.

    @Adam Strange I got to disappoint you. I also talk like Northstar with how I focus on the immediate actions and also I have the same trust and reliance on tangible presence to get things done. I do not like to talk much about plans for future development, nah, I'd rather go and execute that plan. And no I don't type SLE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    Out of curiosity, the imagery in your head, is it like static visual images/snapshots that can be analysed spatially or help with logic in such a fashion? And yeah, I never quoted stuff from books for university papers either.
    I could say it's a mash-up of snapshots that form pieces of a puzzle. It's not like a fluid story, more like choppy stop-motion stills like my memory tends to be overall. But it's hard to tell if they come into focus before or after I get a gut feeling/realization of something. It's not following a clear path, rather forms a reconstruction all at once that can then be inspected from a variety of different angles. It's rather the same way I approach most problems I analyze, trying to capture all the different angles of approach. I've understood that this would be closest to the H-P cognitive style.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    I could say it's a mash-up of snapshots that form pieces of a puzzle. It's not like a fluid story, more like choppy stop-motion stills like my memory tends to be overall. But it's hard to tell if they come into focus before or after I get a gut feeling/realization of something. It's not following a clear path, rather forms a reconstruction all at once that can then be inspected from a variety of different angles. It's rather the same way I approach most problems I analyze, trying to capture all the different angles of approach. I've understood that this would be closest to the H-P cognitive style.
    Ah ok yeah I have the snapshots too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    (Rhetorical questions) Then I'm Fi PoLR too. I have the exact same problems. So? Does this keep this type of argument valid? Should Fi role be that much better at it, really?


    I would say you come off like Ti lead in general here in this thread too with how you really are not engaging too deep in discussion, you present your already finished serious conclusions instead. You do not readily enter exchanges on the Ti stuff. Me either, I actually like arguing more than you I think, but the logic is kinda inert like yours. Or I mean, some people can jump at me now and say it's the Se that's inert pressure behind the logic blah blah (SLE>LSI). But I just see your style as LXI more than Ti creative. If you do any Ti creative-ish stuff - like twisting stuff more around instead of serious reasoning that stands on its own - at all it seems to be for really short periods - same for me actually.

    Ofc all this could also just be IQ instead or something.

    Anyway. This is where I would agree with you actually regarding the issue of how Model A is only a roughly "correct" draft of things so you don't draw conclusions directly based on Model A. Me either, nah. Exactly because you can't do deductions to get to conclusions with a "roughly correct thing" applied on the wrong abstraction level. So I would say you are keeping more logically consistent this way actually. And not falling into some bad rabbithole. Following Model A in the above way would lead to that only. If you value keeping logically consistent instead then you can end up in a place that's a new system that's no longer even Socionics but works better and also explains things better. This is trivial of course, I'm just fleshing this out for the thread in general.


    I also picked LSI-Se in a similar way to you. SLE-Ti of course also has both an introverted phlegmatic Ti thingy and the Se impulsiveness. But SLE-Ti is really just holding that Se animal back temporarily while LSI is just really actually serious and straightforward a lot of the time. And you come off as the latter one to me. I could be wrong, this is just how your stuff comes off.

    Also where you say: "if I was talking to someone that puts out a plenty of Fe, then I become much more expressive, bantering and joking. When alone, I tend to fall into the unexpressive Ti analysis state"

    Stereotypical Fe suggestive supposedly. The "serious structured Ti lead suddenly becomes all jovial, expressive, emotionally spontaneous" ... Tho being alone you are ofc not going to be expressive as there is no one around lol unless you are the type who likes to do drama plays by themselves or whatever.

    Out of curiosity, the imagery in your head, is it like static visual images/snapshots that can be analysed spatially or help with logic in such a fashion? And yeah, I never quoted stuff from books for university papers either.

    As for Ne PoLR. My understanding is that LSI-Ti is kind of better with intuition so I am not sure if their Ne is worse than LSI-Se's.

    LSI-Ti: "Lacks sufficient flexibility in dealing with people and is poor at taking their individual abilities into account."
    LSI-Se: "Applies the same requirements to everyone without taking individual abilities and circumstances into account."

    To me this comes off as, LSI-Ti tries to Ne sometimes, just really sucks at it while LSI-Se is kinda confident that they can deal with the situation doing their Se approach instead, lol. Frankly that's exactly how I am.

    I do like Ne+Ti too lol, I've known some ILEs and one of them is a pretty good friend, I like his stuff, I just can't uh, keep following ALL his tangents and ideas lol. But it's still fascinating enough. And with Fi I get sick of that stuff fast if I'm supposed to feel internal Fi feelz. It really is bad for the Ti. I've heard my LII (LII-0) friend rant about how he hates Fi. Yeah uh... And he's definitely not ILE either, lol.

    If you say you are OK with receiving Fe emotional expressions/drama/etc lol, and you don't feel that replaces your own emotional reactions too much then yeah I would say that is Fe suggestive where you do have more resistance to replacing your Ni.

    One more thing on Fe for LSI-Se vs SLE: going back to that article on LSI subtypes, it says "From time to time needs an emotional discharge to alleviate his inner tensions. In such cases does not hide his emotions and waits for reciprocal sincerity from his partner. Finds it difficult to attain inner balance". This can certainly be interpreted in the Fe HA-ish way. As SLE also needs their emotional release and until then it's just waiting to "break free" using your wording.

    Also indicative of Fe suggestive and jungian inferior Feeling is where you said you are not aware of your feelings on the spot. Hardest to access inferior function on the spot. Frankly that's another way I could see my Ni as being stronger than Fe even tho' the Ni isn't all that strong either.

    Then, the thing with utilising logic for some Se/Ni goals and being suspicious about some motives, that's the same for me too. I mean it'd be Se PoLR if you were unable to do that with utilising logic for the goals like that. Not being able to give up ideals for the real goals and "street smarts" or to be "biased" towards desires.

    As for cognitive styles, I think you got a load of C-D, not just really H-P... you are doing that type of deductive reasoning a looot. It's one of the things that tips me off to you being LSI over SLE actually.

    Being more reactive than proactive i.e. responsive to interaction rather than initiative-taking in the interaction, that would be introtim yes

    All in all, there is just not going to be a way to decide between SLE and LSI based on this or that snippet or little detail, but if you put all of them together and they just line up sensibly for LSI rather than for SLE and if the subtype makes it line up even more sensibly then I would think your self-typing is correct. That is how it's worked for me anyhow (deciding between LSI vs SLE). Tbh it feels very Ni in a way lol, perceiving the dots connecting like that.

    @Adam Strange I got to disappoint you. I also talk like Northstar with how I focus on the immediate actions and also I have the same trust and reliance on tangible presence to get things done. I do not like to talk much about plans for future development, nah, I'd rather go and execute that plan. And no I don't type SLE.
    LSI-Ti has better N and T and worse F and S than LSI-Se. This means that LSI-Ti looks closer to an LII-Ti and an LSI-Se looks closers to an ESI-Se

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    "TIM SLE"

    I perceive Ti as having most emotionally cold sights. You have other.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    "TIM SLE"

    I perceive Ti as having most emotionally cold sights. You have other.
    English, Motherfucker, do you speak it? Other what? Sights?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    English, Motherfucker, do you speak it? Other what? Sights?
    yep. you also seem too emotional for T, with some naiveness in the sight closer to F
    definetely not SLE

    mb EIE? after new videos even EII got higher chance

    more think about J types, as I've said
    and forget all bs evidently incompetent noobs said you here

    your noobish cosplay was funny


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    There’s another layer to the Fi polr
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Mb something adds you emotionality in videos. Non of it is made long enough so you'd felt adopted and relaxed.
    Your shyness and mb high stressful emotional situations can add the distortion.

    I'm sure that it's not SLE. But can't exclude T type still.
    LSI stays among possibilities. Despite the anomalies.

    You may always check your impressions from EIE and IEI in my bloggers examples to understand is SLE or LSI is more possible for you. The good chance you'll understand me, in case having LSI.

    You did not followed to my recommendations for videos.
    Last edited by Sol; 06-07-2020 at 11:23 PM.

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    Lmfao @Sol. Post a video of yourself and we'll talk. Maybe you should write in your own language and let Google Translate do the job, it would be more comprehensible. Or is that already what you are doing?

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    As I said before, - subtypes and other heretic baseless nonsense reduces the importance of mismatching with normal theory. You had more reasonable opinion as LSI and then changed to SLE with some "softening" subtype. This softening, as example, could to explain lower level of expected extravertion. The problem - subtypes are nonsense and the other problem - noobs which discuss the types are incompetent same as you to type. Without IR effects with people IRL you'll be fooling yourself easily.


    It's curious. Was your behavior such inadequate and aggressive before? Do you behave same among normal people IRL? How much is it common for you? Or you've started to think such as appropriate after watching locals on this forum?

    In case of LSI, the problem they have is paranoid speculative thinking by which they explain their aggressive behavior. While the real problem is emotional from their unconcious F. They do not like something and then find paranoid arguments to act aggresively. They look like idiots for others and do not notice this during such acting.

    Having so hating and ego-isolating attitude to people, what predisposes you to be inadequately aggressive with them - will be ruining your relations. Despite your type and other traits you have. Even if you'll establish with someone due to duties stable relations and your such behavior will not break the relations, - you'll be hited back by worse relation to you. If you make bad to other one - it becomes harder for him to have good attitude to you and a relation to you becomes worse - then you'll be feeling worse in relations than could. This worsening will be from direct negative and from reducing of possible positive. It's like karma of relations. You make other one to feel good -> this supports good feeling in you, and the opposite. It's secondary for emotions why you do something and how justiful and reasonable you think your behavior: for pain made to other one you'll pay by your own pain. Also as I've mentioned - due to your unconscious F mind manipulation your behavior is lesser reasonable than you perceive it.
    The most by your negative emotional attitude will be hited relations (and you in them) where emotions are important - friendship and romance relations.

    Think what better fits to your interests. To keep and grow hate and fear emotions to people, which predispose you to find reasons to bark on them. Or to grow accepting and love attitude to people and to life in general, what will open you to get better relations than before.

    Good IR types make easier to accept other one, to love him. They will not make good friendship or love relations themselves. It's you who makes good relations by tuning to interests of other one and living by them alike by your own interests. This needs a positive emotional attitude. This also means fuller acceptance of what other one thinks and feels as your own thoughts and feelings. Needs the attitude to unconditionally accept the other one by your whole soul, to process by more than your logical thinking (to what base T types are predisposed). With more acceptance and lesser borders in its time you'll fix what can be wrong by all of your soul's parts, not only by logics. Too high accent on logics ruins emotional aspect of relations, - while it's optimum state is equal T/F balance. To move closer to it needs efforts of T types (main kind of efforts for base T) to care more about good emotions in relations, to be lesser justiful and reasonable than they are adopted.

    I hope you've got some use from the situation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    As I said before, - subtypes and other heretic baseless nonsense reduces the importance of mismatching with normal theory. You had more reasonable opinion as LSI and then changed to SLE with some "softening" subtype. This softening, as example, could to explain lower level of expected extravertion. The problem - subtypes are nonsense and the other problem - noobs which discuss the types are incompetent same as you to type. Without IR effects with people IRL you'll be fooling yourself easily.
    Get with the times. Socionics improves as every other theory. If you start claiming something is baseless and heresy with classic Model A being the complete and correct "normal theory", you're simply being dogmatic without any intellectual reasoning. You could have used the exact same arguments for opposing Model A instead of Jungian typology. You could have opposed Jungian typology as dogmatically in the defense of the antique four humors. None of these are scientifically falsifiable theories of hard science. Get off that high horse. Socionics seems to empirically work, so it's entertaining to discuss and can be of some use, but should not be applied religiously, that is not in the domain of science.

    One main drawback of Model A is that while it's good at defining information metabolism (TIM), it's inadequate in separating the energy metabolism (TEM) from it. These are two separate aspects that need to be separated to do better typings. For example, your claims that I have chosen a "softening" subtype is silly. It's not about softening or hardening, it's about TIM and TEM being separate. Many mistypings stem from the confusion of "temperament" with actual information metabolism.

    On the subject of my self-typing, it happens to be that my information metabolism corresponds to an irrational and extratim ST type. However, my energy metabolism corresponds to N in Gulenko's DCNH, which you could simplify as having an "IJ" temperament energetically. You should take a look into it and learn something new, don't be closed-minded and chained to the past. The days of communism are long gone and will not return.
    Sure, LSI typing is not terrible in terms of classic model A, but it still leaves much to be desired that is bettered by usage of Model G. I was pretty suspicious of the DCNH theory and Model G myself, but reading the book it made good sense to me. My IR experience as well as cognitive style pointed to SLE heavily, the only thing that remained unresolved was the energy metabolism, which is properly explained by DCNH.

    To summarize this: I'm not a rational type that judges first, I do perceiving first. But being a terminating subtype means that I act more rationally on the surface while not a rational type per se. This would of course be obvious to people that actually know me, instead of someone on an Internet forum that draws (to himself) iron-clad conclusions on a few minutes worth of video.

    And before you start throwing accusations of "heresy" once again; you aren't even half the socionist Gulenko is, don't delude yourself. You lack credibility, you are just an anonymous pushy stalker that gets blocked and banned habitually. I remember your sad sob story to the moderators not long ago, claiming that you are being censored for your crusade against "heresy". Take a look in the mirror and wonder why you are all alone in your grand struggle and why nobody takes you seriously. I shouldn't need to remind you that you are the laughing stock of this forum. Do something about it, it's your behavior that turns everyone against you.


    It's curious. Was your behavior such inadequate and aggressive before? Do you behave same among normal people IRL? How much is it common for you? Or you've started to think such as appropriate after watching locals on this forum?

    In case of LSI, the problem they have is paranoid speculative thinking by which they explain their aggressive behavior. While the real problem is emotional from their unconcious F. They do not like something and then find paranoid arguments to act aggresively. They look like idiots for others and do not notice this during such acting.

    Having so hating and ego-isolating attitude to people, what predisposes you to be inadequately aggressive with them - will be ruining your relations. Despite your type and other traits you have. Even if you'll establish with someone due to duties stable relations and your such behavior will not break the relations, - you'll be hited back by worse relation to you. If you make bad to other one - it becomes harder for him to have good attitude to you and a relation to you becomes worse - then you'll be feeling worse in relations than could. This worsening will be from direct negative and from reducing of possible positive. It's like karma of relations. You make other one to feel good -> this supports good feeling in you, and the opposite. It's secondary for emotions why you do something and how justiful and reasonable you think your behavior: for pain made to other one you'll pay by your own pain. Also as I've mentioned - due to your unconscious F mind manipulation your behavior is lesser reasonable than you perceive it.
    The most by your negative emotional attitude will be hited relations (and you in them) where emotions are important - friendship and romance relations.

    Think what better fits to your interests. To keep and grow hate and fear emotions to people, which predispose you to find reasons to bark on them. Or to grow accepting and love attitude to people and to life in general, what will open you to get better relations than before.

    Good IR types make easier to accept other one, to love him. They will not make good friendship or love relations themselves. It's you who makes good relations by tuning to interests of other one and living by them alike by your own interests. This needs a positive emotional attitude. This also means fuller acceptance of what other one thinks and feels as your own thoughts and feelings. Needs the attitude to unconditionally accept the other one by your whole soul, to process by more than your logical thinking (to what base T types are predisposed). With more acceptance and lesser borders in its time you'll fix what can be wrong by all of your soul's parts, not only by logics. Too high accent on logics ruins emotional aspect of relations, - while it's optimum state is equal T/F balance. To move closer to it needs efforts of T types (main kind of efforts for base T) to care more about good emotions in relations, to be lesser justiful and reasonable than they are adopted.

    I hope you've got some use from the situation.
    Yes, I'm blunt, have always been. This should not come as a surprise if you actually knew me. I value neither Fi or Si - harmony is not a goal for me. Banter and shocking statements are fun, call that Beta quadra if you will. However, I know how to deal with people in real life, having fun with them, getting what I want, and being respected. There is plenty evidence of this, which of course is nothing you know of. Yes, it's another thing when things evolve into a close relationship where Fi is more applicable, there I have learned of the need to be with someone that at least values Fe.

    You would do well to take your relationship advice yourself considering your "inadequate" behavior on the forum. Stalking people and battle typing them on very shaky grounds is not going to win you any friends and feed your dual-seeking Fi. Your crusade is just pathetic and will benefit no-one in the end despite your claims to the contrary.

    I assume that your self-typing of LSE might be correct (although one could argue Ne PoLR as well for your dogmatic adherence of a single model that you refuse to update), here's a bit of self-help for you from Gulenko's new book:
    "Frequently review your views on various aspects of life and put aside any outdated and unworkable traditions or habits. Dry, logical facts should not suppress your appreciation of all that is new and unusual. Moderate your conservatism and stubbornness. Try to compare yourself to others more often to cultivate flexibility in your ways of competing.
    You tend to rely on your intuition in your assessments of people, not suspecting that you greatly overestimate this ability in yourself and that you are not immune to arriving at erroneous conclusions and prognoses."

    Incidentally, LSE and SLE, being quasi-identicals, view each other as incompetent. My view of your socionics competence should be abundantly clear by now.

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    You are on the forum for less than a year. It's normal situation that you mistake in own type.
    If you'll continue to type people IRL and to take into account IR effects then you should understand own type correctly. With more of practice and positive experience you'll be geting higher respect and logical basis to own opinion to be more emotionally restained in typology discussions.

    Better than noobs opinions about your type - think yourself having more knowledge about factors to suppose a type. Even tests should be better to trust than forums noobs. It takes monthes to gather data and to think to understand your type and types of people near you to check fiting to IR theory. VI and nonverbal mb harder in case your LSI, but it's objectively proved important info to take into account and more for people which you know a few.
    Use basic theory. Do not trust to baseless random fantasies about types. Gulenko's subtypes is the example of such.

    may the more of typology reason be with you

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post

    You are on the forum for less than a year. It's normal situation that you mistake in own type.
    If you'll continue to type people IRL and to take into account IR effects then you should understand own type correctly. With more of practice and positive experience you'll be geting higher respect and logical basis to own opinion to be more emotionally restained in typology discussions.

    Better than noobs opinions about your type - think yourself having more knowledge about factors to suppose a type. Even tests should be better to trust than forums noobs. It takes monthes to gather data and to think to understand your type and types of people near you to check fiting to IR theory. VI and nonverbal mb harder in case your LSI, but it's objectively proved important info to take into account and more for people which you know a few.
    Use basic theory. Do not trust to baseless random fantasies about types. Gulenko's subtypes is the example of such.

    may the more of typology reason be with you
    You once again fall into the pitfall of your own type (most likely LSE-Normalizing), this also explains your unease with a sharper discussion style:
    "He makes mistakes in assessing people due to poorly accounting for subjective factors. He keeps his heart hidden from others, and often from himself, too, ignoring his own sentimental side. He is inclined to reminisce about the good old days. Although in control of his emotions, he may get into a fuss and unexpectedly break; he can be affected by this for a long time."

    I have been studying typology for years before joining this forum, you know nothing of the efforts I have put in. Don't try to claim authority. Also, I discuss in the style that suits me, feel free to stay out of my thread if it bothers your Te/Fi.

    I don't self-type myself based on anyone's suggestions here. I make my choices based on my own research, as you might have noticed if you had read the thread thoroughly and understood what you read. I have moved well beyond tests at this point, but suffice to say a clear majority of them did in fact indicate SLE, starting from the very first socionics test. My only hangup was the energy metabolism discrepancy, which is best explained by Gulenko DCNH. LSI (and even SLI) were significantly worse approximations and thus discarded.

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    If to suppose your type as T, another possible factor that can make your sight warmer and seems you to be predisposed to false gossips is Enneagram type.
    I do not trust much to E-typology seriously, but it seems to be useful sometimes.

    "TIM SLE (N) 8w9 sx/sp"
    you agree with E9 among your traits. it can be your main E-type too

    Plus comments to your negativism to VI. Which became some harder in recent times to the degree of recommendation to hide this useful data.
    Don't be so touchy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post

    If to suppose your type as T, another possible factor that can make your sight warmer and seems you to be predisposed to false gossips is Enneagram type.
    I do not trust much to E-typology seriously, but it seems to be useful sometimes.

    "TIM SLE (N) 8w9 sx/sp"
    you agree with E9 among your traits. it can be your main E-type too

    Plus comments to your negativism to VI. Which became some harder in recent times to the degree of recommendation to hide this useful data.
    Don't be so touchy.
    Like if you vote for Northstar to PM Sol ballsack pics for VI.

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    It's rather common when noobs bark after geting disagreements about their types.
    Irrationally blame methods which lead to other opinions and prise theories and methods which lead to opinion they want today.
    There were many similar ones - you may find their whines on forums. The good is, while having inadequate approach to the typology, the most will never use it seriously to make a significant harm. They notice too much nonsense in experience with their approach and so do not trust to the typology.
    It's the way by which you and thousands other will go. It's seen in how you begin. Either you choose objectivity and the reason or speculativity and hysterics. There are better places to flood, - there all such dudes go one day.

    You recently had one opinion about own type and now you have another one. You are still the same incompetent noob which thinks a lot of bs about types.

    Until you'll positively check your type by IR effects with >10 people IRL - your opinion about own type and about own abbility to understand types of others - mean nothing!

    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Like if you vote for Northstar to PM Sol ballsack pics for VI.
    You are trying to make me jealous by sexual fantasies about that touchy dude.
    Last edited by Sol; 06-09-2020 at 03:32 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post

    It's rather common when noobs bark after geting disagreements about their types.
    Irrationally blame methods which lead to other opinions and prise theories and methods which lead to opinion they want today.
    There were many similar ones - you may find their whines on forums. The good is, while having inadequate approach to the typology, the most will never use it seriously to make a significant harm. They notice too much nonsense in experience with their approach and so do not trust to the typology.
    It's the way by which you and thousands other will go. It's seen in how you begin. Either you choose objectivity and the reason or speculativity and hysterics. There are better places to flood, - there all such dudes go one day.

    You recently had one opinion about own type and now you have another one. You are still the same incompetent noob which thinks a lot of bs about types.

    Until you'll positively check your type by IR effects with >10 people IRL - your opinion about own type and about own abbility to understand types of others - mean nothing!
    Yes, irrational blaming of methods is common for you. Anything that has appeared after the dissolution of the Soviet Union is heresy, that has already been noted. No need to repeat it.

    Yeah, I can see you have been here 12 years with nearly 12000 posts. Still you are not taken seriously and your command of English is pathetic. Most people do move on with their lives, instead of hitting their head on a brick wall while collecting blocks and bans.
    Try to apply your socionics knowledge in real life and you might finally find yourself a woman, maybe even a dual. You sure seem to need it.

    I had an opinion, assimilated some new knowledge and improved on said opinion. That's how it works. Funny you should mention IR, because it was among the main motivators for seeing more merit for SLE-N than LSI-C self-typing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    You are trying to make me jealous by sexual fantasies about that touchy dude.
    You are, literally, a childish 40+ year old Russian dude trying to joke with a girl in her 20s (who has a boyfriend and is not interested in you in the slightest) about her wanting to make you jealous. Hahahahaha! So funny! You sure are a riot, Sol.

    I just think it would be funny/awesome if you received a bunch of pics of guys nether regions in your inbox as punishment for harassing people all these years, and I think it would be a great, quick solution to all of this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post

    If to suppose your type as T, another possible factor that can make your sight warmer and seems you to be predisposed to false gossips is Enneagram type.
    I do not trust much to E-typology seriously, but it seems to be useful sometimes.

    "TIM SLE (N) 8w9 sx/sp"
    you agree with E9 among your traits. it can be your main E-type too

    Plus comments to your negativism to VI. Which became some harder in recent times to the degree of recommendation to hide this useful data.
    Don't be so touchy.
    Dude, I already responded in the original thread, no need to come here for the attention. I'm not against VI at all, don't misread.

    Yes, 8w9 is a good e-type for me. There is zero support for flipping it around, like I already explained to the other guy in this thread.

    I'm not the one that is still upset over a movie quote joke.

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    One of reasons why you made too short videos against recommendations [what predisposed you to be there lesser natural and hence to have more distorted nonverbal] can be your shyness, common for introverts.

    P.S. when I don't visit hairdresser for more than a month my hairs start to look close to what you have there You may do alike by own hair clipper.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    One of reasons why you made too short videos against recommendations [what predisposed you to be there lesser natural and hence to have more distorted nonverbal] can be your shyness, common for introverts.

    P.S. when I don't visit hairdresser for more than a month my hairs start to look close to what you have there You may do alike by own hair clipper.
    My videos didn't originally even have the point of being typing material if you remember the original theme. I might make one discussing with someone at some point just for fun. I wouldn't call myself all that shy, I've posted three videos and a bunch of pictures here already. Where are yours? You keep sidestepping me telling you to post some about yourself. Are you LSE or LSI now?

    Yeah, I always cut my hair myself with a trimmer but got a bit lazy and let it grow too much. It's cut down to normal length now, just took this pic to illustrate.

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    As duals you should find significant similarity of life views. For example, you both (1,2) did personal insults against me after geting my opinion about your types. To get info about types on forums made to give such info is a too stressful situation for you. I understand. Not good for your objectiviy, but should fit to your High Ideals.

    In your communications your High Ideals may get the max expression.
    May be you even will notice due to mirror effect the need to reduce some of your "best" traits. And such to become even better. As duals are expected to help each other - by the best ways they can.

    P.S. about Northstar's type I'm not totally sure still. as his sight and behavior are unusually emotional than common for Ts. and he did not made normal typing video still

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    As duals you should find significant similarity of life views. For example, you both (1,2) did personal insults against me after geting my opinion about your types. To get info about types on forums made to give such info is a too stressful situation for you. I understand. Not good for your objectiviy, but should fit to your High Ideals.

    In your communications your High Ideals may get the max expression.
    May be you even will notice due to mirror effect the need to reduce some of your "best" traits. And such to become even better. As duals are expected to help each other - by the best ways they can.

    P.S. about Northstar's type I'm not totally sure still. as his sight and behavior are unusually emotional than common for base Ts. and he did not made normal typing video still
    Have I ever cared about your typing? NO
    You have the most absurd, ludicrous, personal and unintellectual criteria that is above all lacking in T -objectivity and it’s very personal so very F and introverted so you are I F
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    T types, especially base T, are kiddy in emotions and tend to copy emotional attitudes and emotions related behavior of other people. With which ones they significantly communicate and especially to which have some friendly sympathy.

    Among strong factors of the predisposition to get this sympathy is F types of same value.
    When they communicate with such psychopaths they easy start to think this behavior as acceptable. And such to behave similarly. It's not stable change, in case in the future they get an influence of morally adequate ones and so return the behavior decent for people, but not monkeys. And express higher criticism to the shame they did.

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    @Beautiful sky
    should be your dual. to find her lesser annoying

    for IEIs you'll be too quite and restrained, in general. also too attached to rules and plans
    the 1st will be for you in them too. plus they'll be perceived as lesser stable than you'd prefer

    you have J type with high possibility. @voider is SLE here. compare talking styles. the lack of comparable structure in her messages. J types more think before acting so messages are better made. not such a flow of thoughts what P types make

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