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Thread: Short typing video

  1. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    My typing isn't being questioned. If sbbds wants to challenge it, they can open up the conversation. Instead, they run whenever I challenge. This isn't about my self-typing.

    Ti is huge on integrity. Come one man, this is elementary Socionics. What you are talking about re:debate is, once again, Te. You say you want my source but you're not addressing my points, you're just looking for exceptions and not taking this seriously. Apparently no one here has seen underneath the surface? After all, you're just role playing... ?
    It's relevant to the point since you self-type LSI. If you're saying you're basically my opposite, then seeing this would give a good idea of how a Ti/Se-user looks to you. Especially when it's about VI.

    Your comment on integrity seemed more like the Fi-kind of integrity to me. Anyway, I'm always for the breaking and stretching of rules. Te is always going on about external definitions and other second-hand sources, which you brought up. I don't actually care that much about your source but I want to see if you even have one or if it's just bluffing, lol. Of course I'm looking for something to use as an attack, that's the way Ti works, it's fault-finding and making sure there are no gaps and exceptions in logical statements.

    If you've read the thread then you'll see that the two Beta ST types are in the vast majority so it doesn't seem to be the hard for most people even though some initially thought I was acting the expressionless calm, lol. I said I wasn't roleplaying myself, but a lot of people on this forum are and it's a good reason to not take it too seriously.

  2. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Yeah, Fi PoLR does make sense to me, issues with Fi is the reason I got into socionics. I have a hard time figuring out how someone feels about me unless they put on a very clear display.
    I've never had a best friend or even very close friends, interactions with friends remain limited to doing stuff together and never getting into any personal conversations. I tend to simply forget about people when I'm no longer in constant contact with them. I do have sx in my instinct stacking though, so this is very different with women I'm attracted to. With them I can be very intimate if they're acting in a compatible and non-judgemental way, otherwise not. But even if the relationship goes south, I don't have any lingering bad feelings.

    The same disinterest goes with enemies, I can get angry at someone momentarily but it doesn't take long for me to forget them altogether. I don't hold grudges because I pretty quickly forget the people even exist. Being called a bad person or ethically judged makes me angry or arrogantly dismissive depending on how it's done, but it definitely doesn't make me change my ways, more like the opposite. I'll try to continue being "good" if I'm already seen as being so.
    This is one of the best descriptions of Fi polr I’ve ever seen written. It’s very relatable. I wouldn’t say 100% because I’d say I have a distressing relationship to attachment instead and definitely have deep and lingering feelings of pain if it was with someone I loved. If I never loved them in the first place though then I can act callously however. I also don’t feel like I have “enemies” theoretically, just people to differing degrees of getting along with them or not. Maybe if I met a true sociopath, but I don’t feel like I ever have.

    Do you think you desire to have close friends? Why or why not?

  3. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    If you're too uncomfortable to discuss your grievances about my self-typing in public, it is only logical to offer an alternative course. I am not here to discuss my type, however. This is Northstar's typing thread.
    Those two phrases contradict, Mr. “Ti lead”.

    You’re the one with a problem discussing it in public, not me. That’s why you keep PMing me, whenever I bring it up publicly.

    If you make your own thread I may possibly contribute to it, but I’m not going out of my way to start a thread for you.

  4. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    It's relevant to the point since you self-type LSI. If you're saying you're basically my opposite, then seeing this would give a good idea of how a Ti/Se-user looks to you. Especially when it's about VI.
    Oh, so you are okay with us (including sbbds) discussing my self-typing on your typing thread?

    Your comment on integrity seemed more like the Fi-kind of integrity to me.
    The inconsistency in your claims about this discussion (such as whether or not you actually take this seriously) are what I was pointing out to you. This is Ti.

    Anyway, I'm always for the breaking and stretching of rules. Te is always going on about external definitions and other second-hand sources, which you brought up.
    Nope, I didn't refer much at all to external definitions or outside sources. My basis for VI lies in an ongoing public research project, but my arguments are internally coherent and stand on their own, just as I have argued. Your arguments, however, have been very heavy on emphasizing whether you see something as scientific enough, and on finding exceptions to the rule - rather than addressing the rule itself. Ti lead is not there for you.

    I don't actually care that much about your source but I want to see if you even have one or if it's just bluffing, lol. Of course I'm looking for something to use as an attack, that's the way Ti works, it's fault-finding and making sure there are no gaps and exceptions in logical statements.
    So you don't care about my source. Noted.

    If you've read the thread then you'll see that the two Beta ST types are in the vast majority so it doesn't seem to be the hard for most people even though some initially thought I was acting the expressionless calm, lol. I said I wasn't roleplaying myself, but a lot of people on this forum are and it's a good reason to not take it too seriously.
    I'm not interested in what others deem to be a good typing. People here can't type for shit.
    You're not role-playing but I guess your videos can't be used for typing because you say that your mannerisms are different from IRL? In that case there isn't much to do or say here is there? Not for me at least, because people can say whatever the hell they want about themselves and about others. There is no point in dismissing the obvious (visual) in favor of trading stories about what reality 'supposedly' looks like.

  5. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Those two phrases contradict, Mr. “Ti lead”.

    You’re the one with a problem discussing it in public, not me. That’s why you keep PMing me, whenever I bring it up publicly.

    If you make your own thread I may possibly contribute to it, but I’m not going out of my way to start a thread for you.
    There is no contradiction. I did not come to this thread to discuss my type. You did.

  6. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    There is no contradiction. I did not come to this thread to discuss my type. You did.
    I didn’t come to this thread to discuss your type lmao, you delusional narcissist. You came in here as an LSI contesting Northstar’s self-typing as LSI, so your self-typing is relevant insofar as it relates to your views on LSI, as Northstar explained above too.

    I only mentioned you as a side note when I did, and had already been active in this thread from the beginning, way before you came in.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    I am receiving conflicted messages here. You dismiss my argument based on an irrelevant comment by sbbds (of all people), a comment that this user is too afraid to defend (note how they blocked me at the slightest hint of actually addressing their problem) and you blindly believe this? Note your own comment on "blind leading the blind". YET you wish me to humor you. I don't respect this lack of integrity one fucking bit.

    On top of that you straight-up lie about not considering this to be roleplay:

    So basically, now that you've got backup from the local bitch you finally feel confident enough to question me, my type, and my methods? Before you were being some lukewarm in-betweener, but NOW you want to know what I base my typings on. Eat shit asshole.
    Looks like you need to calm down, lol.

  8. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by queentiger View Post
    Looks like you need to calm down, lol.
    The conversation has moved on. Keep up.

  9. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I didn’t come to this thread to discuss your type lmao, you delusional narcissist. You came in here as an LSI contesting Northstar’s self-typing as LSI, so your self-typing is relevant insofar as it relates to your views on LSI, as Northstar explained above too.

    I only mentioned you as a side note when I did, and had already been active in this thread from the beginning, way before you came in.
    So you decided that my self-typing was important to be discussed. Go on then, discuss it. It seems Northstar is okay with this.

  10. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    The conversation has moved on. Keep up.
    Lol I don't give a fuck where the conversation is. I saw it and wanted to reply.

  11. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    Oh, so you are okay with us (including sbbds) discussing my self-typing on your typing thread?

    The inconsistency in your claims about this discussion (such as whether or not you actually take this seriously) are what I was pointing out to you. This is Ti.

    Nope, I didn't refer much at all to external definitions or outside sources. My basis for VI lies in an ongoing public research project, but my arguments are internally coherent and stand on their own, just as I have argued. Your arguments, however, have been very heavy on emphasizing whether you see something as scientific enough, and on finding exceptions to the rule - rather than addressing the rule itself. Ti lead is not there for you.

    So you don't care about my source. Noted.

    I'm not interested in what others deem to be a good typing. People here can't type for shit.
    You're not role-playing but I guess your videos can't be used for typing because you say that your mannerisms are different from IRL? In that case there isn't much to do or say here is there? Not for me at least, because people can say whatever the hell they want about themselves and about others. There is no point in dismissing the obvious (visual) in favor of trading stories about what reality 'supposedly' looks like.
    Yeah, I'm okay with discussing whatever that is interesting or stirs up some shit. If you're saying I'm delta or gamma (or even a Fe-creative beta or alpha - gotta collect 'em all) while claiming to be beta ST yourself, then it's for sure relevant to see a comparison.

    I don't take it seriously as in a formal academic way, more like an informal debate. To me your complaint was that my intentions weren't "pure", of course they aren't in the sense of being a nice guy that wouldn't throw you under the bus if there's something in our sources that doesn't support your argument.

    Sounds like this ongoing research project is very relevant to socionics, so you'd be doing everyone a favor by sharing it. Since that's obviously your source. And no, I don't care all that much personally but if you want the source to give your arguments any weight then you shouldn't hide it with excuses.

    You got that one right about most people typing badly. What makes you think you aren't one of them? So far I haven't seen any proof of that, on the contrary. The point of the videos was originally the inexpressiveness of Ji users when not in the presence of an actual interlocutor. Je users are more expressive even when talking to just a camera since their judging process is external and awaiting input from others.

  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    So you decided that my self-typing was important to be discussed. Go on then, discuss it. It seems Northstar is okay with this.
    I doubt Northstar cares, but I think you should really make your own thread or go to some other general typing thread. I’ve already said that I think you’re an IEI. You seem to think you’re LSI because of some “highly reputable source” (your hilarious wording), yet you haven’t posted about this source yet. You just seem crazy lol and nobody cares, unless you post it and discuss further yourself with something substantial.

    You seem incredibly emotional in this thread as others have noted too, and have shown to have committed basic typing taboos, so I don’t think you’re doing your self-typing any favors.

    If you have so much to say about integrity though, maybe you should stop making an ass out of yourself in another person’s typing thread. Although it’s pretty entertaining tbf (but also worrisome and sad), lol. You have issues.

  13. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Yeah, I'm okay with discussing whatever that is interesting or stirs up some shit. If you're saying I'm delta or gamma (or even a Fe-creative beta or alpha - gotta collect 'em all) while claiming to be beta ST yourself, then it's for sure relevant to see a comparison.

    I don't take it seriously as in a formal academic way, more like an informal debate. To me your complaint was that my intentions weren't "pure", of course they aren't in the sense of being a nice guy that wouldn't throw you under the bus if there's something in our sources that doesn't support your argument.

    Sounds like this ongoing research project is very relevant to socionics, so you'd be doing everyone a favor by sharing it. Since that's obviously your source. And no, I don't care all that much personally but if you want the source to give your arguments any weight then you shouldn't hide it with excuses.

    You got that one right about most people typing badly. What makes you think you aren't one of them? So far I haven't seen any proof of that, on the contrary. The point of the videos was originally the inexpressiveness of Ji users when not in the presence of an actual interlocutor. Je users are more expressive even when talking to just a camera since their judging process is external and awaiting input from others.
    I have posted the source elsewhere on this forum. This isn't news nor is it a secret, and I guarantee you that Socionics will benefit from it. However, if you don't care about it, I don't see a reason to post it here. It'll just be more noise. Pearls for the swine, as they say.

    Personally I don't have any remarks to give about my self-typing. I see no reason to address it, but if you or someone else have a question we'll see what happens. My points are stand-alone and can be argued without involving my type.

    "Pure." Right. I never said that though. :/

    "The inexpressiveness of Ji users when not in the presence of an actual interlocutor" --> This is completely false and it is a statement that you cannot back up. Ji is tense and finicky (this is obviously a shallow summary but it gets the point across). Stillness of the body combined with hypnotic staring are strong signs of Pi.

  14. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I doubt Northstar cares, but I think you should really make your own thread or go to some other general typing thread. I’ve already said that I think you’re an IEI. You seem to think you’re LSI because of some “highly reputable source” (your hilarious wording), yet you haven’t posted about this source yet. You just seem crazy lol and nobody cares, unless you post it and discuss further yourself with something substantial.
    I see no reason to create a thread as I have no reason to question my type. If you have a reason, feel free to share with the rest of the class.

    You seem incredibly emotional in this thread as others have noted too, and have shown to have committed basic typing taboos, so I don’t think you’re doing your self-typing any favors.

    If you have so much to say about integrity though, maybe you should stop making an ass out of yourself in another person’s typing thread. Although it’s pretty entertaining tbf (but also worrisome and sad), lol.
    "lol" -> you got me there. Why do you care so much about how I seem? You worry about me now? Why is my typing of such importance to you? Why do you want my attention so much?

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    "lol" -> you got me there. Why do you care so much about how I seem? You worry about me now? Why is my typing of such importance to you? Why do you want my attention so much?
    Why do you want to ask why I “want your attention”, over and over again via PMing me? Fuck off, creep.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I doubt Northstar cares, but I think you should really make your own thread or go to some other general typing thread. I’ve already said that I think you’re an IEI. You seem to think you’re LSI because of some “highly reputable source” (your hilarious wording), yet you haven’t posted about this source yet. You just seem crazy lol and nobody cares, unless you post it and discuss further yourself with something substantial.

    You seem incredibly emotional in this thread as others have noted too, and have shown to have committed basic typing taboos, so I don’t think you’re doing your self-typing any favors.

    If you have so much to say about integrity though, maybe you should stop making an ass out of yourself in another person’s typing thread. Although it’s pretty entertaining tbf (but also worrisome and sad), lol.
    I mean, going on about a "highly reputable source" but never posting the actual source itself for evidence does seem to fit weak as piss Te, so Te PoLR could fit in that case

  17. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by queentiger View Post
    I mean, going on about a "highly reputable source" but never posting the actual source itself for evidence does seem to fit weak as piss Te, so Te PoLR could fit in that case
    "Going on about"
    How about you address my actual points instead of making up fables.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    "Going on about"
    How about you address my actual points instead of making up fables.
    I was addressing sbbds' point and adding to it actually, spazmoid

  19. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Why do you want to ask why I “want your attention”, over and over again via PMing me? Fuck off, creep.
    I'm not PM'ing you. State your business regarding my type or my points on Northstar's type. Anything else is bullshit.

  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by queentiger View Post
    I was addressing sbbds' point and adding to it actually, spazmoid
    Well, you didn't add any value, I'll tell you that.

    Really though, if you must engage either my typing or any of points, do so directly next time.

  21. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    "Going on about"
    How about you address my actual points instead of making up fables.
    You’ve brought it up in at least five posts in this thread so far. Would you like me to count and quote for you?

    How about admitting your detachment from reality instead of gaslighting others.

  22. #222
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    I have posted the source elsewhere on this forum. This isn't news nor is it a secret, and I guarantee you that Socionics will benefit from it. However, if you don't care about it, I don't see a reason to post it here. It'll just be more noise.

    Personally I don't have any remarks to give about my self-typing. I see no reason to address it, but if you or someone else have a question we'll see what happens. My points are stand-alone and can be argued without involving my type.

    "Pure." Right. I never said that though. :/

    "The inexpressiveness of Ji users when not in the presence of an actual interlocutor" --> This is completely false and it is a statement that you cannot back up. Ji is tense and finicky (this is obviously a shallow summary but it gets the point across). Stillness of the body combined with hypnotic staring are strong signs of Pi.
    Just post it here, it doesn't take many seconds for you to do. There's pages of noise already so it hardly matters anymore at this point. This is a bulletin board for informal discussion, not a research journal.

    How about you back up your reasoning with a theory behind it, like I just did. Why is Ji tense and finicky? Is it Ji leads or Ji users in general?
    I do agree that staring with "unseeing eyes" is usually Ni, I dated one ILI briefly who expressed this often (she basically said she was after my Se but I got quickly bored of her due to the lack of Fe). However that's not what was happening in the video. I was actually staring at and seeing the phone clearly as a conscious choice, not exploring internal landscapes.

  23. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    You’ve brought it up in at least five posts in this thread so far. Would you like me to count and quote for you?
    Again, my points stand on their own. Northstar does not care about the source so I dropped it.

  24. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    I'm not PM'ing you. State your business regarding my type or my points on Northstar's type. Anything else is bullshit.
    Well, you’re not anymore after I blocked you. Unfortunately you snuck one more in right before, creepily quickly.

  25. #225
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Just post it here, it doesn't take many seconds for you to do. There's pages of noise already so it hardly matters anymore at this point. This is a bulletin board for informal discussion, not a research journal.

    How about you back up your reasoning with a theory behind it, like I just did. Why is Ji tense and finicky? Is it Ji leads or Ji users in general?
    I do agree that staring with "unseeing eyes" is usually Ni, I dated one ILI briefly who expressed this often (she basically said she was after my Se but I got quickly bored of her due to the lack of Fe). However that's not what was happening in the video. I was actually staring at and seeing the phone clearly as a conscious choice, not exploring internal landscapes.
    Yet you didn't back up your own reasoning. I've said this earlier: if your videos are useless to be typed via VI, then anything related to VI is irrelevant to this thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    Again, my points stand on their own. Northstar does not care about the source so I dropped it.
    You “dropped” it after flip flopping retardedly for 5+ posts lol and irrationally deciding Northstar doesn’t want to see it, instead of just fucking posting it. Of course we don’t care either way if you aren’t even showing that you have any material of value, but then you were just wasting your own and others’ time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    Yet you didn't back up your own reasoning. I've said this earlier: if your videos are useless to be typed via VI, then anything related to VI is irrelevant to this thread.
    You are the only one so far who had a problem VIing him. He posted multiple videos from multiple angles. Even Sol didn’t complain.

    You are worse than Sol.

  28. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    Yet you didn't back up your own reasoning. I've said this earlier: if your videos are useless to be typed via VI, then anything related to VI is irrelevant to this thread.
    Yes, I provided a theory on why Ji and Je act differently when talking to a camera vs. talking to a real audience. That's backing it up. What's your theory on why Ji users are tense and finicky and why my theory is wrong?

    My videos don't seem to be completely useless but I agree on them being far from perfect, a more candid situation with a real person would be loads better. However, that wasn't even the original purpose of posting them (I thought more "typing video in general", than "type me - video") but I let it roll since it's been entertaining.

  29. #229
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Yes, I provided a theory on why Ji and Je act differently when talking to a camera vs. talking to a real audience. That's backing it up. What's your theory on why Ji users are tense and finicky and why my theory is wrong?

    My videos don't seem to be completely useless but I agree on them being far from perfect, a more candid situation with a real person would be loads better. However, that wasn't even the original purpose of posting them (I thought more "typing video in general", than "type me - video") but I let it roll since it's been entertaining.
    Right, so you offered a theory. This is different from "backing it up." At this point, both you and I offered a theory to explain something, and neither of us have "backed it up." We can keep on talking in circles about it, but I have little interest in that anymore.

    I say that your videos are "useless" for typing only because you claim that your behavior in them is different from your normal behavior. So I can't make a fair judgment on type based on this.

    But, if I take the videos at face value, I say Pi > Te and Enneagram 9. Up to you what you do with this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    Right, so you offered a theory. This is different from "backing it up." At this point, both you and I offered a theory to explain something, and neither of us have "backed it up." We can keep on talking in circles about it, but I have little interest in that anymore.

    I say that your videos are "useless" for typing only because you claim that your behavior in them is different from your normal behavior. So I can't make a fair judgment on type based on this.

    But, if I take the videos at face value, I say Pi > Te and Enneagram 9. Up to you what you do with this.
    I provided a theory, you just made a few statements (Ji users are tense and finicky, Pi users are motionless) without backing them up with a reasoning as to why that is the case. Know the difference. You're refusing to provide your source, which would apparently be "backing it up" to you (that's Te).

    You did also claim that you've read through the whole thread including all my comments and anecdotes while still saying *LI / e9 is supported by everything so that seems to be your opinion regardless of the videos.

  31. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    I provided a theory, you just made a few statements (Ji users are tense and finicky, Pi users are motionless) without backing them up with a reasoning as to why that is the case. Know the difference. You're refusing to provide your source, which would apparently be "backing it up" to you (that's Te).
    I wasn't aware that you are confining our conversation to the most recent post only. And the only thing I'm refusing is providing you with content that you consider to" hardly matters anymore at this point." Watch out, your type 9 is showing.

    You did also claim that you've read through the whole thread including all my comments and anecdotes while still saying *LI / e9 is supported by everything so that seems to be your opinion regardless of the videos.
    And you may do with that information what you will. You're welcome.
    *In support of the videos. Without the videos, this is just me responding to some stories on a forum.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    I wasn't aware that you are confining our conversation to the most recent post only. And the only thing I'm refusing is providing you with content that you consider to" hardly matters anymore at this point." Watch out, your type 9 is showing.

    And you may do with that information what you will. You're welcome.
    *In support of the videos. Without the videos, this is just me responding to some stories on a forum.
    That's because I wasn't doing so, what's wrong with your perception? It seems clouded. I said "more noise hardly matters anymore at this point" - that had nothing to do with you providing the source, just a reassurance that you don't have to refrain from posting it due to there being pages of off-topic on here.
    Your type 5 is showing. Or is it 4w5? That'd be pretty classic IEI. Funny thing we're both seeing each other's enneagram wings.

    Stories, pics, videos, whatever. You have to take them at face value if you want to do any typing here at all, this is why it's no point taking all of this too seriously.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    That's because I wasn't doing so, what's wrong with your perception? It seems clouded. I said "more noise hardly matters anymore at this point" - that had nothing to do with you providing the source, just a reassurance that you don't have to refrain from posting it due to there being pages of off-topic on here.
    Your type 5 is showing. Or is it 4w5? That'd be pretty classic IEI. Funny thing we're both seeing each other's enneagram wings.
    "more noise hardly matters anymore at this point"
    It is settled then.

    Stories, pics, videos, whatever. You have to take them at face value if you want to do any typing here at all, this is why it's no point taking all of this too seriously.
    Indeed, you insist on not taking things seriously. Any further efforts here are wasted. You know my opinion on your videos. Do with it what ye will.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    "more noise hardly matters anymore at this point"
    It is settled then.

    Indeed, you insist on not taking things seriously. Any further efforts here are wasted. You know my opinion on your videos. Do with it what ye will.
    It's settled that you won't provide your so-called trustworthy source since you're just making excuses not to. Owned.

    Yeah, I'm Merry. Although a Te user claimed I'm an Emotivist (LSI) because I come here for fun like this and not for serious Te discussions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    Samson, just post your 'highly credible source', or everyone will assume it doesn't exist and you just make stuff up. This is what everyone else is asking for. You are welcome.
    And "everyone" is free to assume what they wish.

    "more noise hardly matters anymore at this point"

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    @Samson , Northstar already types as a 9 wing, which means he already acknowledges that he has some 9 traits and behaviors. You can’t really comment beyond that, seeing as core enneagram type has to do with core fears and vulnerabilities, which you don’t have the ability to see.

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    this was fun

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    @Northstar if you’d like to contrast yourself with some users on here who basically nobody has disputed as being LSI, you could look at:


    Pole (RIP)

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    @Northstar if you’d like to contrast yourself with some users on here who basically nobody has disputed as being LSI, you could look at:


    Pole (RIP)
    Yeah, I've seen some posts by onfiree, his posting style seems LSI to me. Haven't seen any of the others active during my time here. But I remember Pole from the pic thread when I skimmed through it once and LSI seemed plausible. I didn't know something bad happened to her, that's a shame.

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    So to continue the spirit of this thread after this entertaining diversion, I added one more video I had on my phone in the first post. It's a "blooper reel", a take I discarded before recording the actual second video talking about work. In this video you can see more eye movements since I had to think about some things and disengage while doing it. During the repeat take everything was still fresh on my mind and I didn't have to do much thinking at all.

    You can see what went wrong. I started talking about millimeters, then glitched into centimeters for a second and decided to fuck it and record a new video. But this video might actually be more useful for typing purposes due to requiring more thinking.

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