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Thread: Short typing video

  1. #401
    Northstar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inaLim View Post
    Unless Gulenko retracted or revised his theory, he approached it from the POV of both dichotomies and functions (Holographic Panoramic Ne)

    Connecting / Ignoring "is the subtype refinement of the classical dichotomy static/dynamic."
    Terminating / Initiating "is a concretization of the dichotomy rationality/irrationality"

    "Strengthening the linear-assertive functions , whatever position this pair occupies within the framework of the sociomodel, forms a dominant subtype (D)."
    "Strengthening the receptive-adaptive functions engenders a harmonizing subtype (H)."

    (I don't speak Russian or have Gulenko's book, so maybe he changed it)

    I agree terminating fits how you describe yourself. I'm not sure your idea of connecting is accurate if you pick and choose Borisova instead of Gulenko. DCNH is already fringe socionics, now we're even further out into someone else's interpretation of DCNH.

    Contact / Distant is basically social vs reclusive; MBTI extroversion / MBTI introversion.

    Terminal / Initial is something like what MBTI wants J / P to mean.

    Implicit relation between dynamic and connecting

    Yeah I didn't really buy into that Borisova claim, it doesn't seem likely that these dichotomies would be completely decoupled from Reinin, for example.

    Google also found this interesting post on DCNH:

    Even more food for thought, and links to Gulenko's articles (google translate works):

    I did the little pen and paper test (this was actually linked before on another thread here), and got SLE, with 3/5 for initiating and 2/5 for terminating. Exactly the same as I got in the web-based test, actually. So there maybe wasn't anything wrong with that test after all, @ergot

    The descriptions afterwards imply that Initiating is the creative subtype (SLE-Ti) and Terminating is the inert subtype (SLE-Se).

    In the list of descriptions from the first link, C seems more fitting than N. Underlined things I like about them for myself:

    Uses Te and Fe outside of their basic roles for their type. This subtype has the highest similarity with it's base type description because of the emphasis on the dominant function. This is the most ambitious and driven subtype often taking on leadership roles and the lest comfortable with following orders if they don't align with their existing goals. They like structure because it help them efficiently achieve their goals but they don't have the patience to figure out all the details. As a result they are surprisingly good at following the Normalizing's subtype demands and instructions. They are the most self motivating but often they are unsuccessful in meeting their ambitions because of their inflexible nature and lack of patience for details.

    The Dominant subtype relies on it's dominant function even more then it's usual for a type inserting it in to every aspect of their life. Their ambitious goals also revolve around this function and the wish to get some sort of social recognition for their skill an effort in the domain of their dominant. Because of the emphasis on the dominant function weaker functions are often ignored by this type leading to a rather rigid and limited approach to problem-solving.


    Uses Ti and Fi outside of their basic roles for their type. Highest priority is order and structure in the personal space. What that structure is applied to depends on the type, for example Fe doms will show a Ji like obsession with rules and consistency in social relations while an Si dom is more like to be highly particular about their physical space. However even Normalizers with vulnerable Si will have strong preferences for how theyr things are arranged. It's important to note that the "order" might not look like anything to an outside observer but move one thing out of place and you'll quickly find out you're dealing with a Normalizing subtype. They rarely show ambition or initiative but are energized when presented with clear goals and objectives. Normalizers will almost always practice what they preach implementing in their lives the same order they demand of others. This along with their focus on their counterbalancing weaker functions makes them the most adaptive and self-reliant type.

    The Normalizing subtype emphases it's role function (the shadow of the inferior) even though it's uncomfortable. They tend to resent people who make them assume use their Role however ("Why do I have to do everything? If people just did thing the RIGHT way this wouldn't happen?").

    Uses Ni and Si outside of their basic roles for their type. On first examination the Harmonizing subtype seems to have non of his type usual social imperfections instead giving of a vibe of soft a appropriate "social appropriateness". They are easily made uncomfortable by social conflict and will act in a self sacrificial manner to restore harmony. Their nature can be mistaken for being an Fe users by those who believe Fe = selflessness. A Harmonizing ESTJ, for example will always be around to get a friend out of trouble or help them figure out their life (Adam Braverman from "Parenthood. Harmonizers combine social grace with subtlety being able to lead a social situation to a desired outcome without alienating others.
    The Harmonizing subtype is more willing to use their vulnerable function (the shadow of the tertiary) then any other subtype. This is often done in a self-sacrificial manner in the service of others.

    Uses Ne and Se outside of their basic roles for their type. Most flexible subtype so most of the time they are the least similar to their type description. They show similarities with their mirror type (INTP with ENTP for example). They usually put a lot of effort towards their hobbies or other creative activities. Their projects are treated as something personal and they show lite interest towards publicizing or sharing the results of their work with others. They prefer to start new personal projects rather than cooperate and maintain the work of others. If having to maintain something started by another person they will try to remake and improve the original. When something hinders them personally they simply renounce it, ignoring it and distancing themselves from it. Because of the focus on personal actualization this type often struggles with adapting to societies or the groups expectations.

    The Creative subtype uses their Auxialry function then any other subtype using it as much as the dominant most of the time. This is done in the service of their own personal projects and interests.

    It's also interesting that this post says:
    The subtypes represent a continuum. A person can have any position along the edges of the diamond (so you could be somewhere between Creative and Dominant). One of the subtypes will usually be more prominent however. As subtypes are an adaptation to certain social environments they change during a person's life. A regular person will go through at least two subtypes in their lifetime but a lot more changes than that are possible.

    Something in-between C and N could make sense as I've from the start identified with both of these subtypes. C fits best out of this post's descriptions. Analyzing the three DCNH dichotomies it seems like falling in between for contact/distance and terminating/initiating but pretty clearly into ignoring (which is the shared dichotomy for N and C).

  2. #402
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ergot View Post
    DCHN is in flux, that's interesting. but not helping my thoughts which are still muddled - identifying who is who in look-alike relations.

    say you are hanging out in your super ego block due to outer quadra family or line of work, can the end result be considered your "true" DCHN type? maybe yes; that's your adapted type that you're moving thru life with.

    consider ILE-C, strengthened (their role) and
    then SLE-C, strengthened (their role) and

    also SEI-H, strengthened (their role) and
    IEI-H , strengthened (their role) and

    where one ends the other begins, ouroboros-like

    LSI-C would be wildhaha
    Dcnh is more like another layer on top of model A. So its kindof independent from model a function positions. Ive met LSI-C, they are just like other creative subtypes.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Not sure of your type but you seem like a decent guy :-)

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    To add about the lack of significant shiness on your later video.
    This lack does not change, than you are shy in general. As you shaw _high_ shyness in a situation where most extraverts would not. Higher emotionality which I've noticed can be explained by role function expression, expected in public talking.
    Structured talking, grammar criticism...
    Your overall behavior, including nonverbal, fits to LSI better.

    Friendly "ILI" IRL can to have close types as LII, IEI, LIE, ILE which you may perceive positively. Novices, especially without VI usage and tests, have good chance of mistakes in types.

    In IR test you could like EII if they reminded you traits of beta F people known IRL or mb EIIs with who relations are surface and so could be liked. Same could prefer IEI a little higher than EIE due to IRL experience, if got better feelings to someone having this type due to external factors of the life. Try to find more of EIE, IEI and EII examples IRL near to understand your IR effects more clear.
    Forget baseless Gulenko's fantasies, as for example his subtypes. Use normal theory to understand types correctly.

    I think to point on you some of Russian EIEs (they may think their types other). Mb they'll get an interest to talk, what is better to do by video-chats or IRL for IR effects understanding. I doubt this may progress to "relations", the idea is communications on any themes where both sides may cooperate.

  5. #405
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    To add about the lack of significant shiness on your later video.
    This lack does not change, than you are shy in general. As you shaw _high_ shyness in a situation where most extraverts would not. Higher emotionality which I've noticed can be explained by role function expression, expected in public talking.
    Why do you think I am shy in general? It doesn't fit my real life relationships with people. I am typically the one who approaches people and takes the lead, in fact I dislike it when someone else tries to take the lead and where I have clashed in the past with other extroverts. My relationships with introverts have been much better. If you are thinking of the old video which I recorded trying to underline the lack of expression talking to camera (not shyness as you seem to think), it's not a realistic picture of me, as anyone who has actually video chatted or met me would agree with.

    Structured talking, grammar criticism...
    Your overall behavior, including nonverbal, fits to LSI better.
    Tbh this is just higher intelligence than most, as well as high education.

    Friendly "ILI" IRL can to have close types as LII, IEI, LIE, ILE which you may perceive positively. Novices, especially without VI usage and tests, have good chance of mistakes in types.

    In IR test you could like EII if they reminded you traits of beta F people known IRL or mb EIIs with who relations are surface and so could be liked. Same could prefer IEI a little higher than EIE due to IRL experience, if got better feelings to someone having this type due to external factors of the life. Try to find more of EIE, IEI and EII examples IRL near to understand your IR effects more clear.
    Forget baseless Gulenko's fantasies, as for example his subtypes. Use normal theory to understand types correctly.

    I think to point on you some of Russian EIEs (they may think their types other). Mb they'll get an interest to talk, what is better to do by video-chats or IRL for IR effects understanding. I doubt this may progress to "relations", the idea is communications on any themes where both sides may cooperate.
    I have met both IEI and EIE, where EIE have noticed I'm not the introvert they might have expected. I don't know why you have an interest trying to convince me of a type I have already seriously considered and rejected. Seriously man, I know very well that I want to make the decisions in relationships, and that I don't enjoy a lot of alone time, it sinks my spirits.

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    this one seems SLI / ISTP and from your frozen lands

    there is a chance you may communicate with him and to compare with yourself, to understand your difference

  7. #407
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    this one seems SLI / ISTP and from your frozen lands
    but your land is partly frozen too

  8. #408
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    there is a chance you may communicate with him and to compare with yourself, to understand your difference
    There is a chance I may ignore any and all suggestions from you.

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