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Thread: James Cameron

  1. #1

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    Default James Cameron

    I think he's an ILE-Ti. The only things that goes against ILE-Ti are how much he seems to value strength and how explosive he has been said to be and how he seems more uptight and serious than ILE-Ti generally are.

    Some people said they thought he was an LIE, but that doesn't make as much sense because they usually aren't as concerned about and as good at independently solving problems as Cameron has always been and they're more error prone than Cameron was. His perfectionism/rightism (especially detail orientation) is more in line with being a ILE-Ti; I've noticed they're less tolerant of errors (especially visual imperfections) that don't have to do with a person's character than LIE are. He's also not judgmental like LIE tend to be even though he likes his personal space. He has a much greater ability to say no and to defy people who say no (or "that's not going to happen") than LIE tend to have.

    Even for an ILE-Ti, James Cameron is a quite remarkable individual. Like someone who is above the rest of the world, "among the gods" or something (due to his intellect, will power, and creativity/originality and his great-looking, unique appearance). He's just one of those men who has an intellect, originality, vision, and drive/will (ability to make all the things himself and not just be a CEO who makes good decisions like Steve Jobs) that only one man is born with but maybe every 100 years; much like how Kimberly Kane (ILE-Ti) is one of those amazing women with great ideas and visions she can make into beautiful realities, who has intellect, charm, will/strength, originality (both her and her work) where only a few women per every 50 years come close to having. Maybe it has something to do with them being lefties (left handed women are smarter/more logical, more creative, more headstrong, more impulsive, more beautiful, and less agreeable than right handed women on average). I guess their mothers and their mothers and their mothers were lefties down the direct maternal line to the first lefty. I'm left handed but neither of my parents are and my IQ is probably less than 1/2 of what James Cameron's is and probably less than 1/2 of what Kimberly Kane's is.

    What type do you think James Cameron is and why?

  2. #2

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    He's an LIE-Ni, I should've just gone by non-verbal behavior as he's not much like an ILE-Ti in videos.

  3. #3

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    He may be an SLE-Ti, but if not then LIE-Ni.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

  4. #4
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    James Cameron - INFJ Dostoevsky

    This is the comment you are looking for

  5. #5

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    ILE-Ti often value strength I knew people I knew to be ILE-Ti valued strength, I'm not sure why I said Se quadra because he valued strength. But ILE-Ti doesn't work for him, he's kind of different from how they tend to be. Jim Cameron's socionics type is either SLE-Ti or LIE-Ni.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

  6. #6
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    Jack: Rose! You're so stupid. Why did you do that, huh? You're so stupid, Rose. Why did you do that? Why?
    Rose: You jump, I jump, right?
    Jack: Right.
    Rose: Oh God! I couldn't go. I couldn't go, Jack.
    Jack: It's all right. We'll think of something.
    Rose: At least I'm with you.”

    Jack: Rose, you're no picnic, all right? You're a spoiled little brat, even, but under that, you're the most amazingly, astounding, wonderful girl, woman that I've ever known...
    Rose: Jack, I...
    Jack: No, let me try and get this out. You're ama- I'm not an idiot, I know how the world works. I've got ten bucks in my pocket, I have no-nothing to offer you and I know that. I understand. But I'm too involved now. You jump, I jump remember? I can't turn away without knowing you'll be all right... That's all that I want.
    Rose: Well, I'm fine... I'll be fine... really.
    Jack: Really? I don't think so. They've got you trapped, Rose. And you're gonna die if you don't break free. Maybe not right away because you're strong but... sooner or later that fire that I love about you, Rose... that fire's gonna burn out...
    Rose: It's not up to you to save me, Jack.
    Jack: You're right... only you can do that.”

    “When the ship docks, I'm getting off with you.
    This is crazy.
    I know it doesn't make any sense, that's why I trust it.”

  7. #7

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    LSI hippie

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