Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
I don't like ppl like Tyler1 lmao, I always end up in a.. well I can't even call it argument, more like a fight.. with them. On some level his willful determined approach to things is admirable tho.

I dislike surprises, because a surprise means I have to mobalize myself to respond to it and if I'm relaxed I'm slow to mobalize..plus its annoying to have to do that.. e_e

I imagined SEE being more of a happy chappy sanguine who is inspirational... not a choleric.

I'm like a cat.. kinda lazy, well unless I found something interesting, in which case I can do odd things like being so engaged I only realize what time it is when the birds start chirping outside.. then panic that I have to go to work in 2 hours and haven't slept all night.
ah ok, interesting you like Se sometimes and then sometimes not ... Happy chappy inspirational sanguine person makes me think of IEE more than SEE tho it could be either, you can't equate temperaments with sociotype

SLI is more like a cat than ILI, heh

Well ok I don't think I have any more input atm. Hope you'll eventually settle with a type (or you already did?)