Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
What makes you think you are either IEE or SLI? If you hesitate between such opposite types, it's probable you are neither.

IEE doesn't suck at emotional expression and SLI sucks but doesn't care/know. SFs are the best at "influencing other people" so if you have a inferiority complex about that, you're probably a NT. Emotional expression and influencing the emotional atmosphere is Fe. If you're so fixated on being bad at this, means it's a valued weak function.

Valued Ti and Si. Moreover, the fact that I understand the flow of your thoughts so easily means you're probably having the same cognitive style as me(Holographic). Pretty sure you're LII-Ti. Here you go.
I don't really value Ti tbh. I can understand abstract systems sure, but if I can't make use of the information there is no point in deepening my understanding of it as I'll forget anyway, so it usually stays on a superficial level of "stuff I was curious about". Use it or lose it. I'm also very prone to reductionist thinking (which annoys NTs in my experience) and prefer to keep things simple. The less nodes in a system the lower the chance of failure and the more efficient it is. I'm not someone who can survive in a university environment & deal with abstractions all day. I do test INTP under MBTI, but those tests are garbage anyway.

It sucks being bad at it, yeah, but I also have no real desire to be good at Fe myself. I'm rather inhibited when it comes to expressing my feelings or even talking about this stuff with another person.