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Thread: SLI or IEE.. help mee

  1. #81

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    -.- fuck it, you are right. I may dislike you BDSM-bear, but yeah.. this is 100% me:

    Features of behavior

    The main features of SLI's behavior that are notable in close contact - is pragmatism and orientation at tangible returns. The SLI is always economical and prudent, never does work for free on enthusiasm alone. He begins working with some difficulty. Usually, some time passes before he is actively working. But once he has started on something, he then tries to squeeze things to their very last drop. In everyday practicality he has no equals. In behavior SLI strives for full independence. He allows unfamiliar people close to himself only up to a certain point, where they can't have real impact on him. Values friendship very much. Will host people at his place any time. Does everything to save a person if hears cries for help. Loves thrilling experiences which he attains by a variety of ways: active vacations, fast driving, etc. The record for thrills was set by Grigory Rasputin, who, due to this trait which was exaggerated in him, became a historical figure. Has clear internal convictions and beliefs, and a clear set of requirements for himself, which he persistently follows. Moreover, SLI's internal "code of honor" may diverge from the accepted norms of behavior. He gives very little consideration to others' opinion about him. Always shows great tenacity. Does not listen to and obey unreasonable, from his point of view, commands. Acts only as he sees it fit. This can create a reputation for him of being obstinate, quarrelsome, mischief-seeker, hooligan, punk, and so on.


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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    is it? I mean I AM economic with money tbh, also highly pragmatic.. the kind of cheapskate who is willing to pay for quality tho. Hate wasting energy or money. I have a lot of money saved up, enough to buy another house outright, 0% debt as well. I kinda respond slow e_e hard to get going when I need to act and I demobilize fast. I also keep most people at an arm's length, dislike it when others depend on me and I dislike it even more when I have to depend on someone else. My internal convictions are like circuit breakers, unnegotiable. I can and do cut off people, never forget and my reaction is very harsh.. especially for moral treason. If something doesn't make sense I just tend to ignore it.. ordering me to something outside of contractual agreements leads to me behaving in a hostile manner which can and does escalate depending on the severity of the situation. I am quarrelsome, a mischief-maker, sometimes violent (rare). I always put this down to being type 6 and testing people, pushing the boundaries and my inability to not be a radical with anything that truly interests me.

    and according to another delta SLI, I like "sweet" light music that is heavy with Fe and Se, which is true, its kinda corny, but I like it:

    i used to imagine beta quadra like how you guys imagine gamma quadra here... but now that i see it in a different light e_e I kinda seem to have a lot of stereotypical beta things going on... minus Ti. I can't be bothered to deal with detailed rules, laws and regulations. Is boring af. I can be very "lets break the system's back for the lulz"

    Here are my OCEAN behavioral traits as far as I see myself and have been informed by other people's opinion of me: OCEAN.png

    I'm extremely open minded: (for me its mostly and interest in ideas and intellect, but my IQ is only that of a university student around 120+ <== tested extensively, not through online bullshit tests)
    e_e no discipline tho, disorganized, chaotic, messy as fuck. Despite this I have never been late to a meeting and seem to have a good innate ability to estimate how long something takes to do. Aka I'm never late )
    Socially introverted with a tendency towards ambiversion
    Slightly more agreeable than disagreeable, although I do start arguments just for fun or to devil's advocate...fir fun.
    I'm slightly more neurotic than not, but overall I'm comfy in my own skin. I do prefer safety and security.
    Last edited by SGF; 06-06-2020 at 09:36 AM.

  3. #83

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    @shotgunfingers Yeah and lol btw I can see the mischief making with your bit of goofiness

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    @shotgunfingers Yeah and lol btw I can see the mischief making with your bit of goofiness
    I tried everything including the combined socionics traits on INTP everywhere.. across the board.. I guess that settles it despite my ever doubting and skeptical nature as a type 6.


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    if the clowning on the forum is your common behavior style, then you should to have F type

    "To crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentation of their women"

    beta values, Conan
    without a video it's a problem to be sure

    though be prepared to get "silly and surface" [(c) wannabe-SLE] typings same which you got before and you'll be typed by same noobs which can't do better. in case your fears of this is not above the measures of your soul, like it happened with other buddy, whos nerves appeared to be doubtful and he started to bark on anyone

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I tried everything including the combined socionics traits on INTP everywhere..
    1st of all it's in your mind which has not ideally correct self-perception and doubtful types theory understanding, besides bs you may read on socionics-related sites (the examples of what are Reinin's traits and subtypes)

    the most noobs-proof method is IR effects analysis. it needs significant efforts to type people IRL near you. if this will be giving you clear some type - then it's such indeed, despite anything. without this check to mistake is so easily than it's obligate step to be sure in your own type and your minimum typing skills
    Last edited by Sol; 06-09-2020 at 08:11 PM.

  6. #86
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    Go to hell Sol.

  7. #87
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    IEI. merry! I don't see Fe-Polr

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    if the clowning on the forum is your common behavior style, then you should to have F type
    You mean IRL? I can't, its awkward & embarrasing. I'd also rather clench my teeth and run the fuck away than express genuine feeling and be vulnerable in front of anyone... or express cringe feelings that aren't genuinely mine. Fi creative is certainly a possibility however.

    "To crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentation of their women"

    beta values, Conan
    without a video it's a problem to be sure
    Can't make a video. It will inevitably be used to either blackmail or dox me. You see I might be an idiot, but I'm not that stupid.

    though be prepared to get "silly and surface" [(c) wannabe-SLE] typings same which you got before and you'll be typed by same noobs which can't do better. in case your fears of this is not above the measures of your soul, like it happened with other buddy, whos nerves appeared to be doubtful and he started to bark on anyone
    I'll be honest I'm willing to listen to anyone's input. Current typing is mainly because I test INTP across all typology systems every time (which means my self image is that at least).. and because when serious I behave like you do, no tact and beat people over the head with Te.

    1st of all it's in your mind which has not ideally correct self-perception and doubtful types theory understanding, besides bs you may read on socionics-related sites (the examples of what are Reinin's traits and subtypes)
    Yeah, its my self perception, which can be faulty. I agree. I'm prone to skepticism and doubting for sure, thats the norm for me, for everything. (Enneagram type 6)

    the most noobs-proof method is IR effects analysis. it needs significant efforts to type people IRL near you. if this will be giving you clear some type - then it's such indeed, despite anything. without this check to mistake is so easily than it's obligate step to be sure in your own type and your minimum typing skills
    Hmm your english was good above, but now it makes little sense, but I got the gist of it. I'm not confident in my skills and there is no way I'll risk to video-chat or to even make a video, let alone IRL typing.

    Quote Originally Posted by ergot View Post
    IEI. merry! I don't see Fe-Polr
    Explain, as in reason why you don't see Fe PolR (it could be I'm misunderstanding Fe Polr, so..)
    Last edited by SGF; 06-09-2020 at 09:38 PM.

  9. #89
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    ok, I will give it a go.

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I absolutely suck at emotional expression, influencing other people or the emotional atmosphere and I always feel like an alien/outsider who is incapable of feeling one with the group and is blind to social convention.

    why I don't see Fe-Polr is because I don't think you suck at emotional expression, at least here on t16t I don't get that impression.
    you come across as quite provocative and inclusive, stoking a well-intentioned fire to get a casual conversation going and other forum members involved (so I thought "merry"). with your button pushing and wielding of emoji, a SLE dual for example is easier for me to picture than an IEE one.

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Come to think of it I should.

    while this is probably not related to Fe or Fi, your posts can have a stream of consciousness quality to them which is not something I have come across with SLI who can have a manner of "just delivering what's salient" but sometimes in a backfire way(i.e. not reading the emotional nuance of a sale and thereby delivering the standard pitch/T&Cs to a deflated customer who wants to be primped as 10yr-loyal-client).

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Otherwise I'm a phlegmatic sunburn, lazy-ass computer-nerd who likes taking machines and systems apart for fun.

    You are playful and nuanced with language and this includes the use of formatting and asides to effectively the atmos/tone of the discussion? I just thought I would point that out, I think it is cool and has an effect of warming people to you.

    Another reason, even less scientific than above is that I related to "your take" on several subjects raised in this thread

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by ergot View Post
    ok, I will give it a go.

    why I don't see Fe-Polr is because I don't think you suck at emotional expression, at least here on t16t I don't get that impression.
    you come across as quite provocative and inclusive, stoking a well-intentioned fire to get a casual conversation going and other forum members involved (so I thought "merry"). with your button pushing and wielding of emoji, a SLE dual for example is easier for me to picture than an IEE one.
    This is true. I'm opinionated, outspoken, sometimes downright combative and like debating / devil's advocating. If pushed hard I can also be very hostile and actively push back (choleric characteristics). Normally by myself I'm rather lazy and phlegmatic/chill/low energy tho... but people around me seem to think I'm highly dependable despite this.

    Its mostly for fun tho compared to a real choleric. Its boring to always agree.

    while this is probably not related to Fe or Fi, your posts can have a stream of consciousness quality to them which is not something I have come across with SLI who can have a manner of "just delivering what's salient" but sometimes in a backfire way(i.e. not reading the emotional nuance of a sale and thereby delivering the standard pitch/T&Cs to a deflated customer who wants to be primped as 10yr-loyal-client).
    Yeah I agree.

    You are playful and nuanced with language and this includes the use of formatting and asides to effectively the atmos/tone of the discussion? I just thought I would point that out, I think it is cool and has an effect of warming people to you.

    Another reason, even less scientific than above is that I related to "your take" on several subjects raised in this thread

    EDIT: see you make a great point here, in terms of Reinin dichotomies IEE is a perfect fit... like a glove (why I started this thread)

    There is a good word for this: impish - showing a child's pleasure in enjoying yourself and making trouble.
    Last edited by SGF; 06-10-2020 at 10:12 AM.

  11. #91
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    when you'll make a videointerview - place it to 1st theme's message and may notice me about this data by '@' mention

    IEE is doubtful too, as not so bloody to accept Conan's ideals. Se valued type mb

    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    Go to hell Sol.
    it's already hot without me

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    when you'll make a videointerview - place it to 1st theme's message and may notice me about this data by '@' mention

    IEE is doubtful too, as not so bloody to accept Conan's ideals. Se valued type mb

    it's already hot without me
    The conan stuff is just tongue in cheek for fun. I don't actually mean it seriously lmao.

    Its like my location info: Behind you, eating your ice cream

    Impish fun.

    There will be no video interview. Can't risk it. I have a lot of views that go against the current status-quo and political-social order. Being outspoken means in time I'll piss off some NF type for sure. That can lead to doxing attempts and so on. Avoid.

    practically I don't exist on the internet anywhere as my real self (no facebook, twitter, nothing) for this specific reason.

    EDIT: @Sol maybe IEI then? I do seem to like Beta quadra stuff it might be possible despite disinterest in poetry and feally shit. @JustWandering will blow her shit, when she finds out I'm IEI. Say it old man, say it.. I relate to IEI Fe creative tbh grin.PNG
    Last edited by SGF; 06-10-2020 at 12:14 PM.

  13. #93
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    IEIs naturally conceptualize the people around them in terms of the emotional energy that they give off, and the way that they interact with the mood and energy around them. They are often especially sensitive to how others around them react to their own energy.

    IEIs are generally very sensitive to the emotional atmosphere around them. They are often good at recognizing and influencing the moods of others, and at communicating the depth of their feelings or experiences. They tend to be adept at reading the reactions that others have to them and are often quick to make use of emotional cues in interaction. They frequently feel a need to look after the mood of those around them, and characteristically seek to awaken or innerve others' emotional energy. They may exhibit a propensity for good-natured, friendly, lighthearted banter and try to promote good will and inclusiveness. On the other hand, IEIs can also direct their emotional influence through a mode of expression that limits their affable levity; they may take on a formal, toxic, serious, or even shock-jock emphasis as situations require.

    IEIs may feel the need to express the nature of their inimitable mental landscape and insights, and may feel a greater calling to make a difference in the lives of others. This is often manifest by championing intellectual, moral, social, or personal causes. IEIs may feel strongly about these types of causes and some may expend considerable effort towards expressing their avidity towards them, even posing toxic criticism to those that do not share these deep moral callings. However, many other IEIs may lack the impulse or motivation to take this type of action at all.
    This sounds like a lot what I do when I meet someone. I find reading other people very easy as I said at the beginning of this thread. I'm not capable of expressing sincere or fake emotions one due to inhibition and the other because its cringe... HOWEVER... I adapt to the person I'm interacting with and know how to push people's buttons, what makes them tick, how to get reactions out of them. Figuring people out is very easy for me, I'm highly observant, which makes the latter process also very easy. I make a lot of subconscious adjustments to adapt to people around me so I may not behave the same with 2 different people.. as needed.

    You will however never find me trying to act, emoting or reciting cringe poetry. Prefer this:

  14. #94
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    It was ILE all along. RIP thread.

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