Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
This is your typing thread, remember?

You were supposed to share here about yourself, and no one's gonna *mindread* you about where your boundaries are about that.

Look into yourself and decide what your expectations really are about all this bc you are coming off really contradictory and all over the place right now. Also, paranoid.

Lol, well that guy sounds like a bad stereotype of LSI-Ti. Super bad Ne PoLR too

He probably had trouble with his prudeness becoming so uninhibited with the alcohol lol
Yeah man, I'm just teasing you I don't expect people to mindread me and I don't understand where boundaries come into play exactly on a typing thread unless someone was asking something beyond crude and inappropriate, in which case I would most likely just clown on them. So, my apologies for coming off like that.

I do react and think wildly different to a lot of different people in a lot of different scenarios, since I get so caught up in my mood. My sleep schedule is all over the place since I have to tend to my family IRL, and as such so is my energy level. Anyways, my mood is a big reason why I don't personally like tests or questionnaires even, because they're difficult for me to gauge myself even when I'm in a neutral mood.

I did think it was maybe forum tradition to post a questionnaire since Sol linked me, and I would have liked to have opinions on type since I'm not self typed. Though I do understand how my erratic nature and IRL circumstances could interfere with that, yeah.

And I don't know what that dude's type was in Socionics but he was probably IxTJ in MBTI.