Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
Make myself useful? You are the moron who thinks that brushing your teeth to avoid going to the dentist which costs money, (o rlly?) Makes you LIE. If youre LIE you must be the dumbest mfkin LIE ive ever seen
I would suggest that you learn some manners before enlightening us with your ideas on the forum any further. The point of forums is sharing ideas and it doesn't seem like you have been able to make yourself useful to your fullest potential in that sense. That's if you value yourself of course.

Si and Se (but specially Si) would care a lot about matters of beauty and comfort (feeling of freshness and cleanliness in the mouth/ white beautiful teeth). That is for sure, for them, of higher priority in their minds than it is for me when deciding to brush the teeth.

That is of course not to say that I don't care about beauty and comfort but the predominant and primary reason which comes to my mind when I want to motivate myself to get up and brush my teeth is to avoid visiting a dentist because I generally hate dentists and they charge too much. And then there is the thought "I want to smell nice as well"

I have heard an SLI say: I can't tolerate the feeling of uncleanliness in my mouth

That is basically related to Si and types with strong Si might care about that more than they care about the money or the future consequences.

It wouldn't be a surprise if that is in fact an LIE thing because it is both Te (an objective reason) and Ni (a consequence in the future)