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Thread: I like asking questions

  1. #1
    Tzuyu's Avatar
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    Default I like asking questions

    Question: If type is genetic and not affected by environment, why do identical twins sometimes have different sociotypes? I am not 100% sure of this fact because I don't come across one everyday but based on some forums, while a certain amount do seem uncannily similar personality-wise, a lot of twins also seem to share completely different personalities (outgoingness/introspection/and most likely type as well)

    My theory is that from the moment you're born your brain constructs neural pathways that eventually become a preferred method of thinking/interpreting the world. After childhood/puberty, this pattern because permanent due to the pruning process. People with similar pathways will share the same type, kind of like the one shown in Dario Nardi's graph thingy-mabob. Fluid intelligence, proneness to certain mental disorders, amount of mirror neurons etc. play a part this process but ultimately type is not heritable.

    I am extremely curious what would happen if we fully cloned a human successfully. Small differences in personality would be inevitable due to different life experience and upbringing, but if we're following this logic there's a large chance they're a completely different type, a completely different person.

    I think I've posted about nature/nurture in type before, but I am still interested in new opinions lol. Anything goes.

    EDIT: Thanks for the replies! I've reconsidered my position on genetics. I've met an identical pair in real life and one was very much more solemn and quiet than the other, the contrast was striking. After going through some Youtube videos I think almost all of them are identical types, which is fascinating. I've read that twins who grow up together are more individualized than twins that grow apart, as part of a conscious/subconscious need to be recognized as individuals. Also the one in real life apparently went through a bad breakup, which could be the explanation.
    Last edited by Tzuyu; 05-09-2020 at 07:43 PM. Reason: :)

  2. #2

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    Gulenko said identical twins are most likely to become duals. I think his point is the gene gave them the same quadra and they dual each other when grow up. He didn't gave any examples though.

  3. #3
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    The ones I've met seem to have the same type. Maybe watch some videos on YT and type them to get more data.

    non-identical twins is a different matter though. They can certainly have different types.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by coda View Post
    If type is genetic and not affected by environment, why do identical twins sometimes have different sociotypes?
    The Jung type can be noticed near the age when a human starts to talk - near ~1-2 years old, when appears relatively normal human mind. It's not clear when it appears.

    It's unknown by what process types appear. Genes may to be one of factors which predisposes for some type to appear.
    It's unknown may identical twins to have different Jung types. Due to today typing methods speculativity there are lot of mistakes to trust what someone typed them.

    If to talk not about a predisposition to some type, but types in general. Types are not "not affected by environment". It should be possibly to develop weak functions by their more usage and more attention on them what reduces the type. You may reduce the energy of ego and usage of strong functions what should lead that strong functions will degrade what will reduce the type (by meditative concentration, for example). There are trance states during which the balance of Jung functions maybe can be changed and maybe this has longer effects on the type.

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    I wouldn't put too much stock in socionics being scientific. For me it is just a model to help categorize patterns of behavior seen in individuals and is particularly useful for people to recognize their general strengths and weaknesses and say, "oh okay, other people have similar strengths/weaknesses to me I am not weird." Or, even better, "oh okay, other people have different strengths/weaknesses to me and maybe something I thought was stupid is actually more important than I realized."

    In terms of genetic impact on personality, it obviously has an impact, but the impact of genes and environment on personality is so intertwined that it is very difficult to tease them apart.

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    Twin personality differences is a strong indication that type is an adaptation; we are all likely born with the same data filters and processors, and with the same potential for structural data processing configurations. People form various processing habits starting in the womb; the twin on top may start using different input processes from the one on bottom because of a different vantage point. The brain cannot be all-singing-all-dancing because there's only so much energy available and people also need to find a niche that works for them so type seems to be that fundamental launch point for diversification - and that 'personality' which makes us unique takes a while to solidify......

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Quote Originally Posted by coda View Post
    Question: If type is genetic and not affected by environment, why do identical twins sometimes have different sociotypes? I am not 100% sure of this fact because I don't come across one everyday but based on some forums, while a certain amount do seem uncannily similar personality-wise, a lot of twins also seem to share completely different personalities (outgoingness/introspection/and most likely type as well).

    My theory is that from the moment you're born your brain constructs neural pathways that eventually become a preferred method of thinking/interpreting the world. After childhood/puberty, this pattern because permanent due to the pruning process. People with similar pathways will share the same type, kind of like the one shown in Dario Nardi's graph thingy-mabob. Fluid intelligence, proneness to certain mental disorders, amount of mirror neurons etc. play a part this process but ultimately type is not heritable.

    I am extremely curious what would happen if we fully cloned a human successfully. Small differences in personality would be inevitable due to different life experience and upbringing, but if we're following this logic there's a large chance they're a completely different type, a completely different person.

    I think I've posted about nature/nurture in type before, but I am still interested in new opinions lol. Anything goes.
    i dont think identical twins can have different sociotypes since their dna is 99% the same (except fingerprints) which means their brains also work the same. but if u could give me a source that would be great.

  8. #8


    OP, would you prefer that your clone is the same type as you?

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