I honestly don't like talking that much. Talk is cheap. I'd rather get stuff done together, like a lesbian with a can-do attitude. lol

But yeah, talking is just manipulative cheap-air to me no matter what you say or who you are. Narcissists tend to love bomb people, but true love- they will show you physically in some way I think.

Well... I think ideally talking a lot WOULD work, if both people somehow perfectly understood their physical roles outside of the social sphere and accepted them equally. However that is an ideal that I think isn't there with many middle class ppl. In my experience, I get annoyed at people who just talk a lot but expect me to all the heavy lifting because they want a slave and a sycophant. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind at all doing my own share of physical tasks in a relationship even tho I'm NF, but I loathe being 'used' or like, an emotional one-way tampon.