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Thread: Your consensual typing of forum members

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    you've posted as "consensual" opinion after she've removed the type from the profile due to high doubts

    SEI fits her
    IEE are not so rude
    IEEs are ruder than SEIs typically, noob. Look at Tallmo vs Aaron Something.

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    @thegreenfaerie I changed my typing of you to IEE for the time being.
    I'm not an IEE, but I'm likely not an IEI either.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    you've posted as "consensual" opinion after she've removed the type from the profile due to high doubts

    SEI fits her
    IEE are not so rude

    SEI or EII likely. Honestly per description, one of the issues with SEI though is having issues talking about bad things and always presenting as happy even when not. I tend to show when I'm in a bad mood. Anyone in my real life thinking I lead with an extroverted function would probably laugh, in fact my dad already did when reading about IEE per Gulenko, though that is just description. The only way I could be IEE is if I had super harmonizing, and I mean super, per DCNH if you even believe in that.

    I have been introverted my entire life. When I was really young and was tidy both in my environment and appearance. I have continued to be tidy in terms of my environment my entire life. What I am saying is, I am fairly aware of my environment, though honestly so is my EIE father, it may be a learned trait as well. My sister on the other hand was less aware, the one running around outside with people trying to cheer them up, and with sparkles in her eyes (her raver nickname was even Sparkle). I did like to lead activities (such as a band I had or plays) as I was sort of the person with the ideas in those departments, and maybe more of the drive at that time. Going out and doing sports and that sort of thing wasn’t very appealing (though I loved swimming : )) I mostly stuck to my close friend and didn’t seem to get along with a girl who seemed like some sort of Se lead. She isn’t the first.

    It's true that I was very creative. I spent a lot of my time writing, drawing, playing keyboard and making lyrics to go along with them, but I was always very inward. If you are around me in person it becomes pretty apparent that I am constantly stuck in my head. To me it seems like most of my thoughts revolve around Fi. I'm not thinking about all of the things I want to do or ideas, that is rather secondary, if even that. I'm usually thinking about myself, my relations, others relations, my place in the world and the like. I don’t seek to explore everything, try everything. I can sit in the same place for long periods of time, my energy is not that high.
    Something I have brought up several times to others is that 1D Si seems really wrong. In part due to some reasons I already mentioned above, but also I actually have a fairly good sense of when something is wrong with me and sometimes I’m completely accurate on what it is. One time I told my mom, “I think I’m like you, I have a pretty good sense of when something is wrong with me physically” only to be told just recently by my dad, “You’re a lot like your mom, you’re both good at knowing when something is wrong physically.” I came across an IEE post here once where people were saying they essentially acted like babies when they were sick. My dad acts like one (and also had 1D Si), but I’m pretty sure that I don’t. Sometimes I even like being sick (so long as it’s not something severe) because it means I can get out of doing something, lol.
    What I am is impressionable, as well as desperate to find my typing. I’ve known internally this does not fit (IEE) in the major ways that it should, and yet I have allowed others on the internet to sway me. I am willing to put money that not one of my friends or family members in real life would agree with IEE typing lol. I’m so in my head and such an obvious introverted lead that its gross. I am a hermit. I shun going out with people, I do not like meeting new people, lol. I’ve mentioned this before. I think there are some posts mentioning it near the end here “” (post 126, I added this now as the 2nd spoiler) , and I also have a spoiler tag on one of the post that is basically a diary of updates I kept whilst trying not further annoy people with stuff about my typing.

    1D Si is a huge stretch as is leading with an extroverted function. I tried to make it work and deluded myself into believing it could just so I could have a damn typing. 4D Si may have it’s issues though as I am not huge on caretaking. When I read Gulenko’s book I knew in my gut I wasn’t going to like what I saw for IEE, but I was hoping that I would. What I mean is, I knew there would be too much wrong with it. Honestly EII had plenty of issues as well. SEI, SEE, IEI and ESI were all more fitting description wise. There were some things that worked in both IEE and EII however and I know descriptions, especially Gulenko’s, are far from everything. Filatova’s IEE gallery and most galleries I’ve seen don’t work. I VI the most closely to EII in terms of my actual face, though I do have a more relaxed posture and thinks I VI SEI, which I don’t’ really see, but maybe he means body language.
    I remember talking to my mom, in trying to type her SEI or EII and us concluding she wasn’t Te PoLr. I then caught myself saying, “Yeah you aren’t lazy like I am, I’d probably be more likely to be that” and having an “oh shit is Sol right” type moment. Lol, but like I said, there are some issues with SEI on the more caretaker and wearing a mask of happiness aspects. I don’t wear a mask of happiness at all and I’m more inclined to show I’m unhappy, even if not wanting to necessarily talk about it, much like the EII.
    There is of course, still IEI, but I probably don’t match up to beta quite enough. I relate to plenty of IEI in the descriptions but run into similar “cheering people up”- creative Fe points, much like I do with SEI. I would sooner say Se PoLr is a possibility than 1D Si. Se PoLr works in many facets of my life, though I have grown stronger in this department. Se role does work as well, they both do in different areas. Se ignoring, I’m not sure how I feel about that one.
    Bottom line though is that my being an Ne lead or an extroverted lead is pretty unlikely, which I knew internally from the very beginning. The idea of being an IEE or an extratim can be helpful in pushing myself out of my shell, one of which I am very much in, hence spending so much time online, but it is a lie. Sometimes I think my typing videos are influenced as well. I had an ESI typing as my first typing into all this and I sometimes think I may have subconsciously shown more Ne to combat that. Internally, I’ve always felt I was introverted and intuitive, my MBTI is undoubtedly INFP (I very much lead with Fi in that system with good Ne aux implemented into my fantasy stories and such, Si tertiary with a strong memory and inclination for comfort, and Te inferior as I am a lazy bitch, though one who doesn’t feel comfortable living in squalor and is attentive to her surrounding environment).
    So, I’m done living the IEE lie and listening to people close enough to half my age (not directed at most people here, I discuss this stuff elsewhere) and arrogant as hell on the internet. I’m very glad I met my friend in person who thought I could be IEE as well and soon learned upon meeting me how very wrong that typing is. It was relieving to see someone see what I knew deep down all along. I wrote off people like my dad saying, “No way” to IEE because it was just a description and he doesn’t know the system. He seemed open to IEI, EII and ESI, but not so much SEI, though I may show him some other text to see if that changes things. I can see Ne-seeking in some past relations and in who I had some more fruitful relationships with, though most my friendships have been with other NF’s and I think all in all I belong more to this club. I do use Ni decently which often shows up on tests. I have Ni interests, tastes and a lot of reflecting on past and future, so I’m not sure where that fits into all of this. Ah, also a fair amount of people who have watched my videos such as @Emily said they did not see Ti PoLr. She pointed out how I stop to think a lot too. If people want to claim I’m Ti PoLr because I’ve had a hard time with my socionics typing, that is fine. My dad thought one of my potential typings was LII lol so I guess he doesn’t see it and I can see why. My one beta NF friend (probably EIE) always refers to me as “sweet” and “logical”. I could still see how Ti PoLr works though and it wouldn’t bother me at this point if it were my PoLr, but I’m not so sure that it is. As I mentioned before, in person and with clients (I have worked in behavioral health for years), I have a cooler and more rational approach. I am very analytical. I would like to work doing intake assessments as I feel I thrive more in that sort of “figuring things out, putting puzzle pieces together” mode, diagnostics and the like far better than being any sort of motivating or enthusiastic force. Whether or not I am “sweet” varies depending on setting and level of closeness. I am categorical and I make lists. As far as irrationality and rationality, I check near an equal amount of boxes there, I would need to see a more thorough list to know for sure. Intratim vs Extratim, undoubtedly more intratim boxes.
    I’m not going to edit this and just roll with it as I am at work and don’t really want to, but if I’m IEE I am VERY harmonizing subtype. I don’t think I’m going to give too much thought to online relations anymore as there is so much lacking in interactions and people’s actual selves over the net, for some more than others. I am one of those people who happens to be pretty different in person. Despite some issues in descriptions, I’m instinctively going toward EII-Fi, but I have given SEI a lot of consideration. I’m not an archetypal portrait of any of the types but finding loopholes for intratim types with more than 1D Si is far more likely than finding them for the reverse. Am I the most introverted person on the planet? No, I’m like an average introvert who can be extroverted with friends, but I lose energy from lengthy interactions fast. Unless it’s like, my boyfriend, at times, maybe, and even then, I often like the whole “be together, but do our own thing” when we are together with interacting mixed in. The internet is easy to have human interactions on in part for that very reason. You can step away; you are caught in a situation where you end up feeling drained or uncomfortable. This isn’t about social anxiety either. Yeah I had it when I was young, but I don’t think I do in a really significant way anymore. In my line of work I’ve been seeking out (if I even stick to this line of work) a less intensive person-focused position because it is draining. I learned that I do like helping people, but not so at the direct, intensive level of care. I am more clinical in nature. I often have “doctor” show up on career tests as well as “designer” which I suppose could look SEI’ish. 1D Ne does feel a bit off though as well and I’m not quite sure a lot of the IR works. I think EII probably works in that sense the best. I am quite introverted and internally focused. However, I come off online, lol, whatever. Although I will say a friend I showed the typings to who has known me from internet chats nearly a decade now told me he did not see IEE, but that EII was possible. Those who know me best know how I really am and IEE isn’t near the top of the list. In another chat I got typed ESI lol (initially EII, until some dude VI'ed me as ESI and, long story). @Adam Strange saw some natural pic (caught in action as opposed to posing/forced) of when I was younger and immediately said, "Is that an EII?"(he didn't realize it was me). @xxdedxx pointed out that my eyes look "rested" like an intratim's in my photos, because I am, lol. I don’t blame people for thinking I am IEE here though and I think I came in here in bad position, post ESI typing among other things. I’ve just decided to stick to my own insight about myself which is actually pretty strong and get real with myself.

    I wanted to add as I read Sol's comment, that yes, I do have high doubts and I always did lol, but I now have finally faced the truth, without persuasion from 20-year-old's who have barely even experienced how people really operate (once again, not directed at most people here and really just some I've dealt elsewhere in all of this...I know 20-year-old's vary vastly in their life experience as well), some of which are quite frankly very arrogant and insulting. It seems like their "typing skills" are the only thing some of them have to hold onto for a sense of self-worth. I would like to say I'm not stupid, but honestly I kind of am for even giving so much credence to certain people. I've really just wanted the truth and my true typing. Sol is right that I keep removing IEE because I have high doubts. I even find it to be a bit destabilizing as it is not my actual type. There is so much wrong with it that it actually does make me stupid that I would ignore this. Sb is right that IEE are capable of being rude though.

    Last edited by thegreenfaerie; 06-23-2020 at 09:52 PM.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    I wouldn't say so, depends. Imo they have similar levels of 'rudeness'.

    And afaik sol doesn't type Aaron IEE, and both of Tallmo/Aaron had their typings questioned by others, so it's a so-so point anyway.

    Edit: most SEIs I know don't 'wear a mask of happiness' - if that helps, green.
    Si Fe is going to be more stereotypically polite and conservative than Ne Fi on average. I know what you mean, which is why I said “typically”.

    I know Tallmo and Aaron are only one example but I think they’re fairly representative. I’ve never seen either of them have their typings questioned substantially by others. Theirs are some of the most stable typings on here IMO wrt others believing their typings, which is why I used them as examples.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Si Fe is going to be more stereotypically polite and conservative than Ne Fi on average. I know what you mean, which is why I said “typically”.

    I know Tallmo and Aaron are only one example but I think they’re fairly representative. I’ve never seen either of them have their typings questioned substantially by others. Theirs are some of the most stable typings on here IMO wrt others believing their typings, which is why I used them as examples.
    Not necessarily. Si and Fe can be pretty bitchy and NeFi can be pretty polite. In fact, I would say that IEE can be pretty insistent on social politeness, while SEIs can be pretty dramatic. But anyone can be bitchy, and anyone can be polite. I myself have known quite a few SEIs who were argumentative.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyne View Post
    me be like imma type only those with static types
    @aster: ESI-Fi
    @Baboooshka: LII-Ne
    @flames: SEE-Fi
    @Number 9 large: SLE-Se
    @ooo: EII-Ne
    @thegreenfaerie: EII-Fi
    Babs LII? That's a new one!

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Not necessarily. Si and Fe can be pretty bitchy and NeFi can be pretty polite. In fact, I would say that IEE can be pretty insistent on social politeness, while SEIs can be pretty dramatic. But anyone can be bitchy, and anyone can be polite. I myself have known quite a few SEIs who were argumentative.
    Yeah, I agree. My ESE grandmother has a tendency to insult people in public. Recently she was talking to someone she knew, and questioned why he was still single: "why, are you gay or something?" Today she mentioned to me on the phone that she was "better than" my mother. I'm not sure that was a joke.

    My SEI ex was also very argumentative.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Not necessarily. Si and Fe can be pretty bitchy and NeFi can be pretty polite. In fact, I would say that IEE can be pretty insistent on social politeness, while SEIs can be pretty dramatic. But anyone can be bitchy, and anyone can be polite. I myself have known quite a few SEIs who were argumentative.
    I fucking said “typically”, twice already. That means I know it’s not always. Fuck off. Fuck all of you who liked his post also.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    I'm not an IEE, but I'm likely not an IEI either.
    You are IEE to me.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I fucking said “typically”, twice already. That means I know it’s not always. Fuck off. Fuck all of you who liked his post also.
    Not necessarily typically.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Babs LII? That's a new one!
    And pretty wrong. There are very few things that I'm certain of, but one thing that I'm certain of is that out of all the Ne/Si types that I could be, LII is at the very bottom of the list. SEI, maybe EII, IEE, maybe even ILE could all be argued for in my case, but LII is thousands of leagues under the sea
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baboooshka View Post
    And pretty wrong. There are very few things that I'm certain of, but one thing that I'm certain of is that out of all the Ne/Si types that I could be, LII is at the very bottom of the list. SEI, maybe EII, IEE, maybe even ILE could all be argued for in my case, but LII is thousands of leagues under the sea
    @woofwoofl has used that emoji so much that he pretty much owns it and it's weird to see others using it lol.

    Back to typing: I have done some more thinking about @sbbds's type and I feel an increasing certainty about her type being SEI.

    I've noticed that you have a tendency to be rather irascible and emotionally labile, far moreso than is normal for any SLE I've ever seen. Pretty much all the SLEs I've known have been fairly emotionally stable and more of a phlegmatic character in one on one interaction. They don't make posts like the one you did above.

    I'm not implying any of that as a negative character trait. I'm just saying that your personality resembles what I've known SEIs to be. They are very capable of expressing an ill temper and negative emotionality when they're upset about something, and you seem to do that very effectively.

    Wouldn't it be funny and a bit ironic if I turned out to be ESI like you said, but you ended up being SEI? That would almost be poetic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Wouldn't it be funny and a bit ironic if I turned out to be ESI like you said, but you ended up being SEI? That would almost be poetic.
    No because you’re WRONG.

    Lol I don’t really care tbh. You’re also telling people I’m a shitty typer meanwhile I’ve rarely seen you be correct in your typing impressions of new members. Lick my asshole.

    In all seriousness though I understand where your impressions are coming from. You’re close, but no.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pirouette View Post
    Not to get in the middle of anything, but how people think sbbds is SEI is beyond me...
    Lol, someone said this last night and I literally started laughing in real, so I feel you on that. Seems pretty odd

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baboooshka View Post
    And pretty wrong. There are very few things that I'm certain of, but one thing that I'm certain of is that out of all the Ne/Si types that I could be, LII is at the very bottom of the list. SEI, maybe EII, IEE, maybe even ILE could all be argued for in my case, but LII is thousands of leagues under the sea
    I would take it as a compliment

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    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    I would take it as a compliment
    But that means I'm a nerd, doesn't it?

    I am a nerd anyway, but not sure if LII is an upgrade or a downgrade...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baboooshka View Post
    But that means I'm a nerd, doesn't it?

    I am a nerd anyway, but not sure if LII is an upgrade or a downgrade...
    Super smart nerd or cool nerd? I think super smart one pays off more in the end... I think... er, maybe not

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pirouette View Post
    Not to get in the middle of anything, but how people think sbbds is SEI is beyond me...
    There are others?

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    No because you’re WRONG.

    Lol I don’t really care tbh. You’re also telling people I’m a shitty typer meanwhile I’ve rarely seen you be correct in your typing impressions of new members. Lick my asshole.

    In all seriousness though I understand where your impressions are coming from. You’re close, but no.
    Ok I looked up what I said in the shoutbox, and I did say that I doubt your ability to type people by saying I wasn't sure you were the best, but I can't find an instance of where I said you were a "shitty" typer. So you're putting words in my mouth there.

    Also, not just wrong, but WRONG? lol.... And somehow I'm still close?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pirouette View Post
    Yes, others have battle typed her about her being SEI in the "Your Typing of Forum Members" thread and other threads iirc.
    I'll have to check that out. I haven't seen it myself. My typing of her was based on my own judgment. Wasn't really aware of the history....

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    It really is seeming like I belong to delta > alpha

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pirouette View Post
    Yes, others have battle typed her about her being SEI in the "Your Typing of Forum Members" thread and other threads iirc.
    I’m not aware of this either lol. I think one new member in chatbox who didn’t really know me well said I gave SEI vibes off the top of their head because polite. Some other random person said I looked SEI in the members photos thread. But that’s all that I can recall on this website.
    Last edited by sbbds; 06-25-2020 at 05:07 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Ok I looked up what I said in the shoutbox, and I did say that I doubt your ability to type people by saying I wasn't sure you were the best, but I can't find an instance of where I said you were a "shitty" typer. So you're putting words in my mouth there.

    Also, not just wrong, but WRONG? lol.... And somehow I'm still close?
    Both SEI and SLE are irrational sensing negativist types who value Fe/Ti (I’m sure there are other Reinin similarities too but those are the only ones that come to my mind immediately). Also I’ve been dating an ILE for two years with conscious knowledge of socionics, practicing acting SEI and changing myself for him and also the generally more patriarchal culture I live in. So I don’t think your impressions are that far off. Close but no cigar.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    It really is seeming like I belong to delta > alpha
    I don't belong anywhere. Join me in the omega quadra xD

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    I don't belong anywhere. Join me in the omega quadra xD
    Sure, sounds good dude.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Ok I looked up what I said in the shoutbox, and I did say that I doubt your ability to type people by saying I wasn't sure you were the best, but I can't find an instance of where I said you were a "shitty" typer. So you're putting words in my mouth there.
    Also, so literal lol. Ok “intuitive type”.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Also, so literal lol. Ok “intuitive type”.
    It's not about being literal. You changed the tone of what I said to misconstrue it in a way that would work for your perspective.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    It's not about being literal. You changed the tone of what I said to misconstrue it in a way that would work for your perspective.
    Yeah does that bother you? Hint towards Ne polr for you then.

    It was my perspective that you were being shitty towards me, maybe (just maybe) because I actually am Fi polr. That was your tone that I “heard”, actually.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Yeah does that bother you? Hint towards Ne polr for you then.

    It was my perspective that you were being shitty towards me, maybe (just maybe) because I actually am Fi polr. That was your tone that I “heard”, actually.
    Completely ignoring the literal content of what I said and altering the message to suit a tone that would work the way you wanted? Hint towards Te polr for you then and Fe creative.

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    @Aramas You remind me a lot of one of my first boyfriends who I met online in middle school (only one that was online only, and only for a few months mind you... I had one other boyfriend I met online, an EII, but we quickly took it to IRL), who was ESI. Of course then he wasn’t gay like you. He told me things like his dad used to tie him to chairs and hit him then leave him there all day long. He had issues and would randomly lash out at me sometimes so we broke up fairly quickly. Also he lived too far and we had no means to meet in IRL.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Completely ignoring the literal content of what I said and altering the message to suit a tone that would work the way you wanted? Hint towards Te polr for you then and Fe creative.
    Well, you were putting down my typing abilities to others while I wasn’t even there (in spite of your own lacking skills), so you fired the first shot, Mr. Non-Aggressor Master Typist.

    Completely ignoring literal content is not a good argument for 4D Si for me. Although, more people comment that I am too literal on here. You completely ignoring the contextual situation and taking issue with that is a pointer towards 4D Si / Ne polr for yourself though.

  32. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Well, you were putting down my typing abilities to others while I wasn’t even there (in spite of your own lacking skills), so you fired the first shot, Mr. Non-Aggressor Master Typist.

    Completely ignoring literal content is not a good argument for 4D Si for me. You completely ignoring the contextual situation and taking issue with that is a pointer towards 4D Si / Ne polr for yourself though.
    I feel like we're probably not going to convince each other no matter what we do.

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    Lots of hot takes I see.
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baboooshka View Post
    Lots of hot takes I see.
    The best kind of takes

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    @Aramas You remind me a lot of one of my first boyfriends who I met online in middle school (only one that was online only, and only for a few months mind you... I had one other boyfriend I met online, an EII, but we quickly took it to IRL), who was ESI. Of course then he wasn’t gay like you. He told me things like his dad used to tie him to chairs and hit him then leave him there all day long. He had issues and would randomly lash out at me sometimes so we broke up fairly quickly. Also he lived too far and we had no means to meet in IRL.
    Yeah it sounds like he had daddy issues. People with severe parental problems have generalized reactions to them usually. In some way, they treat everyone like they are their parents. Trust issues, control issues, autonomy issues galore. That's why I speculated that types like the Boston strangler probably had mommy issues, just really bad ones.

    There's another example out there like the crying serial killer that's pretty freaky. He would do a killing and then call the police crying saying he didn't want to do it but couldn't help himself. On some unconscious level, he was interpreting all the women he killed as his mother and asserting himself against them as a way of evening the score with his mom by proxy.

    Enneagram is pretty accurate about defense mechanisms. People will either comply, withdraw, or assert.

    But I see you there trying to frame me questioning your type in terms of daddy issues by drawing a connection between me and that guy lol. Or were there other reasons we seemed similar?
    Last edited by Aramas; 06-25-2020 at 04:36 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    @thegreenfaerie & @Aramas are respectively LII and EII, but their intuitive subtype is so strong they end up looking like their benefactors, IEI and ILI. Let's pray for their Si people
    I've never thought she seemed like an IEI... Although maybe she could be a really nice LII. I've noticed some alpha NTs seem like the nicest people I've ever met.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    @thegreenfaerie & @Aramas are respectively LII and EII, but their intuitive subtype is so strong they end up looking like their benefactors, IEI and ILI. Let's pray for their Si people
    I could actually get behind this. I have been compared to ILI characters a couple of times (I think I go ILI’ish when I’m uncomfortable sometimes). Wait, you’re calling me LII? Oh nvm. You still stand behind your typing I see
    Well my dad thinks I’m ILI, LII or SEE based on Gulenko’s descriptions lol. Basically said hell no to SEI and IEE, not that he had a very thorough read. He saw SEE in himself too, which of course, he’s an EIE so. He saw potential in IEI and EII.

    I could be EII-Ne I guess. There is a serious problem with 1D Si, but I don’t think I’m quite 4D, 2D or 3D. I will have to go through EII IE’s again, but when I consider it I don’t really see any problems with the IE’s for EII. Maybe slightly with the PoLr, but not really, not anything as bad as having 1D Si lol. Not to mention being more intratim than extratim my whole life. It’s not one of those things where I am that bad at it and in denial at all (Si). I could give a shit if I had 1D Si, I just know that I don’t for some of the reasons stated in my monologue. I’ve always realized it was a problem, but let some people convince me. I just want my damn typing I appreciate the LII typing though , maybe you should switch my typing with Aramas’s In my car and now I’m going grocery shopping now.

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