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Thread: "Typing methods without questionnaires" [behavioral nonverbal and common] by V. Talanov

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    Default "Typing methods without questionnaires" [behavioral nonverbal and common] by V. Talanov

    V. Talanov is mostly known for long years developing of huge typing tests with 8 Jung's functions.

    This article is one of the first (2002 year) about indirect typing, where among different it describes elements of nonverbal VI - the typing by intuitive impressions from nonverbal behavior. It's done there for dichotomies only. It's one of early works of the author. The article was done under significant influence by E. Filatova. The interesting part of the article is mostly limited by descriptions of nonverbal behavior.
    It needs to note, that nonverbal VI is not limited by dichotomies and also allows to suppose which functions are in ego block, which are strong/weak, valued/nonvalued, functions specifics of the place in model A, IR effects with the typer. For this may be used the existing descriptions and then tried to be intuitively felt in a human by a typer - closer to traits if which types the human is and in what degree - to assume the possibilities of different types.

    The text has 2 parts: 1st part is theoretical ; 2nd part is an example of the analysis for V. Putin's type (ILI). 1st part was published in a paper book "Справочник практического психолога" [Handbook of practical psychologist] by V. Talanov, I. Malkina-Pykh (2002). That book besides general psychology includes some Socionics theory as types descriptions and other. 2nd part was also published in a small paper brochure "Психологический портрет Владимира Путина" [Psychological portrait of Vladimir Putin] by V. Talanov (2000).
    A note: during 1993-1995 Talanov was a deputy in Russian parliament. There is a good possibility that Putin is informed about books published about him, especially by politically active people. So, thanks to Talanov, Putin may to know about Socionics and even what is thought about his type there. I agree, that Putin's type is ILI, though later Talanov has changed his opinion to LSI.


    Mainly, the interesting part for the translation is 1st one - as a text for beginners. My language is not so good to translate to English non-technical info.

    A variant of English translation of the 1st part, with sometimes doubtful terms to explain the sense, seems changes without pointing that those were done, doubtful additons made by translators and strange heading. The overal correctness and the quality of the translation could be better.

    The experimental proof of usefulness for inuitive-nonverbal typing method exists since 2015.
    Last edited by Sol; 08-06-2023 at 12:20 PM.

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    FWIW I always considered Putin LSI, rejecting the ILI typing. It is really interesting to see a very good Pro who not just understands Russian who once thought ILI CHANGE to LSI, but especially since he knew him sorta/somewhat. Anyone translate the analyses?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Quez View Post
    It is really interesting to see a very good Pro
    There is no objectively based certification of typing skills to claim someone as "very good Pro".
    Based on low real typing matches (<20% average) in experiments when typers did not know opinions of other typers beforehand, may be supposed that all "good Pro" have real typing matches with anyone <50%, what generally means they identify types with significant % of mistakes. There is high degree of speculativity in all today opinions about someones types. And high levels of conformism, especially among novices who did not typed much completely themselves to trust own typing skills and have no experience to understand good the typology.

    > he knew him sorta/somewhat

    He had no significant or informal communication with Putin to be able type him significantly better based on common behavior. While for VI videos are good enough. VI is better in the case of surface and limited comminications. When he more followed to VI - he had more chances to be correct from the method's side and there thought Putin's type as ILI (mb up to 2006).

    The opinion about Putin's type as LSI could appear under the influence of image makers and propaganda. They followed to idea of make "personal cult" - a face to respesent people who controll Russia at now, a face to which people trust and like. The previous Russian leader which had (while being at power) high respect from people was Stalin (LSI), while others were too long ago. They also returned the hymn's music of USSR, soviet-like patriotism with some anti-westernism. They have copied symbols of the respected past into the image of post-USSR power and elements of more centralized control. Stalin is the most respected and influencing USSR leader, which had most of positive practical achievements among them, so they should choose his elements for TV-face of the power. While in nonverbal people are more natural, than in any external info about them.

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