I think this is the most difficult type for me to identify in real life for some reason. Could be because they're known for being quiet so they don't really stand out a lot most of the time, or because they're apparently more soft than the other se egos. All the video examples come off as very "completely normal person", there's not really any distinctive mannerisms or pattern I can detect from those. And Ne Polr is also really hard to put my finger on, it seems to manifest in anxiety and a blindness to possibilities?? but anxiety is a very typical trait for many different people of the socion. Good S also usually translates to good style, but there are also many ESIs that don't dress up a lot, especially males, so style is also kind of unhelpful too. Basically, their mental image in my head is very fuzzy.

What trait/mannerism is completely distinct to ESI? Especially compared to EII and LSI, which I get stuck choosing between a lot. Anything that helps capture their essence or vibe would be helpful, thanks! kudos