I'm not married but I am dating a dual (and living with one since coronavirus forced us to move in together or not see each other for however long quarantine lasts).

I probably would have dated him even without socionics. It would have felt weird having someone so seemingly different from me and yet also exactly the same as me. I don't really know how to describe it. But also it's not a magic pill and if we hadn't had so many similar experiences, particularly in recent years where we've developed the same framework and language to speak to each other*, I'm not sure how well we could have bridged our differences.

* we met at a buddhist centre and come from circles of friends that are very open and honest emotionally. LSI said this has helped him 1) deal with other people's emotions and 2) be able to express his. I've never had issue expressing mine but I have had issues with not being manipulative and victimy about how I express them or just being really honest about them.