Quote Originally Posted by Tommy View Post
me. But I met him before knowing about socionics or mbti.

what do you mean? please elaborate
Usually people meet a dual before knowing about Socionics. In my case, I guess I had a semi-duality experience. So, I'm asking the opposite, if there are cases where people met their duals because of Socionics, that is, people who know Socionics have a higher chance of meeting a dual and marryig them, or maybe it ruins everything. In my intuition, knowing Socionics increases drastically this probabilty, because you know what to look for, and you can test a candidate for duality to see if the dinamics is what was expected, and therefore test whether the relatio is actually duality. But in practice it may not be the case, as I for example, I don't know how to create a favorable situation for dualization to occur (yet)