The idea of picking up women is just too Ne, you never get satisfied with one girl, and the idea of getting their phone number is more exciting than actually having anything with them. What do you guys think about them?
The idea of picking up women is just too Ne, you never get satisfied with one girl, and the idea of getting their phone number is more exciting than actually having anything with them. What do you guys think about them?
Don Juans - extroverted ethical types especially ENXx.
Pickup artist - seems logical and figures out or abides the rules. Hard to say any further [I doubt Ne leading because so called rules unless for field study].
Winning is for losers
Sincerely yours,
idiosyncratic type
Life is a joke but do you have a life?
Joinif you dare
Looks like gamma torture game, lol
Somehow reminds me Adam's stories in wilderness
This is pure gold
Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 04-17-2020 at 10:11 PM.
Winning is for losers
Sincerely yours,
idiosyncratic type
Life is a joke but do you have a life?
Joinif you dare
Regardless of the answer, 'picking up women' is always a scam and a hoax. I feel sorry for any heterosexual male that falls for it... it's really dumb.
In nature and in all mammals, men never do the picking up - women do. Women choose regardless and it has nothing to do with the man's 'game.' If a woman lets a beta male fuck her and genuinely enjoys it - then she is a little dykey or powerful herself naturally anyway and it turns her on a bit because there was chemistry that was always there organically anyway, what the poor man did or not had nothing at all to do with it. Even though in a general sense, we all tend to think of heterosexuality as 'powerful, arrogant man fucks timid and yielding woman and she loves it.'
Men who are arrogant and extroverted and 6 foot 4+ and good looking get a lot of women not because they are good at 'picking them up' - but because duh.
They're ENTp snake-oil salesmen
Some are. I haven't met many, but one was ILE-Dominant, and another was SEE-Creative
The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.
(Jung on Si)
Didn't know they called those artists
Sasha Daygame - IEE
Julian Himself - ILE
Todd V - ILI
Dan Bacon - LII...?
Brian Begins - IEI...?
Tyler -IEE
James Marshall - IXE
There's also some guy whose SLI
Last edited by Lord Pixel; 04-18-2020 at 10:56 PM.
Weird question.
not Ne but hilarious anyway.
So is Don Juan also subspecies of a pick up artist? To me this genre is strictly logical. Study, observe, learn, practice, play with odds. It does not seem a natural inclination. Debate me!
But as there is money to be made. I'd think that some ethical types are top educators in this scene.
Winning is for losers
Sincerely yours,
idiosyncratic type
Life is a joke but do you have a life?
Joinif you dare
Ne leading means Si suggestive. This predisposes to the addictivity to sex.
Also, P types have (in average) more chaotic behavior and this relates to sexual choices too. Other P types may to have own motivations for higher number of sexual partners. It's lesser clear about this difference between them.