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Thread: Are intuitive people more prone to experiencing psychosis?

  1. #1
    I say brilliant things sporadically BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    Default Are intuitive people more prone to experiencing psychosis?

    Psychosis is generally associated with excessively high levels of dopamine in the brain. Also, dopamine is highly associated with learning and hyperactivity (I believe) of thought. Given these facts, I add that I have experienced psychosis twice in my life, but the only difference that I really observed is that my ability to reason was severely obscured during these episodes. So in a sense it is as though I was constantly experiencing a low level of psychosis during my whole life, and it just got higher and higher to be noticed, and I wonder if one could say the same about Ne egos (especially Ne leading). (Now I have been taking medicine to lower my level of this neurotransmitter, and it's making me dumb). So is there any correlation between psychosis and intuition?

  2. #2

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    ILE-Ti are less likely to be psychotic than all the other types.

  3. #3
    Aramas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    Psychosis is generally associated with excessively high levels of dopamine in the brain. Also, dopamine is highly associated with learning and hyperactivity (I believe) of thought. Given these facts, I add that I have experienced psychosis twice in my life, but the only difference that I really observed is that my ability to reason was severely obscured during these episodes. So in a sense it is as though I was constantly experiencing a low level of psychosis during my whole life, and it just got higher and higher to be noticed, and I wonder if one could say the same about Ne egos (especially Ne leading). (Now I have been taking medicine to lower my level of this neurotransmitter, and it's making me dumb). So is there any correlation between psychosis and intuition?

    There might be an association between psychosis and Ni, but idk. Psychosis is defined as "a break from reality." But that all depends on how you define reality. Do you think hallucinations are psychosis? Delusions? Most of the world is deluded at all times. I've certainly had some false beliefs before.

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