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Thread: Type Me If You Can ;)

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    Cherry's Avatar
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    Cool Type Me If You Can ;)

    I'm looking for external perspectives on my type since I can't settle at all. Both Socionics and Enneagram opinions are welcome.

    What is beauty What is love?
    Beauty is one of my values. Is whatever touches you in a way that I can't describe in words. It's aesthetical, but not necessarily material or concrete. Love is the world's most powerful force, a feeling way deeper than affection, it transforms whoever feels it.

    What are your most important values?
    Freedom. Truth. Beauty. Passion. Excellence. Justice.

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I don't believe in religion, it was created to control men and kill in its name. I believe in God above all, and that he lives inside os us and not in a church on in heaven. I believe in the power of Jesus Christ' name and therefore that he exists, but not necessarily in he biblical sense. I believe the Bible was greatly edited and changed in a way as to keep us from significant information. My beliefs are informed by personal experience, research and intuition.

    Opinion on wars and the military? What is power to you?
    The perfect way to keep men in line, scared and in need of help and guidance. The oldest way there is to control the course of history. Power is the ability to make things happen. The only type of power that is truly valuable in every sense is personal power, because it can't be bought or taken away.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    Usually my long conversations are about the state of the world, what brought us here, and what's to come. I'm very into researching reality, I've been into most call "conspiracy theories" for 10 years now, as my mom has, so we watch material on that and discuss it. We also discuss what happens around us at work and school, people we know etc, how all that reflects the state of humanity. I've been into psychology since my teenage years and into typology since I was 21, so I dedicate a lot of time to that and like to include the when discussing people. I also have like to discuss my interests of course, but at the moment I don't know anyone in real life that simultaneously share them and is compatible with me. I love the arts, particularly anything that involves music, singing, dancing. Also love visual arts like photography and filmography. Human appearance can make a masterpiece, I'm really into finding what's the most harmonious colors, hair cut and lines to wear.

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?

    I'm also interest in the best nutrition for different body types, and the human body geometry is highly interesting to me in an aesthetical sense, I've been studying several different systems of classifying body shapes and types. I also enjoy culinary, but I prefer to watch other people cooking and eating than cooking myself. I don't have much patience for recipes that are too complex or have a lot of steps. I cook really well but I prefer practical recipes I can change to my liking.

    What do you think of daily chores?
    Really dislike them and have had terrible discipline and attending to them until recently. I always either completely forgot what I had to do, or procrastinated until I had to speed through them. I've gotten much better through forcing myself to do them early and not take many breaks between them.

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.:
    Books that really impacted me were The Picture of Dorian Grey, American Gods, the Harry Potter series, anything Stephen King, the Sandman series, Agatha Christie mysteries. Favorite movies are They Lived, The Network, Parasite, Doctor Sleep, Pleasantville, The Hours, Stepford Wives. I also liked the recent Lock & Key Netflix series and plan on reading the graphic novels. I love Stranger Things and the recent Hotel the Luna korean drama.

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    The last couple of years I've been getting emotional much more easily. Beauty makes me cry sometimes because true beauty is rare and so human. I also find myself tearing up when I watch people (either in a competition show or in fiction) that I can see are like me going through things that also scare me or hurt me. Basically, seeing "myself" on screen, I have a huge tendency to self insert. I see humour in many things, the ironies of life and people for example.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    When I'm working on an artistic performance of some kind. Also during the first semester of my Translator & Interpret course, I never had been part of a group where I felt that sense of unity with people, neither before or after it.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    People have accused me of being cold, too harsh, not empathetic, too critical when it comes to quality. I dislike my insecurity when it comes to my competence, and how I set this incredibly high standards for myself and pressure myself so much to attain them, and when I can't I feel like a failure.

    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I'm trying out some methods to be more organized with my time and things. I'm trying out the Pomodoro method for productivity, also working out every day, but at different times and doing different exercise programs so I don't get bored and quit etc.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.:
    No I haven't. If anything my problem is exactly the opposite: I don't stick to things and give up on them when I lose interest.

    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I like honest, mature, passionate, sensitive people. I can't stand people that are: dishonest, unethical, hollow, apathetic, immature, arrogant, unsensitive, severely lacking in empathy and crude.

    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    I do not believe in the whole "romantic dual" aspect of the theory, therefore this question is irrelevant.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I wouldn't, so I haven't given much thought to it. But I know for sure I'd be a lot more strict and at the same time encouraging then most parents I've seen. My mom's a teacher, so I hear a lot of stories.

    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    If it's something that is illogical I'll correct them, or challenge them to prove their point. If it's just something I don't agree with but it's inconsequential then I'll either not say anything, or maybe ask about it, I'm curious about people differences. But if it clashes with my moral/ethical code then I'll be disappointed, maybe disgusted and it'll change the way I see tem, and if I even want to be friends with them anymore. I'll let them know right away.

    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.:
    Society is corrupt and lost, humans are good, but also intelligent so looking around, I don't know how many of us actually exist among the cardboard people. The biggest issue is stupidity, not thinking, or not having individual critical thought at least. Also the complete lack of human values while worshipping social status and appearances.

    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    My friendships have been circumstantial, people I chose among the available ones. People I share interests with and similar values, but different personalities as I'm attracted to that. The second question is stupid, the only people who can accurately describe how I behave are others, not myself. But I've observed couple patterns: I tend to be the unofficial leader of the pack, people tend to want my opinion and advice.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    Again, terrible question. How am I supposed to know? What type of strangers are we talking about? How's my mood that day? It's so vague. I can be either silent or very friendly and talkative, very observant or detached: it all depends on several factors, I'm not always the same.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I'm a translator & Interpret. My mom suggested I take this course when I was 16 since I self taught myself English when I was 12, and prefered that to my native language. I quit during the second semester due to a complete lack of ethic from a teacher and the school board. I came back at 21 just because I thought it'd be psychologically good for me to finish something I started. I ended up making a living out of it. I enjoy it a lot, but it's not my calling so I have several possibilities I'm thinking of pursuing next. The only part I don't like it's the manual labor involved, so much typing.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    I want to pursue music and dancing again, whether it's professionally or at least as a hobby. It's what makes me the most happy. I also have been thinking of getting serious about photography, and maybe becoming a professional personal color analyst. I can't explain how I came to love what I do, you just see something and it impacts you and starts living inside of you.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    I'm a very hot headed person, I try hard to control my temper when I think I need to, like in public or a professional setting. I don't provoke people or insult them, but if somebody comes for me then it's fair game. If I can afford it I'll rip them to shreds with a few chosen words. It's a talent of mine to cause the most damage doing the least. I also have a vindictive streak. I don't occupy myself with it, but if the opportunity arises then I'll have my fun. I don't have any resentments within me because of this. I don't believe in letting negative feelings fester, you gotta let them out.

    What did you do last Friday?
    My mom made cream fish and a wonderful dessert make of pastry cream and lemon meringue, we ate it while watching the Great Canadian Bake Off and other cooking shows. We also watched The Profit and A Nefertiti History Channel documentary. It was a cold day spent in bed eating and spending time together.

    Don't be shy,folks
    Last edited by Cherry; 04-16-2020 at 06:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Seems EII to me. Dostoevsky.

    I thought at first you could alternatively be IEI, because of the low Te and the lack of work ethic, but then the Te-seeking, the strong Fi-ethics in quitting over an unethical teacher, the Caregiver-seeking, the Si-food appreciation and color analysis all appeared, and my biases all said EII.

    A distance second could be IEE. I can't tell if you are extroverted or not. I'm thinking that you are introverted, though, because the woman in the video that you first posted influenced me. Your voice is kind of extroverted.

    If you really want to know your type, stick around and interact. Also, post some pictures for VI.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 04-16-2020 at 07:21 PM.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Cherry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Seems EII to me. Dostoevsky.

    I thought at first you could alternatively be IEI, because of the low Te and the lack of work ethic, but then the Te-seeking, the strong Fi-ethics in quitting over an unethical teacher, the Caregiver-seeking, the Si-food appreciation and color analysis all appeared, and my biases all said EII.

    A distance second could be IEE. I can't tell if you are extroverted or not. I'm thinking that you are introverted, though, because the woman in the video that you first posted influenced me. Your voice is kind of extroverted.

    If you really want to know your type, stick around and interact. Also, post some pictures for VI.

    I find it really weird that you'd somehow assume that people resemble the characters of gifs they like. In any case, that woman is an Extrovert both on and off screen. Also a tip: you might wanna not accuse anyone of lacking work ethic when you don't know them at all, specially on their own threads. It's both arrogant and rude. I'm also a very successful professional, it's laughable you'd again jump to the conclusion that me hating house chores would equal lack of effort at work. For someone who claims to be leading with logic your making way too many assumptions with little evidence.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cherry View Post
    I find it really weird that you'd somehow assume that people resemble the characters of gifs they like. In any case, that woman is an Extrovert both on and off screen. Also a tip: you might wanna not accuse anyone of lacking work ethic when you don't know them at all, specially on their own threads. It's both arrogant and rude. I'm also a very successful professional, it's laughable you'd again jump to the conclusion that me hating house chores would equal lack of effort at work. For someone who claims to be leading with logic your making way too many assumptions with little evidence.
    OK, IEE.

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