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Thread: authoritarian personalities and the absence of Delta NFs and LIEs as psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, and mental health technicians.

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    Default authoritarian personalities and the absence of Delta NFs and LIEs as psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, and mental health technicians.

    There is a predominance of Beta quadra types and ILE-Ti as nurses and especially as psychiatric nurses. There are never any IEE or EII or LIE as psychiatrists or psychiatric nurses. Blacks are very under-represented among psychiatric employees while Asians are over-represented.

    The Betas (and ILE-Ti and ESI-Se) remain calm, have well-above average cognitive empathy and well-below average affective empathy and that the Delta NFs don't feel comfortable giving treatment to people who wish to not have it and are afraid, possibly disturbed by conflict they may see and hear in a psychiatric ward, while the Betas and ILE-Ti can remain calm and not "feeling" for the patient when the treatment they give causes the patient to suffer more while ESI-Se are imposing enough for the orders of psychiatrists and sometimes their own wishes to be carried out.

    Psychiatric workers are generally more physically/sexually attractive (like police officers), more feminine, in control of their emotions (so able to be calculatingly gentle or imposing except the ESI-Se aren't really calculating but their instincts usually work for them), more intelligent (great with independently figuring out how to use software and hardware and accessories, have above average fine visuo-motor and fine motor coordination, have great mechanical reasoning, great spatial abilities), more under-stimulated, more detail oriented, more aware of what's going on around them, prefer and are more able to come and go places as they wish, more charming, more authoritarian in personality, more materialistic, more calm under pressure, both fast and not very prone to make errors in words and movements and more independent in their personal lives and independent in the formation of their world views than the average person while being very callous. Yet LIE and Delta NFs don't have those characteristics, at least not anywhere near the same degree as the ILE-Ti, Beta NFs, and ESI-Se; the LIE and Delta NFs aren't successful in charming people, can never get what they want from being pleasant and they're not good at creating rule systems and enforcing authoritarian rules.

    This was just food for enjoyable thought (hopefully for others in addition to myself) and discussion.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 04-16-2020 at 04:28 AM.

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    I COULD help those people, but I don’t want to.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I COULD help those people, but I don’t want to.
    Interesting. LIEs usually want to help; they're one of the most self-sacrificing types. They're probably the most compassionate, self-sacrificing logical type and more self-sacrificing than many ethical types; they have a much more difficult time saying no than say EIEs do and LIEs are slightly more docile; young EIEs are not open to being disciplined or to limitations of using others' property being placed on them (most young EIEs have pretty poor understanding of social systems and even many older ones lack cognitive empathy; despite being ethical types, they're usually pretty poor at understanding justice and comparing ethical systems but I think that may have something to do with them being Dynamic types however ESI and especially IEE also usually have a difficult time with that... SEE-Se seem to have the clearest understanding of justice of all the ethical types but even then the policies most support are shitty and haven't worked in America; ILE-Ti and then LII and to a lesser extent, LSI-Se and some older SLE-Ti are really the only types with decent independent ethical reasoning abilities, who are anywhere close to fair/good with justice, and even then the Alpha NTs are sometimes incapable of or don't care about proportionality especially with regards to force and the ILE-Ti and Beta STs will want dominance at times and the SLE-Ti can be too prone to anxiety/looking at what can go wrong in their justice reasoning, and the SLE-Ti can be too supportive of the group they belong to as can the ILE-Ti to a lesser extent, and SLE-Ti just can't give the amount of loyalty they demand and the LSI-Se are too prone to subjective moralism). So, I actually don't highly value compassion or anything; I think it would be best if everyone could just help people because they enjoy doing it; there really isn't enough happiness or contentment in this world. I don't think affective empathy is really a virtue and I tend to think it's more bad than good unless it's the only thing that will allow someone to give me what I want. Also, when taken to an extreme, affective empathy leads to or at least highly contributes to things like terrorism and nazism.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    Interesting. LIEs usually want to help;
    Depends on the day.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I COULD help those people, but I don’t want to.
    No man lives for himself alone. St. Theresa of Calcutta got the title "St." because she refused to live for herself.
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    I've known an LIE psychiatrist. Yes, he was an asshole.

    I think I might have known an IEE therapist but I'm not sure.

    There are plenty of IEE psychologists.

    I've known an LSI who worked in mental health. Professor Umbridge comes to mind.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    I've known an LIE psychiatrist.
    Well, was he an inpatient one?

    Yes, he was an asshole.
    Thank you. EII-Ne must really dislike most people they meet. I've noticed they're even more judgmental than I am. If someone really pisses me off, acts really stupidly or really hurts me, places disproportionate limits on me, extreme unwanted violations of my right to be free from physical aggression, and that person is just so annoying and pretentious while not being very elegant so I suspect they're alleged abilities are well below what I think their intellect would allow, then I start becoming judgmental and hating and criticizing them. But you're quite quick to call people assholes so I guess it's good to know that I'm not as judgmental I thought I was, relatively speaking.
    I think I might have known an IEE therapist but I'm not sure.
    Oh, I've known two IEE therapists, but they wouldn't do well in a psychiatric setting. I actually have come to like most mental health workers on psych units simply because I like the qualities they have which I mentioned above. I'm not super fond of IEEs, but some are ok. I don't think many of them like me very much. They seem like there weren't many people they'd consider "true friends". I admire EII-Ne for their criticism and willingness to give rebuffs, although I'm kind of intimidated by their moralism. EII-Fi are my favorite Delta type though as they're pretty good with logic, they're gentle, and they seem more open to people who like dirty stuff; they don't seem quite as judgmental as the intuitive subtype.

    There are plenty of IEE psychologists.
    Yep, agreed.

    I've known an LSI who worked in mental health. Professor Umbridge comes to mind.
    I had actually just seen an LSI in the hospital and my current outpatient one is an LSI-Se. Taking ritalin shortly after I turned 4 years old in July 1991 is really how I got in the mess I'm in (I had been having terrible violent behavior problems in my preschool class before July 1991 and then in July 1991 I was diagnosed with ADHD-C so my mom could get me put on Ritalin and then I was on that for about 2 years when I wasn't angrily violent towards other people during the 1992-93 school year; then all hell started breaking loose, i became hell on wheels, shortly after August or September 1993 when it was replaced with desoxyn for about a month, and then the psychiatrist took me off that and replaced it with pamelor and tegretol on and off until May 13 1994 when I released or pushed in the parking break to my oldest brother's 1977 Volkswagen Bus which then went rolling down the rivine and I quickly crawled out the window. My mom called my psychiatrist in short order and had him admit me to my first mental hospitalization when my MRI scan was normal and I was discharged on my first anti-psychotic plus catapres anyway; the neurologist who did the MRI scan didn't agree with the in-patient psychiatrist's Tourette's Syndrome diagnosis; I continued to be angry and punch people and be perverted, sexually attracted to and inappropriately touching girls at the pool due to so many things from large aquiline noses to lines on foreheads all throughout that summer. So even though pharmaceutical marketing says ritalin and anti-psychotics have opposing dopamine mechanisms to each other, my behavior was similar on both. But being unnecessarily medicated from an early age doesn't really excuse my behavior. If I had had the right counseling and had never taken medication then I'm sure I'd be better off today. My mother was and still is just very aggressive with the medicines, my father has always been more skeptical about them and never really demanded I take them, but I was just pressured into taking that ritalin so quickly that I didn't have a minute to think about it.)
    Last edited by Disturbed; 04-16-2020 at 11:36 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    Well, was he an inpatient one?

    Thank you. EII-Ne must really dislike most people they meet. I've noticed they're even more judgmental than I am. If someone really pisses me off, acts really stupidly or really hurts me, places disproportionate limits on me, extreme unwanted violations of my right to be free from physical aggression, and that person is just so annoying and pretentious while not being very elegant so I suspect they're alleged abilities are well below what I think their intellect would allow, then I start becoming judgmental and hating and criticizing them. But you're quite quick to call people assholes so I guess it's good to know that I'm not as judgmental I thought I was, relatively speaking.
    Oh, I've known two IEE therapists, but they wouldn't do well in a psychiatric setting. I actually have come to like most mental health workers on psych units simply because I like the qualities they have which I mentioned above. I'm not super fond of IEEs, but some are ok. I don't think many of them like me very much. They seem like there weren't many people they'd consider "true friends". I admire EII-Ne for their criticism and willingness to give rebuffs, although I'm kind of intimidated by their moralism. EII-Fi are my favorite Delta type though as they're pretty good with logic, they're gentle, and they seem more open to people who like dirty stuff; they don't seem quite as judgmental as the intuitive subtype.

    Yep, agreed.

    I had actually just seen an LSI in the hospital and my current outpatient one is an LSI-Se. Taking ritalin shortly after I turned 4 years old in July 1991 is really how I got in the mess I'm in (I had been having terrible violent behavior problems in my preschool class before July 1991 and then in July 1991 I was diagnosed with ADHD-C so my mom could get me put on Ritalin and then I was on that for about 2 years when I wasn't angrily violent towards other people during the 1992-93 school year; then all hell started breaking loose, i became hell on wheels, shortly after August or September 1993 when it was replaced with desoxyn for about a month, and then the psychiatrist took me off that and replaced it with pamelor and tegretol on and off until May 13 1994 when I released or pushed in the parking break to my oldest brother's 1977 Volkswagen Bus which then went rolling down the rivine and I quickly crawled out the window. My mom called my psychiatrist in short order and had him admit me to my first mental hospitalization when my MRI scan was normal and I was discharged on my first anti-psychotic plus catapres anyway; the neurologist who did the MRI scan didn't agree with the in-patient psychiatrist's Tourette's Syndrome diagnosis; I continued to be angry and punch people and be perverted, sexually attracted to and inappropriately touching girls at the pool due to so many things from large aquiline noses to lines on foreheads all throughout that summer. So even though pharmaceutical marketing says ritalin and anti-psychotics have opposing dopamine mechanisms to each other, my behavior was the same on both. But being unnecessarily medicated from an early age doesn't really excuse my behavior. If I had had the right counseling and had never taken medication then I'm sure I'd be better off today. My mother was and still is just very aggressive with the medicines, my father has always been more skeptical about them and never really demanded I take them, but I was just pressured into taking that ritalin so quickly that I didn't have a minute to think about it.)
    No, he wasn't an inpatient type.

    Were your family/parents shitty?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Were your family/parents shitty?
    Thank you. Yes; I pretty much hated most of my blood relatives on my mother's side and I think my mother was terrible. I would love to have been born to a more feminine mother. My mother was definitely not gentle nor feminine at all, in her movements, her loud high pitched excessively emotionally expressive voice, her face, her words, her bodily features, her emotional reactivity, her jumping to conclusions, her biases, her dependence/being demanding, her favoring of everyone being dependent on everyone else, etc. Independence is just not something she values.

    Unfortunately, I'm too masculine to ever have a family related to me by blood which I could also be really satisfied with.

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    It's the same people who sperg hardest when taboos of decency and disgust are broken. The cleanliness instinct is inseparable from iron-firsted States.

    The true antiauthoritarians are the people who can defend cannibalism or shove grubs in their genitals. Sorry, if your disgust-response is strong enough, that will manifest as moralizing, and that will inevitably manifest in the civic sphere to whatever extent you exercise power.

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    Psychologists seem IEE.
    Psychiatrists seem LSI.

    'Mental health technician' good lordy what is that- like the basic bitch minion that isn't there to psychologically judge anybody from a safe distance and is just there to help assist with the brain lobotomy equipment? That could be lots of different types. SLE, ILE, ILI, IEI or SEI come to mind.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    'Mental health technician' good lordy what is that- like the basic bitch minion that isn't there to psychologically judge anybody from a safe distance and is just there to help assist with the brain lobotomy equipment? That could be lots of different types. SLE, ILE, ILI, IEI or SEI come to mind.
    Come on someone needs to know how to use a straight jacket and dunno... handle a hollow needle. Damn... transmagnetic stimulator? Anyway ILE's do it only for experiments so be careful out there... what if I.... ummm...
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