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Thread: Questionnaire I use for associative psycho-diagnostics

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    Olga's Avatar
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    Default Choose your functions by description

    Hello, everyone. I have recorded the video to facilitate the video recordings based on questionnaire I use for associative psycho-diagnostics.
    It can be used separately but I would advice to use tests and type- analyser on the website as well.
    I give instruction on how to do it and explain each function in general terms. I hope this help people who is still in search for their type ( or subtype?) to get a more united feedback on their possible type. Allow yourself 25 minutes for this video which you can use to create your own.
    This questionnaire is the best to reveal the type and possible inconsistencies in self- perception as well as in understanding of the theory....provided the person gives detailed and honest answers. Good luck in finding your type and have fun in creating your video!
    Last edited by Olga; 04-18-2020 at 04:52 PM.
    School of Associative socionics:

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    If any of you are still looking to find their type, please, choose between these options your strong and weak functions and arrange them in the profile from the strongest to the weakest:1)

    How good are you at logics?
    In disputes and conflicts with people, you do not delve into their subjective feelings and motives but seek an objective justification for everything. Links to rules and facts convince you. You can easily understand and explain the logic of various mechanisms and devices, the actions of people on the spot and without hesitation. You usually rely on your mind and ability to think in solving problems. At the same time, you may not always understand the reaction of people to your words and what they feel and think about you. You would prefer people to say this directly to you. It is difficult for you to understand people and their motives, to interpret emotions. It’s easier for you to solve problems in the field of theoretical and applied logic, such as technology, computers, statistics, construction industry, bookkeeping etc.

    How good are you at ethics?

    You delve into the feelings, motives, needs of people. You are able to harmonize and inspire the people around you. You perefer working with peopleand value human rights and morality. You feel confident giving advice about relationships, explaining the feelings and motives of people, raising your spirits and finding words of compassion. If you quarreled with a person, you usually know what to do to make peace. You can say sorry even if it wasn’t your fault. You trust your heart more than your head.

    How good are you at intuition?
    You rely heavily on intuition to solve problems, able to read between the lines and see the potential of people and objects. You know how to make reliable forecasts regarding the development of events or to make the right choice of action. Able to use imagination and come up with a story to convince others. Easily find a way out of a difficult situation. Able to quickly recognise a thief or scammer.

    4.How good are you at sensory?

    You are a materialist who appreciates and collects wonderful quality things. You like to touch, hold, or even sniff objects to check for texture and quality. You rely heavily on your feelings. You know how to protect yourself and, if necessary, can adequately use physical force. Know how to work in conditions that may include harmful odors. Confidently act in stressful situations and do not give up. Appreciate the open and sincere people who speak business. You do not read between the lines and do not like ambiguities. You ask specific questions, like to see examples and to know more details in order to understand what is happening. You give preference to traditional and proven methods.
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    Ni – You are a reflective and sensitive person, with the gift of imagination, vague premonition and a particular interest in changes occurring in time. You are good at recreating the chronology of significant and minor events of the past, daydreaming and foreseeing the future. You often think “what if” and wonder how things may have unfold if you were able to change the past. This make you question any decision made on a spot without giving it a substantial consideration. You like to think and possibly discuss with others many outcomes before you make a decision. You do not like to rush with conclusion and enjoy the story with an open end. You prefer to step back and wait for the natural cause of events. You would not wish to make a wrong choice and regret it later. This cautious approach to life maybe considered as a passive and energy saving but suits the best to keep you safe in the conitnuosly changing world.

    Ne – You are a confident and decisive person, curious and inventive, who is quick to find the answer to any question as well as a solution to any problem. You consider many possibilities at once and have no difficulty to choose the right one on a spot. You rely on the insight and prefer brainstorming to being in doubt. You are naturally interested to expand knowledge, to work on unique projects leaning towards things that are novel and exciting. Always full of ideas you avoid restrictions that limit your fantasy flight and freedom of choice. In a search for the the workable solution you are ready to mix and match existing knowledge into something new and unthinkable. Being on a look for new exciting opportunities you are not keen giving promises to others as you do not want to miss the chance.
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    1. Fe How good are you at extroverted ethics?
    You can easily convey the mood and express emotions adequately in every situation. You know how to get from people the right emotional response; how to convince people by lifting up their mood and inspiring them for the right action. You feel a need to share your thoughts and emotions with others, to make them feel what you feel. You are a very emotional person, sensitive and tuned into emotions of other people. While you are a master of changing emotions of others to coerce, persuade, influence, transform, subdue, endear, or entice you feel that their emotions in turn can have a profound effect on how you feel.

    2. Fi How good are you at introverted ethics?
    You care a lot about the relationships with others and read people’s feelings without saying. You easily spot the nature of the relationships between people and do not hesitate to offer help and advice on how to improve the situation. Your heart is naturally guide you in understanding problems between people and deciding whois right or wrong. You follow moral norms when solving arguments and do not want to jeopardize your conscience. You are a self-critical and sincere person who prefers to hide your feelings from others. You don’t want them to know how you feel. You are not kin to use emotions to convince others or to persuade them to help you.
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