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Thread: Derail enneagram types

  1. #1
    Kill4Me's Avatar
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    Default Derail enneagram types

    Typometrics is an even bigger joke than I initially thought. It has Donald Trump typed as SEE-Se. Trump doesn't have an ounce of Fi in his ego block. I totally destroyed Soupman in a debate about this years ago. The fake socionists make the dumbest argument that because Trump won the election he's got Fi in his ego block. That's essentially the argument from the fake socionics crowd for Trump being Se Fi. It's the most retarded, ass backwards argument I've ever heard. He's SeFi because he won the election...the fck!

    But wait, it gets more insane. Typometrics then puts Edward Norton as a SLE-Ti! They then cap the section off as "Conquest and Dramatics."

    Edward Norton is a fckin' goodie two shoed nerd beta bitch telling me he's all about Conquest and Trump isn't. That's ridiculous. Watch an interview with Norton, if you raise a fist to him he'll crap his pants. srsly what planet do these people come from, they have no ability to size people up. Watch interviews with Courtney Love on her ex-boyfriend Ed Norton, she describes him as the sweetest and biggest beta bitch she ever dated...They have Jim Carrey as an SLE and Trump as an SEE. Again, Jim Carrey is wayyy more Fi than Trump. But apparently for typometrics, SLE is the ultimate beta bitch For all the typings Typometrics boosted from me (Gordon Ramsay LSE-Te, Joe Exotic LSE-Te, Ellen DeGeneres IEE-Ne, and many more, without giving me any credit I might add, it got Trump wrong...which is the easiest of all to get! know its not an IEI who did those groupings!) These are just clusterfcks of multiple VI templates for different types strewn into one type. You couldn't possibly come up with applicable descriptions for each ego based on the examples in each grouping. The structural/logical/conceptual flaws are abundant. It's great that I have inspired so much productivity in Socionics, but geezus, at least get Trump's type right!!

    socionenneagram's galleries doesn't have anything for each enneagram type, wing. They just have stackings. Don't call yourself socionenneagram if you're just going to put up postings for the stackings but not the types. That's so ghetto! they obviously have not been able to come up with a breakdown for each type, wing and stack to rival mine and if they did it, it would be like everybody else that just takes my groupings and then rearranges it.

    MY enneagram pinterest page includes stackings and enneagram type, and I've got a 3,000+ exemplars breakdown for every type wing and stack to back it up with!

    I put in the blood, sweat and tears. Socionenneagram is a joke.

    Sociotypes also boosted my SLE-Se subtype typing for Napoleon. These people have a website too with descriptions on it that nobody ever references...It goes to show how crappy Aushra's VI templates are that you can possibly come out with Napoleon and Kirsten Dunst as the same type. That makes no sense at all, same for all of them....that's almost as bad as the site I saw where they had alexander the great and renee zelwegger as the same type and subtype! Aushra's VI template for SLE-Ti sorely confuses between SLE-Ti and 3w4/4w3. Sociotypes' SLE-Ti section is majority 3w4s, I think I saw a couple fours in there. That's the limitations of working out of a one typology closed universe mindset. JUST LOOK AT THE DIFFERENCE IN QUALITY BETWEEN MY SLE-TI GROUPINGS VERSUS SOCIOTYPES GROUPINGS:

    LOOK AT MY VI TEMPLATES and go read the descriptions for SLE and Se-lead....YOU LOOK at my examples and my overall Template, anybody, I mean anybody, even off the street, with just a brain, would say NOW THAT MAKES SENSE. YEAH, cognition for FORCE, POWER, CONQUERING... sociotypes' grouping for SLE-Ti would leave anybody with a brain scratching their head, "Wait these are the conquerors?" And if you have a brain you should be like wait, that's so insane and makes no sense. And that's the point. AUshra's VI templates make no sense whatsoever. Its fake socionics. My templates give a foundation for descriptions. The templates at sociotypes are so general and entangled with multiple templates piled into one socionics type, it's a damn trainwreck. Sociotypes does have descirptions on a site nobody ever references because everybody is fed up with fake socionics...but as is plainly obvious, a lot of their examples for say SLE can't be reconciled with the description of SLE... Its like that all the way through. These people or person are not doing realism but just building air castles in the sky!
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 04-07-2020 at 01:59 AM.

  2. #2

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    I see you got Connor mccregor as 7w6?? What type do you think he is then. Thank you

  3. #3
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    here's just one example out of a 100 of how disjointed, disconnected and discombabulated socionenneagram's VI templates are. socionenneagram has Patrick Carney and Tim Lambesis both typed as ILI-Te! Wha' (BTW great chance they found Lambesis from perusing through my Stackemup Enneagram Type List.)

    look how bad socionenneagram's VI templates are:

    Lambesis and Carney clearly DO NOT VI in any way as the same socionics type and subtype. I could post pictures of these two that really really highlight how bad the VI is, and that is just one example out of many. Bottom line is not even Houdini could ever run descriptions off how disconnected and disjointed socionenneagram's VI templates are for each socionics type and subtype (and stackings as well).

    you don't have to know socionics to know that. it just rings as OFF even for newcomers. Nobody can believe that these two would be listed as having the same VI in any typology....

    the Structural, Logical, Conceptual FLaws in socionenneagram are HUGE....

    I said it before, I'll say it again. I CRACKED THE VALID VI TEMPLATES FOR EACH TYPE AND SUBTYPE.

    The VI templates for each socionics type and subtype is NOWHERE NEAR AS TIGHT AND IN SYNC AS MINE.

    so either socionenneagram is not doing VI (which means the typings are just based on arbitrary whims) or they are doing VI but are really, really bad at watch american idol sometimes. see those people who show up thinking they're going to win the contest only to find that they have the worst singing voice in the room, that's socionenneagram.

    As I said everybody but me entangles multiple VI templates into each type/subtype. The above is a perfect example.

    I am also demanding that socionenneagram CEASE AND DESIST from using the name socionenneagram and to stop presenting itself as having established a foundation for combining enneagram and socionics. Stackemup Typology has been on the front-lines for awhile now documenting and introducing both the enneagram-side groundwork and socionics-side groundwork behind Stackemup's successful unification of the enneagram and socionics. socionenneagram is infringing on stackemup Typology's brand by arbitratily and deceptively advertising itself as socionenneagram.

    Clearly, STACKEMUP TYPOLOGY is the CURE to the problem of rampant mistyping in both Enneagram and Socionics. Socionix's VI templates were better than the rest during its time (before Socionics New Wave ever came onto the scene), and should remain there as a benchmark for a step in the right direction but still has structural, logical, conceptual flaws, not nearly to the level of structural, logical, conceptual flaws that plague socionenneagram, sociotypes or typometrics.

    Stackemup Typology (Socionics)'s VI templates just takes VI to the next level in its structural, logical, conceptually flawless breakdown....its like, ya know, when a person does rubiks' cube and finally gets each side uniform, its over. I cracked the valid VI Templates for each type and subtype and as they say, the rest is history.
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 04-08-2020 at 12:32 AM.

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