Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
You said that reality changed when new ideas like the microscope came along, but reality did not change. Only our beliefs and understanding of reality changed..
I'm not sure if reality really exists independent of our perceptions of it... sure, there's this wide thing out there called the world that we look at and extrapolate based on, but what is it if it isn't our perceptions? Note that I didn't use the word belief in my argument, I was talking about raw views of it, improved as time goes on.

Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
If beliefs were reality, we wouldn't be trying to understand nature because it would already conform to our beliefs. It would be turtles all the way down.

Besides all the denial of scientific discovery that's evident that I could be using as proof here, reality is not what webelieve, but the verified, continually updated collective mental model we have of it (scientific). It's possible to draw a line of best fit and say this is probably real, but we don't know if what our metrics are measuring is actually "reality".